This sample application demonstrates how to connect with Golioth and configure logging backend to send system logs to Golioth.
- Golioth credentials
- Network connectivity
Configure the following Kconfig options based on your Golioth credentials:
- GOLIOTH_SYSTEM_CLIENT_PSK_ID - PSK ID of registered device
- GOLIOTH_SYSTEM_CLIENT_PSK - PSK of registered device
by adding these lines to configuration file (e.g. prj.conf
This application has been built and tested with QEMU x86 (qemu_x86).
On your Linux host computer, open a terminal window, locate the source code
of this sample application (i.e., samples/logging
) and type:
$ west build -b qemu_x86 samples/logging
$ west build -t run
See Networking with QEMU on how to setup networking on host and configure NAT/masquerading to access Internet.
Configure the following Kconfig options based on your WiFi AP credentials:
by adding these lines to configuration file (e.g. prj.conf
On your host computer open a terminal window, locate the source code of this
sample application (i.e., samples/logging
) and type:
$ west build -b esp32 samples/logging
$ west flash
See ESP32 for details on how to use ESP32 board.
This subsection documents using nRF52840 DK running Zephyr with offloaded ESP-AT WiFi driver and ESP32-WROOM-32 module based board (such as ESP32 DevkitC rev. 4) running WiFi stack. See AT Binary Lists for links to ESP-AT binaries and details on how to flash ESP-AT image on ESP chip. Flash ESP chip with following command: write_flash --verify 0x0 PATH_TO_ESP_AT/factory/factory_WROOM-32.bin
Connect nRF52840 DK and ESP32-DevKitC V4 (or other ESP32-WROOM-32 based board) using wires:
nRF52840 DK | ESP32-WROOM-32 |
P1.01 (RX) | IO17 (TX) |
P1.02 (TX) | IO16 (RX) |
P1.03 (CTS) | IO14 (RTS) |
P1.04 (RTS) | IO15 (CTS) |
P1.05 | EN |
Configure the following Kconfig options based on your WiFi AP credentials:
by adding these lines to configuration file (e.g. prj.conf
On your host computer open a terminal window, locate the source code of this
sample application (i.e., samples/logging
) and type:
$ west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 samples/logging
$ west flash
On your host computer open a terminal window, locate the source code of this
sample application (i.e., samples/logging
) and type:
$ west build -b nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns samples/logging
$ west flash
This is the output from the serial console:
[00:00:00.100,000] <wrn> net_sock_tls: No entropy device on the system, TLS communication may be insecure!
[00:00:00.100,000] <inf> net_config: Initializing network
[00:00:00.100,000] <inf> net_config: IPv4 address:
[00:00:00.100,000] <dbg> golioth_logging.main: Start Logging sample
[00:00:00.100,000] <inf> golioth_logging: Initializing golioth client
[00:00:00.100,000] <inf> golioth_logging: Golioth client initialized
[00:00:00.100,000] <dbg> golioth_logging.main: Debug info! 0
[00:00:00.100,000] <dbg> golioth_logging.func_1: Log 1: 0
[00:00:00.100,000] <dbg> golioth_logging.func_2: Log 2: 0
[00:00:00.100,000] <wrn> golioth_logging: Warn: 0
[00:00:00.100,000] <err> golioth_logging: Err: 0
[00:00:00.100,000] <inf> golioth_logging: Counter hexdump
00 00 00 00 |....
[00:00:00.100,000] <inf> golioth_logging: Starting connect
[00:00:00.110,000] <inf> golioth_logging: Client connected!
[00:00:05.110,000] <dbg> golioth_logging.main: Debug info! 1
[00:00:05.110,000] <dbg> golioth_logging.func_1: Log 1: 1
[00:00:05.110,000] <dbg> golioth_logging.func_2: Log 2: 1
[00:00:05.110,000] <wrn> golioth_logging: Warn: 1
[00:00:05.110,000] <err> golioth_logging: Err: 1
[00:00:05.110,000] <inf> golioth_logging: Counter hexdump
01 00 00 00 |....
[00:00:10.120,000] <dbg> golioth_logging.main: Debug info! 2
[00:00:10.120,000] <dbg> golioth_logging.func_1: Log 1: 2
[00:00:10.120,000] <dbg> golioth_logging.func_2: Log 2: 2
[00:00:10.120,000] <wrn> golioth_logging: Warn: 2
[00:00:10.120,000] <err> golioth_logging: Err: 2
[00:00:10.120,000] <inf> golioth_logging: Counter hexdump
02 00 00 00
This is how logs are visible
$ goliothctl logs
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:WARN module:"golioth_logging" message:"Warn: 0" metadata:{fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:9}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:INFO module:"golioth_logging" message:"Golioth client initialized" metadata:{fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:5}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:INFO module:"golioth_logging" message:"Initializing golioth client" metadata:{fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:4}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:INFO module:"net_config" message:"IPv4 address:" metadata:{fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:2}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:INFO module:"golioth_logging" message:"Client connected!" metadata:{fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:13}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:110000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:INFO module:"golioth_logging" message:"Starting connect" metadata:{fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:12}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:ERROR module:"golioth_logging" message:"Err: 0" metadata:{fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:10}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:INFO module:"net_config" message:"Initializing network" metadata:{fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:1}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:WARN module:"net_sock_tls" message:"No entropy device on the system, TLS communication may be insecure!" metadata:{fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:0}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:INFO module:"golioth_logging" message:"Counter hexdump" metadata:{fields:{key:"hexdump" value:{string_value:"AAAAAA=="}} fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:11}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:DEBUG module:"golioth_logging" message:"Debug info! 0" metadata:{fields:{key:"func" value:{string_value:"main"}} fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:6}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:DEBUG module:"golioth_logging" message:"Start Logging sample" metadata:{fields:{key:"func" value:{string_value:"main"}} fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:3}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:DEBUG module:"golioth_logging" message:"Log 2: 0" metadata:{fields:{key:"func" value:{string_value:"func_2"}} fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:8}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[2021-04-08 14:20:32 +0000 UTC] level:DEBUG module:"golioth_logging" message:"Log 1: 0" metadata:{fields:{key:"func" value:{string_value:"func_1"}} fields:{key:"index" value:{number_value:7}} fields:{key:"uptime" value:{number_value:100000}}} device_id:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"