- Working knowledge of linear algebra
- Working knowledge of multivariable calculus
- Able to use a Unix shell
- Able to code in a high level language such as R or Matlab
- Able to write a simple C/C++ program and build it using a Makefile
- Basic understanding of version control and use of Git
The course will focus on the development of various algorithms for optimization and simulation, the workhorses of much of computational statistics. The emphasis is on comptutation for statistics - how to prototype, optimize and develop high performance computing (HPC) algorithms in Python and C/C++. A variety of algorithms and data sets of gradually increasing complexity (1 dimension
- Practices for reproducible analysis
- Fundamentals of data management and munging
- Use Python as a language for statistical computing
- Use mathematical and statistical libraries effectively
- Profile and optimize serial code
- Effective use of different parallel programming paradigms
In particular, the following algorithms will be covered:
- Optimization
- Newton-Raphson (functional programming and vectorization)
- Quadrature (adaptive methods)
- Gradient descent (multivariable)
- Solving GLMs (multivariable + interface to C/C++)
- Expectation-maximization (multivariable + finite mixture models )
- Simulation
- Bootstrap (basics of parallel programming)
- Bag of little bootstraps (map-reduce)
- Monte Carlo simulations (more parallel programming)
- MCMC (Gibbs sampler - GPU programming)
- Overview and setting up of local and cloud compute environment
- Introduction to Python, the IPython notebook and PyCharm [jm]
- Functional programming [cc]
- Numerical building blocks [cc]
- Statistical building blocks (Rmagic, pandas, statsmodels) [jm]
- Graphics (matplotlib, bokeh, seashore, bokeh) [cc]
- Profiling and optimization [cc]
- Interfacing with compiled languages [cc]
- The Newton-Raphson method [jm]
- Numerical optimization in
$k$ -dimensions - gradient descent algorithm [jm] - Solving generalized linear models with IRLS [cc]
- Divide and conquer - adaptive quadrature [cc]
- Expectation-maximization for finite mixture models [cc/jm]
- Bayesian models (I) [cc]
- Bayesian models (II) [cc]
- Overview of parallel and high performance computing [cc/jm]
- Beginning parallel programming with multiprocessing and IPython.Parallel [cc]
- Parallel tasks with MPI [jm]
- Map-reduce for data transforms and summaries [cc]
- Map-reduce and the bag of little bootstraps [cc]
- Introduction to massively parallel programming [jm]
- MCMC on GPUs [jm]
- Data management [cc]
- Overview and setting up of local and cloud compute environment
- Local environment
- Anaconda distribution
- Extra python packages
- Extra IPython extensions
- Compiler support (C/C++, Fortran)
- R
- Cloud compute
- Logging in to EC2 instance
- Using ssh
- Using tmux
- AWS console
- Shutting down virtual machine
- Local environment
- Introduction to Python, the IPython notebook and PyCharm
- Functional programming
- Motivation
- Iterators
- List comprehensions and Generator expressions
- Generators
- The
package- map
- reduce
- partial
- The
package - The
package - The
package- compose
- Decorators
- Recursion
- Example: counting words in books with map and reduce
- Example: a generic bootstrap function
- Example: recursion on trees
- Numerical computing
- Introduction to numpy arrays
- Dimension and axis
- Indexing and slicing
- Broadcasting
- Random number generators
- Linear algebra
Vector and matrix operations
- Matrix multiplication as weighed combinations
- Inner product
- Outer product
- Einstein summation convention
- Matrix decomposition
- Eigensystem
- LU
- QR
- Cholesky
- Low level functions
- Lapack
Vector and matrix operations
Example: Pitfalls: How computers handle numbers
- Integer and floating point division in Python
- Calculating the pseduo-inverse and division by almost zero
- Not working in log space for probabilities
- Calculating a negative variance using the textbook definition
- Example: Calculating the covariance matrix with matrix operations
- Example: Solving least squares problems
- Introduction to numpy arrays
- Statistical computing (Rmagic, pandas, statsmodels)
- Managing data with Pandas
- Series
- DataFrame
- Panels
- I/O
- Split-apply-combine
- Statistical models
- Getting data sets
- Basic statistics
- Linear Regression
- Generalized linear models
- Using R from Python
Machine learning
- Scikits-learn
- Managing data with Pandas
- Bayesian models (pymc, emcee, multinest, pystan )
- Ideas
- Estimating integrals
- Generating univariate and multivariate random deviates
- Quadrature
- Rejection sampling
- Importance sampling
- Grid-based sampling
- Monte Carlo integration and the Strong Law of Large Numbers
- Markov chains, MCMC and the ergodic theorem
- Primer on probabilistic graphical models
- Metropolis-Hastings - random walk and independent
- Gibbs sampling, full conditionals and conjugate priors
- Hamiltonian sampling
- Multiple walkers
- Estimating integrals
- Computation
- Samplers with animation
- Metropolis sampler
- Gibbs sampler
- Hamiltonian sampler
- Convergence diagnostics
- Posterior predictions
- Estimating parameters of simple models
- Hierarchical models
- Samplers with animation
- Implementation
- Python and Cython
- PyMC
- PyStan
- Emcee
- Example: Gibbs sampler shootout
- Example: Logistic regression for classification
- Example: Gaussian mixture models for density estimation
- Ideas
Graphics (matplotlib, bokeh, seashore)
- Graphics with Matplotlib
- Graphics with Pandas
- Graphics with Seaborn
- Graphics with ggplot
- Interactive plots with mpld3 and plotly
- Volume rendering with yt (?)
Interactive web plotting with
- Profiling and optimization
- Manual timing with the
package -
functions - Using the
profiler - Line profilers
- Memory profilers
- Manual timing with the
- Optimization
- Premature optimization
- Measuring complexity
- Big O notation
- Time and space trade-offs
- Understanding performance * Fundamental data structures * Fundamental algorithms
- Python performance idioms
- Vectorization
- Interfacing with compiled languages
- Pure python
- Numpy
- JIT compilation
- Cython (incremental optimization)
- C/C++
- Fortran
- Julia
- Example: Using C libraries (R standalone)
- Example: Using C++ libraries (Eigen)
- The Newton-Raphson method
- Numerical optimization in
$k$ -dimensions - gradient descent algorithm - Solving generalized linear models with IRLS
- Divide and conquer - adaptive quadrature
- Expectation-maximization for finite mixture models
- Overview of parallel and high performance computing
- Starving CPUs
- What is theoretically possible?
- Parallel programming patterns
- Parallel programming with IPython.Parallel
- Using multiprocessing
- Example: Independent data sets
- Example: Monte Carlo simulations
- Parallel tasks with MPI
- Parallel Cython with OpenMP
- Map-reduce for data transforms and summaries
- Map-reduce and the bag of little bootstraps
- Introduction to massively parallel programming
- MCMC on GPUs
- [Maybe] Working with bad data - getting data from various sources (Excel, JSON, XML, RDBMS, NoSQL), data munging, data validation and imputation.
- Unix shell
- Anaconda Python distribution with the Accelerate package
- PyCharm IDE
- C/C++ compiler
- R/RStudio
- Linear algebra (?)
- Matrix multiplication
- Matrix decomposition
- Matrix inversion
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a covariance matrix
- Optimization
- Solving least squares and GLM type methods
- Newton method
- Gradient descent
- Lagrange multipliers
- Simulation
- Bootstrap
- Permutation sampling
- Monte Carlo
- Smoothing and density estimation
- Kernel density estimation
- Expectation-Maximization
- Adaptive quadrature
- Possible data examples
- Genomics data from 1000 Genomes project
- Electronic health records from kaggle.com
- US Census Data
- Defensive programming
- Reproducible analysis
- Version control
- Testing
- Literate programming
- Automation with Makefiles
- Data munging
- Extracting data from text files (e.g. Fasta, VCF)
- Extracting data from JSON files
- Extracting data from XML files
- Extracting data from relational databases
- Data structures and algorithms
- Computational complexity and Big O notation
- Iterators and generators
- Divide and conquer and recursion
- Online or streaming algorithms
- Coding in a functional style
- Higher order functions
- Apply, map, reduce
- Split-apply-combine
- Partial application
- Higher order functions
- Computational linear algebra
- Solving linear systems
- Eigenstructure of covariance matrix
- Libraries for linear algebra (BLAS, LAPACK, Armadillo, Eigen)
- Polyglot programming
- Python
- Interfacing with R/Matlab
- C/C++
- Structured data and databases (?)
- Statistical graphics and visualization (?)
- Benchmarking and profiling
- Heuristic hierarchy of things to try
- Solve a simpler problem
- Choose more appropriate data structure
- Choose more appropriate serial algorithm
- Vectorize
- Compile bottleneck to native code
- Use JIT where available
- Intermediate language (e.g. Cython)
- Write native code that interfaces to R/Python - e.g. Rcpp, bitey, f2py
- Find a machine with more RAM
- Implement appropriate parallel programming solution for problem (moving to a cloud platform is often most economical solution)
- Large-grain, embarrassingly parallel - distributed computing
- Large-grain with communication - MPI
- Fine-grain (millions of tasks) - GPU computing
- Massive data sets that won't fit into memory with simple calculations - MapReduce
- Heuristic hierarchy of things to try
- Vectorization
- Compiling to native code
- Writing C/C++ modules to call from Python
- Cython
- JIT with Numba and NumbaPro
- Interfacing R with Rcpp
- Parallel programming concepts
- Computation
- Memory and latency
- Common parallel programming patterns and when to apply them
- Cloud computing and virtual machines
- Multi-core programming in IPython
- MPI programming
- Massively parallel programming with CUDA
- MapReduce for big data