See Github releases for versions >= v4.0.0
- Add monitor for Google Cloud Platform Memorystore Redis system memory usage ratio
- [MN-587] - MN-587 Add ProxySQL monitors
- [MN-581] - repair CI now pt-monitoring is dead
- [MN-580] - Terraform 0.13 compatibility for datadog modules
- [MN-574] - Fix k8s pod phases status
- [MN-556] - Some monitors doesn't have customizable no_data_timeframe
- [MN-558] - AZure Application gateway monitoring healthy host check has no data
- [MN-562] - Fix perpetual diff on no_data_timeframe
- [MN-527] - Disable memory forecast monitor for gcp cloudsql
- [MN-547] - Add monitor for MySQL lag and replication
- [MN-559] - Remove awk hack and use terraform-docs 0.8.0
- [MN-561] - Add targetgroup in group by for ALB monitors
- [MN-521] - Monitors for AWS ECS Fargate
- [MN-554] - Monitors for K8S Velero
- [MN-557] - SQL Server monitors
- [MN-560] - Monitors for solr
- [MN-512] - Elasticsearch latency is a counter
- [MN-516] - ELB & ALB "no healthy instances" monitor's value is not accurate
- [MN-518] - Respect best practice for message mention
- [MN-523] - Fix Azure server farm status aggregator
- [MN-524] - Azure virtual machine free space monitor has no data
- [MN-526] - Fix wrong percentage calculation on GCP pubsub messages unavailable
- [MN-530] - Fix RDS Replica Lag monitors name (use ms instead of %)
- [MN-532] - Syntax warning on ignore_changes attribute
- [MN-535] - Fix HCL2 syntax
- [MN-544] - kubernetescluster tag does not exist anymore
- [MN-519] - Opensource integrations and monitors
- [MN-62] - Monitors for AWS ECS
- [MN-364] - Monitors for AWS NLB
- [MN-509] - Fix monitor name for storage account monitor
- [MN-510] - Fix metric for storage account queue monitor
- [MN-513] - Fix false alarms on Azure storage monitoring
- [MN-514] - Replace avg with min on ElasticSearch fetch latency
- [MN-517] - Make warning threshold customizable on load balancer healthy instances monitors
- [MN-531] - Add time aggregator on RDS Replica Lag Monitor
- [MN-541] - Add notify_no_data parameter on every monitors where it is true
- [MN-543] - alerting message could use common recovering conditional variable
- [MN-182] - Monitors structure and config examples / stack template
- [MN-366] - Monitors for Azure Application Gateway
- [MN-525] - Monitors for AWS Beanstalk
- [MN-508] - GCP Pub/Sub Topic no data removal
- [MN-507] - add manifest for pubsub monitors
- [MN-481] - Fix alb latency metric unit and homogenize latency thresholds
- [MN-495] - Add requirements to kubernetes monitors readme
- [MN-400] - GCP Pub Sub improvements
- [MN-456] - remove as_count() on kubernetes_state.container.status_report.count.waiting
- [MN-480] - Increase alert treshold for Stream Analytics streaming units utilization
- [MN-482] - Ignore silenced since we now must use downtime instead
- [MN-484] - Ajust monitor Hub Too many d2c telemetry ingress not sent
- [MN-486] - Remove workaround for here doc fmt now it is fixed in terraform 0.12.6
- [MN-494] - Refactor auto update scripts
- [MN-502] - Increase basic system triggers timeframes
- [MN-504] - Update terraform and provider versions
- [MN-39] - Monitors for Newrelic
- [MN-413] - Terraform feature for pagerduty integration
- [MN-455] - Monitor for kubernetes_state.container.status_report.count.terminated
- [MN-46] - Monitors for AWS Lambdas
- [MN-472] - Monitors for AWS SQS
- [MN-485] - docker image for datadog terraform
- [MN-487] - Datadog monitors VM integration RAM reserved
- [MN-489] - Datadog monitors Azure VM Disk
- [MN-490] - Changelog generation on git repos
- [MN-492] - Indicate if a monitor is disabled by default on the README of each module
- [MN-493] - Datadog monitors VM integration - requests failed
- [MN-497] - Monitors for Docker
- [MN-498] - Monitors for Kong
- [MN-499] - Monitors HTTP, DNS and TLS
- [MN-476] - check and update sets with more than 1 notify no data
- [MN-479] - Upgrade datadog terraform provider to v2
- [MN-460] - Fix filter tags usage on keyvault and cosmos monitors
- [MN-461] - Repair CI since it uses last 0.12 version image
- [MN-477] - Fix wrong variable in query for kubernetes node inodes monitor
- [MN-478] - Fix diff between CI and local env for sort command
- [MN-459] - Upgrade to terraform 0.12 (HCL 2.0)
- [MN-182] - Monitors structure and config examples / stack template
- [MN-236] - Append optional custom field to name of monitor
- [MN-453] - Monitors for kubernetes kubelet volume stats space and inodes
- [MN-442] - Do not notify nodata on node unschedulable monitor
- [MN-444] - Kubernetes status_report count waiting should not trigger on containercreating
- [MN-451] - Nodata alerts on Azure App Services downscale
- [MN-449] - Datadog global CI
- [MN-320] - Prefer greater operator logic
- [MN-326] - use multi line query and EOQ everywhere
- [MN-327] - Fix warning name for load balancer
- [MN-328] - Improve mysql Innodb pool monitors
- [MN-330] - Fix grouping and counter on azure monitors
- [MN-331] - Improve mysql throughput monitor
- [MN-429] - Update reference from cloudnative to pt-mon
- [MN-437] - Update CI to use new gitlab runner
- [MN-360] - Feature enable/disable monitors creation does not work
- [MN-415] - Remove Azure DBforMySQL Active connection query
- [MN-430] - Use "instance" dimension on Azure App Service monitors metrics
- [MN-385] - Add Azure EventGrid Datadog monitors
- [MN-417] - Monitors for Azure Virtual Machine
- [MN-418] - Monitors for Azure Load Balancer
- [MN-405] - Fix Azure CosmosDb monitors due to metrics changes
- [MN-425] - Fix App Services response time monitor
- [MN-402] - Fix Azure DBforMySQL Active connection monitor
- [MN-403] - Fix apache perpetual diff on apache connect monitor
- [MN-392] - Update terraform-docs version in CI for DD monitors
- [MN-397] - Exclude secretlist activity from Azure Key Vault latency monitor
- [MN-404] - Make mysql Innodb buffer pool more tolerant
- [MN-387] - Azure IotHub monitors triggers nodata alerts since 2.5.0
- [MN-335] - Fix successful monitors false alarms
- [MN-383] - Remove Azure Monitors using compute_consumption_percent
- [MN-386] - Caas Nginx Ingress monitor fix and update for VTS
- [MN-237] - Add new Azure Monitors
- [MN-295] - Remove Azure global feature
- [MN-317] - Prefix all cloudprovider filter tag with
- [MN-332] - Add filter_tags on IOTHub monitors
- [MN-344] - add default to hit ratio monitors
- [MN-377] - Monitor Azure SQL Server status with DD
- [MN-336] - Convert bitbucket pipeline to gitlab ci
- [MN-301] - Manage exclude on the module for filters
- [MN-323] - fix pipeline using terraform-docs version 0.4.0
- [MN-309] - Improve monitors using as_count() and division
- [MN-246] - Monitors for Azure MySQL
- [MN-310] - Monitors for Azure Postgresql
- [MN-316] - Monitors for Azure server farms
- [MN-313] - elasticache memcached hit ratio miss multiplication by 100
- [MN-306] - Use system.load.norm.5 instead of system.load.5
- [MN-307] - GCP CloudSQL failover monitor increase timeframe
- [MN-308] - Improve load balancer healthly host monitor
- [MN-311] - Generate with dynamic path
- [MN-312] - Update readme with terraform-docs 0.4.0
- [MN-315] - Doc monitor / system / generic: free memory message
- [MN-273] - service check query syntax does not work anymore
- [MN-304] - Add default function to all latency based aws monitors
- [MN-159] - Split delay variable in two separate variables (evaluation and new host)
- [MN-162] - Add possibilty to disable / enable monitors
- [MN-199] - Advanced monitors for Mongodb
- [MN-275] - manage diff on monitor type from terraform
- [MN-287] - Update service check monitors and doc
- [MN-288] - Update all monitors with new tagging convention
- [MN-293] - Optimize ci pipeline
- [MN-294] - handle specific example for readme auto generation
- [MN-300] - Improve and sandardize thresholds on GCP LB
- [MN-32] - Monitors for AWS Elasticache
- [MN-92] - Monitors for Mongodb
- [MN-105] - Monitors for PostgreSQL
- [MN-122] - Replication lag monitor for RDS
- [MN-142] - Monitors for MySQL
- [MN-224] - Monitors for GCP Cloud SQL
- [MN-226] - Monitors for GCP PubSub
- [MN-227] - Monitors for GCP LB
- [MN-228] - Monitors for ElasticSearch
- [MN-230] - Monitors for GCP BigQuery
- [MN-247] - Monitors for Ark backups
- [MN-248] - Monitors for Nginx Ingress Controller
- [MN-271] - Monitors for Redis
- [MN-281] - Monitor for disk forecast (system-generic)
- [MN-284] - Add extra tags management to monitors
- [MN-286] - Host Unreachable monitor on system generic
- [MN-289] - Monitors for Nginx
- [MN-290] - Monitors for Php-fpm
- [MN-272] - php fpm has changed from port to ping_url for group by
- [MN-276] - Fix ALB / ELB space aggregator
- [MN-259] - Improve readme generator
- [MN-233] - Update main readme automatically
- [MN-234] - Automatically generate output for each monitor
- [MN-239] - Fix alb no healthy instances thresholds
- [MN-168] - Apache can connect fails on query error
- [MN-160] - Generalize the timeframe best practice
- [MN-170] - Increase timeframe of ALB no healthy instances monitor
- [MN-179] - No data events on Free disk inodes, Free disk space monitors
- [MN-184] - no_data_timeframe should never be defined
- [MN-185] - Monitors for Azure ServiceBus
- [MN-197] - Ignore cache and buffer on memory monitor
- [MN-191] - variabilize aggregator and timeframe when needed
- [MN-231] - Update readme for every monitors sets easily
- [MN-181] - update aws vpn readme to remove vpn_tunnel_address
- [MN-166] - Fix apigateway latency notify on no data
- [MN-81] - Fix basic monitors
- [MN-88] - Treshold too high on aws_elb_latency
- [MN-108] - typo monitor name apache middleware
- [MN-113] - fix AWS ElasticSearch status monitor (
- [MN-121] - Fix ELB_backend_latency error
- [MN-127] - Fix system tag in agent.yml
- [MN-128] - [Datadog] Monitors for ELB issue with group by loadbalancer
- [MN-139] - no data support for monitor name templating
- [MN-66] - Refactor monitors repo with directories
- [MN-96] - Update old monitors with new best practices
- [MN-99] - Azure App Service monitor : count 2xx & 3xx http status codes as successful
- [MN-102] - Auto-recovery for no-data tolerant monitors
- [MN-124] - Add message input per monitor
- [MN-134] - RAM alerts are now in non-business hours alerting by default.
- [MN-135] - Use default on Event Hub query and update the used metrics
- [MN-136] - Use rates for Azure IoT Hub monitors
- [MN-137] - Use min as aggregate for Azure app services response time monitor
- [MN-140] - Add a default function for api gateway, elb and alb monitors
- [MN-48] - Monitors for API Gateway
- [MN-49] - improve basic monitors
- [MN-82] - Monitor message should be composed from variables
- [MN-91] - Monitors for AWS VPN
- [MN-107] - Monitors for AWS Elasticsearch Service
- [MN-110] - Monitors for AWS Kinesis Firehose streams
- [MN-112] - Monitors for AWS ALB
- [MN-30] - Monitors for AWS RDS
- [MN-34] - Monitors for AWS ELB
- [MN-74] - Azure App Services monitors
- [MN-75] - Azure SQL monitors
- [MN-76] - Azure Redis monitors
- [MN-77] - Azure Event Hub monitors
- [MN-78] - Azure Stream Analytics monitors
- [MN-79] - Azure Storage monitors
- [MN-80] - Azure IOT Hub monitors
- [MN-90] - API Management monitors
- [MN-73] - Azure managed services monitors
- [MN-97] - Update readme on terraform monitors repo
- [MN-93] - AWS ELB custom tags
- [MN-131] - Replace comparator variable by a hardcode comparator in monitor name
- [MN-144] - Default nodata message must be 24x7
- [MN-43] - Agent installation
- [MN-27] - Monitors for main middlewares