If you have created the build using civibuild
, then simply run phpunit4
me@localhost:~/buildkit/build/dcase/sites/all/modules/civicrm/ext/civicase$ phpunit4
PHPUnit 4.8.21 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Time: 16.86 seconds, Memory: 52.25Mb
OK (51 tests, 381 assertions)
If you have created the build by other means, you may need to provide some configuration details that help with executing the tests, such as
- Credentials for an administrative CMS user (
) - Credentials for a non-administrative CMS user (
) - Credentials for an empty test database (
To initialize the configuration file, run cv vars:fill
me@localhost:~/buildkit/build/dcase/sites/all/modules/civicrm/ext/civicase$ cv vars:fill
Site: /home/me/buildkit/build/dcase/sites/default/civicrm.settings.php
These fields were missing. Setting defaults:
"ADMIN_EMAIL" => "admin@example.com",
"ADMIN_PASS" => "t0ps3cr3t",
"ADMIN_USER" => "admin",
"TEST_DB_DSN" => "mysql://dbUser:dbPass@dbHost/dbName?new_link=true"
Please edit /home/me/.cv.json
Then edit that file:
me@localhost:~/buildkit/build/dcase/sites/all/modules/civicrm/ext/civicase$ vi ~/.cv.json
Now run the tests
me@localhost:~/buildkit/build/dcase/sites/all/modules/civicrm/ext/civicase$ phpunit4
PHPUnit 4.8.21 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Time: 16.86 seconds, Memory: 52.25Mb
OK (51 tests, 381 assertions)