Export Excel
Import Excel
Different formats
This package provides a way to export an Eloquent collection as an excel file and to import a Excel file as an Eloquent collection. It's based on box/spout.
The package must be installed directly from Composer.
Run the following command:
$ composer require cyberduck/laravel-excel
To make Facades available, register the service provider in config/app.php adding Cyberduck\LaravelExcel\ExcelServiceProvider to the provider array.
Note. If you are on Laravel 4, use Cyberduck\LaravelExcel\ExcelLegacyServiceProvider
use Exporter;
to your controller.
In your action, add
$excel = Exporter::make('Excel');
return $excel->stream($yourFileName);
The exporter class is fluent, then you can also write
return Exporter::make('Excel')->load($yourCollection)->stream($yourFileName);
use Exporter;
to your controller.
In your action, add
$excel = Exporter::make('Excel');
return $excel->save($yourFileNameWithPath);
The exporter class is fluent, then you can also write
return Exporter::make('Excel')->load($yourCollection)->save($yourFileNameWithPath);
By default, every element of the Collection become a row and every unprotected field of the Model become a cell. No headers row is printed.
To change this behaviour, create a class extending Cyberduck\LaravelExcel\Contract\SerialiserInterface and implement the methods getHeaderRow() and getData(Model $data).
getHeaderRow() must return an array of string, and every elements is a cell of the first row. To not print the header row, simply return a void array [].
getData(Model $data) must return an array of string, and every elements is a cell of rows after the header.
namespace App\Serialiser;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Cyberduck\LaravelExcel\Contract\SerialiserInterface;
class ExampleSerialiser implements SerialiserInterface
public function getData(Model $data)
$row = [];
$row[] = $data->field1;
$row[] = $data->relation->field2;
return $row;
public function getHeaderRow()
return [
'Field 1',
'Field 2 (from a relation)'
Coming soon! (In development)
Coming soon!