The General Card Effect Syntax General case (single effect):
Effect = { Name Description Type Archetype Power Target Increase }
The game executes the single effect as you would expect.
Sub-Effect case (multiple effects):
Effect = { Name Description Type Archetype Power = { {Power2, Increase2, Target2} } Target1 Increase1 }
In the event of subeffects, game will first look for a secondary target or increase. Should it not be able to find such secondary values, it will fall back to the primary one. Should there be no primary one but the effect does require it, the game crashes. Make sure all effects get the info they need to function.
For example, the following effect uses Target1 for its subeffect. Effect = { Power = { {Power2, Increase2} } Target1 Increase1 }
This one uses Target2 but Increase1 for its subeffect. Effect = { Power = { {Power2, nil, Target2} } Target1 Increase1 }
Some terms, "glossary"
Fatigue Whenever a player needs to draw a card but cannot because there are no cards left in his deck, the player receives damage.
Grinding Whenever a player needs to draw a card but cannot because his hand is full, the cards are removed from his deck but aren't added to his hand.
Card effect Archetypes (filter) By default, card effects can be triggered by any card. Effects with an Archetype can only be triggered by cards with a matching Archetype.
Card effect Types (triggers) Assign these to card effects by setting their Type to one of these strings.
OnTarget Fires when the card is targeted.
OnAttacked Fires when the card is attacked.
OnSummon Fires when the card is summoned.
OnDestroy Fires when the card is killed.
OnEnd Fires when a turn ends.
OnTurnStart / Field (Terrain only) Fires when a turn begins. "Field" is never triggered naturally.
OnAttack Fires when the card attacks.
OnAttackEnd Fires after the card has finished attacking.
OnAttackDestroy Fires when the card attacks and kills an enemy card.
OnStrike Fires when the card attacks the enemy player.
OnSwap Fires when the card's stats are swapped.
OnAllySummon, OnEnemySummon, OnAnySummon Fires when the player or the enemy player summons a fighter.
OnCast, OnAllyCast, OnEnemyCast Fires when either player, the player or the enemy player casts an effect or terrain card.
OnHealthGain, OnHealthLoss, OnEnemyHealthGain, OnEnemyHealthLoss Fires when the player or the enemy player gains or loses life.
OnDeath Fires when the card dies.
OnAnyDeath, OnEnemyDeath, OnAllyDeath Fires when a card dies on any field, the card's opposing field or the card's field.
OnLock, OnUnlock Fires when a card is locked or unlocked.
OnLockIncrease, OnLockDecrease Fires when a card gains a lock or loses a lock.
Effect Targets
Archetype Targets all cards with the card's archetype.
NotArchetype Targets all cards that don't have the card's archetype.
Ally Targets all cards allied to the card or the player playing the card.
All Targets all cards or all players.
Opponent Targets all opposing cards, or the opposing card, or the opposing player.
Aggressor Targets the opposing card when applicable. The opposing card is the other "participant" in the effect, i.e. it can be the card triggering the effect, the attacked card, the attacking card, etc.
OpponentCards Targets all opposing cards.
Single, Target Targets a single card as chosen by the playing player. Target is preferred to Single to better communicate that the player Targets a card, triggering OnTarget effects.
Self Targets the card itself.
The Color* target types:
- ColorNeutral
- ColorGreen
- ColorYellow
- ColorRed
- ColorBlue Targets cards that are of the specified color.
NewTarget Ignore for now.
Card effect Powers
Add Adds the card with the name of Increase to a hand.
Damage Damages the Target cards by Increase.
Draw Makes the Target player (All, Opponent or an implicit Ally) draw Increase amount of cards from his deck. This triggers Fatigue.
Heal Heals the Target cards by Increase.
Lock Locks the Target for Increase turns.
Unlock Reduces the Target's remaining locked turns by Increase turns.
Charge Unlocks the card immedeately. Has an implicit Self target. Use the passive version if able.
DeckAdd Adds the card of name Increase to the Target's deck.
RandomAdd Adds a random card of rarity Increase to the Target's hand. RandomAdd's Increase allows for 'complex' statements. Shedletsky and Token cards are never selected. Stitch together a Color, Archetype and Rarity to specify from what pool the card should be selected. Providing no specifier or "All" has the effect of selecting any card. Consider the following examples: "RareYellowDoge" "BlueNinja" "CommonGreen" "Neutral" "Bee" "All"
Summon Summons an Increase card to the Target's field. Does not trigger any OnSummon effect.
SummonWithEffect Functions identically to Summon but does trigger an OnSummon effect if applicable.
RandomSummon, RandomSummonWithEffect Interprets Increase like RandomAdd would but instead summons the card.
Strenghten Adds Increase to Target cards' power.
Swap Swaps the target's Power and Health stats.
SetHealth Sets the Target's health to Increase.
SetPower Sets the Target's power to Increase.
Shedletsky Does the Shedletsky effect.
ColorName (ie. "Blue") Adds Increase icons of the color to the Target player.
SetColorName (ie. "SetBlue")
- SetNeutral
- SetGreen
- SetYellow
- SetRed
- SetBlue Set the amount of colored icons of the Target player to Increase.
RevealHand Flips the cards in the target's hand, revealing them to the other player.
Cost Reduces the player's life by Increase. Has an implicit Ally target that cannot be changed.
SetLife Sets the player's life to Increase.
Inflict Inflicts Increase damage to All players or the opponent. Inflict cannot be used to only target the Ally player.
Card Modifiers These aren't related to card effects. Instead, they modify card behaviour in miscellanious ways.
DiscardBlock When set to true, the player cannot discard the card.
DiscardToken When set to true, the player does not generate any icons when discarding the card.
AttackBlock When set to true, the card cannot attack enemy cards nor the enemy player.
CounterBlock When set to true, this card cannot counterattack enemy cards.
CounterAttackBlock When set to true, enemy cards cannot counterattack this card.
FaceBlock When set to true, the card cannot attack the enemy player.
Token When set to true, the card can't generate icons.
Charge When set to true, the card can attack when summoned.
HealImmune The card is immune to effects that increase its health.
StrenghtenImmune The card is immune to effects that increase its power.
WeakenImmune The card is immune to effects that decrease its health or power.
SwapImmune The card is immune to effects that swap its health and power.
SetImmune The card is immune to effects that set its health or power.
Stealth When set to true, the card is not detected by OnAllySummon, OnEnemySummon or OnAnySummon effects.
Fading When set to true, the card is not detected by OnAllyDeath, OnEnemyDeath or OnAnyDeath effects.
Card Properties Card properties do not affect gameplay but instead describe what a card is.
Original When a card is a cosmetic variation of another, this property should be the index of the original card it inherits its gameplay attributes from. Both cards should be complete and should function identically.
AltArt When set to true, the card will appear in the minigames and be disqualified from auctions. It will be treated as a special cosmetic card.
AltCards This is a table of a card's alternate cards. Alternate cards first check their own table for data, then the table of their Original card. This way, anything can be optionally customized, including Effect properties.
For example, the following tables form a valid alt card system: ["CardOne"] = { AltCards = { ["CardOne-Artv"] = { Id = 261432099; AltArt = true; Bio = "Part of the Aife collection!"; }; ["CardOne Halloween"] = { Id = 461436099; Effect = { Name = "Spooky help"; Description = "Summon a spooky thing."; Power = {{"Summon","Spooky Thing"}}; } Bio = "Boo!"; } } Effect = { Name = "Call for help" Description = "Summon a thing."; Power = {{"Summon", "Thing"}} Target = "Ally"; } };
In this example, CardOne is the Original card. CardOne-Artv is an Alternate Art card. It has its own image Id and Bio. CardOne Halloween is special because its effect was modified: it has a custom name, description and power for its effect, as well as a unique image Id and card Bio.