diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yaml b/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
index 7218dfe..0297ea1 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ jobs:
name: Pester tests on powershell.exe
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ fail-fast: false
os: [windows-2019, windows-2022]
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ jobs:
run: |
Set-PSRepository PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module Assert -ErrorAction Stop -MaximumVersion 0.9.6 -Force
- Install-Module Pester -ErrorAction Stop -Force
+ Install-Module Pester -ErrorAction Stop -MaximumVersion 5.6.1 -Force
- name: Run tests
shell: powershell
run: |
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ jobs:
name: Pester tests
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ fail-fast: false
os: [ubuntu-22.04, ubuntu-20.04, macos-12, windows-2019, windows-2022]
@@ -47,8 +49,13 @@ jobs:
run: |
Set-PSRepository PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module Assert -ErrorAction Stop -MaximumVersion 0.9.6 -Force
- Install-Module Pester -ErrorAction Stop -Force
+ Install-Module Pester -ErrorAction Stop -MaximumVersion 5.6.1 -Force
- name: Run tests
shell: pwsh
run: |
+ Remove-Module Pester -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ Import-Module pester -Version 5.6.1
+ $PSVersionTable
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae3e075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Tests/powershell-yaml.Tests.ps1 b/Tests/powershell-yaml.Tests.ps1
index 138e52a..4cdd6f9 100644
--- a/Tests/powershell-yaml.Tests.ps1
+++ b/Tests/powershell-yaml.Tests.ps1
@@ -521,6 +521,84 @@ bools:
+ Describe 'Numbers are parsed as the smallest type possible' {
+ BeforeAll {
+ $global:value = @'
+bigInt: 99999999999999999999999999999999999
+int32: 2147483647
+int64: 9223372036854775807
+ }
+ It 'Should be a BigInt' {
+ $result = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml $value
+ $result.bigInt | Should -BeOfType System.Numerics.BigInteger
+ }
+ It 'Should be of proper type and value' {
+ $result = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml $value
+ $result.bigInt | Should -Be ([System.Numerics.BigInteger]::Parse("99999999999999999999999999999999999"))
+ $result.int32 | Should -Be ([int32]2147483647)
+ $result.int64 | Should -Be ([int64]9223372036854775807)
+ }
+ }
+ Describe 'PSCustomObjects' {
+ Context 'Classes with PSCustomObjects' {
+ It 'Should serialise as a hash' {
+ $nestedPsO = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ Nested = 'NestedValue'
+ }
+ $PsO = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ Name = 'Value'
+ Nested = $nestedPsO
+ }
+ class TestClass {
+ [PSCustomObject]$PsO
+ [string]$Ok
+ }
+ $Class = [TestClass]@{
+ PsO = $PsO
+ Ok = 'aye'
+ }
+ $asYaml = ConvertTo-Yaml $Class
+ $result = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml $asYaml -Ordered
+ [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$ret = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new()
+ $ret["PsO"] = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new()
+ $ret["PsO"]["Name"] = "Value"
+ $ret["PsO"]["Nested"] = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new()
+ $ret["PsO"]["Nested"]["Nested"] = "NestedValue"
+ $ret["Ok"] = "aye"
+ Assert-Equivalent -Options $compareStrictly -Expected $ret -Actual $result
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'PSCustomObject with a single property' {
+ BeforeAll {
+ $global:value = [PSCustomObject]@{key="value"}
+ }
+ It 'Should serialise as a hash' {
+ $result = ConvertTo-Yaml $value
+ $result | Should -Be "key: value$([Environment]::NewLine)"
+ }
+ }
+ Context 'PSCustomObject with multiple properties' {
+ BeforeAll {
+ $global:value = [PSCustomObject]@{key1="value1"; key2="value2"}
+ }
+ It 'Should serialise as a hash' {
+ $result = ConvertTo-Yaml $value
+ $result | Should -Be "key1: value1$([Environment]::NewLine)key2: value2$([Environment]::NewLine)"
+ }
+ It 'Should deserialise as a hash' {
+ $asYaml = ConvertTo-Yaml $value
+ $result = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml $asYaml -Ordered
+ Assert-Equivalent -Options $compareStrictly -Expected @{key1="value1"; key2="value2"} -Actual ([hashtable]$result)
+ }
+ }
+ }
Describe 'StringQuotingEmitter' {
BeforeAll {
$oldYamlPkgUrl = 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/YamlDotNet/11.2.1'
diff --git a/build.ps1 b/build.ps1
index 059256f..3add261 100644
--- a/build.ps1
+++ b/build.ps1
@@ -14,119 +14,14 @@
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
-$source = @"
-using System;
-using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-using YamlDotNet;
-using YamlDotNet.Core;
-using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
-using YamlDotNet.Serialization.EventEmitters;
-public class StringQuotingEmitter: ChainedEventEmitter {
- // Patterns from https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2804356
- private static Regex quotedRegex = new Regex(@`"^(\~|null|true|false|on|off|yes|no|y|n|[-+]?(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|[-+]?(\.inf))?$`", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- public StringQuotingEmitter(IEventEmitter next): base(next) {}
- public override void Emit(ScalarEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter) {
- var typeCode = eventInfo.Source.Value != null
- ? Type.GetTypeCode(eventInfo.Source.Type)
- : TypeCode.Empty;
+dotnet build --configuration Release $here/src/
- switch (typeCode) {
- case TypeCode.Char:
- if (Char.IsDigit((char)eventInfo.Source.Value)) {
- eventInfo.Style = ScalarStyle.DoubleQuoted;
- }
- break;
- case TypeCode.String:
- var val = eventInfo.Source.Value.ToString();
- if (quotedRegex.IsMatch(val))
- {
- eventInfo.Style = ScalarStyle.DoubleQuoted;
- } else if (val.IndexOf('\n') > -1) {
- eventInfo.Style = ScalarStyle.Literal;
- }
- break;
- }
+$destinations = @("netstandard2.1", "net47")
- base.Emit(eventInfo, emitter);
- }
+foreach ($item in $destinations) {
+ $src = Join-Path $here "src" "bin" "Release" $item "serializer.dll"
+ $dst = Join-Path $here "lib" $item "StringQuotingEmitter.dll"
- public static SerializerBuilder Add(SerializerBuilder builder) {
- return builder.WithEventEmitter(next => new StringQuotingEmitter(next));
- }
+ Copy-Item -Force $src $dst
-function Invoke-LoadInContext {
- param(
- [string]$assemblyPath,
- [string]$loadContextName
- )
- $loadContext = [System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext]::New($loadContextName, $true)
- $assemblies = $loadContext.LoadFromAssemblyPath($assemblyPath)
- return @{ "yaml"= $assemblies }
-function Invoke-LoadInGlobalContext {
- param(
- [string]$assemblyPath
- )
- $assemblies = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($assemblyPath)
- return @{ "yaml"= $assemblies }
-function Invoke-LoadAssembly {
- $libDir = Join-Path $here "lib"
- $assemblies = @{
- "core" = Join-Path $libDir "netstandard2.1\YamlDotNet.dll";
- "net45" = Join-Path $libDir "net45\YamlDotNet.dll";
- "net35" = Join-Path $libDir "net35\YamlDotNet.dll";
- }
- if ($PSVersionTable.Keys -contains "PSEdition") {
- if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {
- return (Invoke-LoadInContext -assemblyPath $assemblies["core"] -loadContextName "powershellyaml")
- } elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5.1) {
- return (Invoke-LoadInContext -assemblyPath $assemblies["net45"] -loadContextName "powershellyaml")
- } elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 4) {
- return (Invoke-LoadInGlobalContext $assemblies["net45"])
- } else {
- return (Invoke-LoadInGlobalContext $assemblies["net35"])
- }
- } else { # Powershell 4.0 and lower do not know "PSEdition" yet
- return (Invoke-LoadInGlobalContext $assemblies["net35"])
- }
-$assemblies = Invoke-LoadAssembly
-$yamlDotNetAssembly = $assemblies["yaml"]
-if (!([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'StringQuotingEmitter').Type) {
- $referenceList = @($yamlDotNetAssembly.Location,[Text.RegularExpressions.Regex].Assembly.Location)
- if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {
- $referenceList += [IO.Directory]::GetFiles([IO.Path]::Combine($PSHOME, 'ref'), 'netstandard.dll', [IO.SearchOption]::TopDirectoryOnly)
- $destinations = @("lib/netstandard2.1")
- } else {
- $referenceList += 'System.Runtime.dll'
- $destinations = @("lib/net45", "lib/net35")
- }
-$destinations = @("lib/netstandard2.1", "lib/net45", "lib/net35")
-foreach ($target in $destinations) {
- $targetPath = Join-Path $here $target
- $file = Join-Path $targetPath "StringQuotingEmitter.dll"
- if (!(Test-Path $file)) {
- if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {
- Add-Type -TypeDefinition $source -ReferencedAssemblies $referenceList -Language CSharp -CompilerOptions "-nowarn:1701" -OutputAssembly $file
- } else {
- Add-Type -TypeDefinition $source -ReferencedAssemblies $referenceList -Language CSharp -OutputAssembly $file
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/net35/LICENSE-libyaml b/lib/net35/LICENSE-libyaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 050ced2..0000000
--- a/lib/net35/LICENSE-libyaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2006 Kirill Simonov
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
-this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
-the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
-use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
-of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
-so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/lib/net35/StringQuotingEmitter.dll b/lib/net35/StringQuotingEmitter.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c0c3dd..0000000
Binary files a/lib/net35/StringQuotingEmitter.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/lib/net35/YamlDotNet.dll b/lib/net35/YamlDotNet.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index e300089..0000000
Binary files a/lib/net35/YamlDotNet.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/lib/net35/YamlDotNet.xml b/lib/net35/YamlDotNet.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fd9d58c..0000000
--- a/lib/net35/YamlDotNet.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5003 +0,0 @@
- YamlDotNet
- The exception that is thrown when an alias references an anchor that does not exist.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Defines constants that relate to the YAML specification.
- Emits YAML streams.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The where the emitter will write.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The where the emitter will write.
- The preferred indentation.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The where the emitter will write.
- The preferred indentation.
- The preferred text width.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The where the emitter will write.
- The preferred indentation.
- The preferred text width.
- If true, write the output in canonical form.
- Emit an evt.
- Check if we need to accumulate more events before emitting.
- We accumulate extra
- - 1 event for DOCUMENT-START
- - 2 events for SEQUENCE-START
- - 3 events for MAPPING-START
- Expect the root node.
- Expect a node.
- Expect ALIAS.
- Expect SCALAR.
- Expect a flow item node.
- Expect a flow key node.
- Expect a flow value node.
- Expect a block item node.
- Expect a block key node.
- Expect a block value node.
- Check if the document content is an empty scalar.
- Check if the next node can be expressed as a simple key.
- The preferred indentation.
- The preferred text width.
- New line characters.
- If true, write the output in canonical form.
- If true, write output without anchor names.
- The maximum allowed length for simple keys.
- The specifiction mandates 1024 characters, but any desired value may be used.
- Indent sequences. The default is to not indent.
- Represents an alias event.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets the value of the alias.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value of the alias.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value of the alias.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Represents a document end event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
- true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Represents a document start event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets the tags.
- The tags.
- Gets the version.
- The version.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
- true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The version.
- The tags.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The version.
- The tags.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Callback interface for external event Visitor.
- Represents a mapping end event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Represents a mapping start event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
- true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
- Gets the style of the mapping.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- The style of the mapping.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- The style of the mapping.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Specifies the style of a mapping.
- Let the emitter choose the style.
- The block mapping style.
- The flow mapping style.
- Contains the behavior that is common between node events.
- Gets the anchor.
- Gets the tag.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for parsing events.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event starts.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event ends.
- Accepts the specified visitor.
- Visitor to accept, may not be null
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Represents a scalar event.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets the value.
- The value.
- Gets the style of the scalar.
- The style.
- Gets a value indicating whether the tag is optional for the plain style.
- Gets a value indicating whether the tag is optional for any non-plain style.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
- Gets whether this scalar event is a key
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- The value.
- The style.
- .
- .
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Whether or not this scalar event is for a key
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- The value.
- The style.
- .
- .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The tag.
- The value.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Represents a sequence end event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Represents a sequence start event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
- true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
- Gets the style.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- if set to true [is implicit].
- The style.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Specifies the style of a sequence.
- Let the emitter choose the style.
- The block sequence style.
- The flow sequence style.
- Represents a stream end event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Represents a stream start event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- The exception that is thrown when an alias references an anchor
- that has not yet been defined in a context that does not support forward references.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Supports implementations of by providing methods to combine two hash codes.
- Combines two hash codes.
- The first hash code.
- The second hash code.
- Represents a YAML stream emitter.
- Emits an event.
- Gets a value indicating whether the end of the input reader has been reached.
- Gets the character at the specified offset.
- Skips the next characters. Those characters must have been
- obtained first by calling the method.
- Generic queue on which items may be inserted
- Gets the number of items that are contained by the queue.
- Enqueues the specified item.
- The item to be enqueued.
- Dequeues an item.
- Returns the item that been dequeued.
- Inserts an item at the specified index.
- The index where to insert the item.
- The item to be inserted.
- Represents a YAML stream parser.
- Gets the current event. Returns null before the first call to ,
- and also after returns false.
- Moves to the next event.
- Returns true if there are more events available, otherwise returns false.
- Defines the interface for a stand-alone YAML scanner that
- converts a sequence of characters into a sequence of YAML tokens.
- Gets the current position inside the input stream.
- The current position.
- Gets the current token.
- Moves to the next token and consumes the current token.
- Moves to the next token without consuming the current token.
- Consumes the current token.
- Provides access to a stream and allows to peek at the next characters,
- up to the buffer's capacity.
- This class implements a circular buffer with a fixed capacity.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The input.
- The capacity.
- Gets a value indicating whether the end of the input reader has been reached.
- Gets the index of the character for the specified offset.
- Gets the character at the specified offset.
- Reads characters until at least characters are in the buffer.
- Number of characters to cache.
- Skips the next characters. Those characters must have been
- obtained first by calling the or methods.
- Represents a location inside a file
- Gets a with empty values.
- Gets / sets the absolute offset in the file
- Gets / sets the number of the line
- Gets / sets the index of the column
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Exception that is thrown when an infinite recursion is detected.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Simple implementation of that implements merging: http://yaml.org/type/merge.html
- Parses YAML streams.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The input where the YAML stream is to be read.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the current event.
- Moves to the next event.
- Returns true if there are more events available, otherwise returns false.
- Parse the production:
- stream ::= STREAM-START implicit_document? explicit_document* STREAM-END
- ************
- Parse the productions:
- implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END*
- *
- explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
- *************************
- Parse directives.
- Parse the productions:
- explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
- ***********
- Generate an empty scalar event.
- Parse the productions:
- block_node_or_indentless_sequence ::=
- *****
- | properties (block_content | indentless_block_sequence)?
- ********** *
- | block_content | indentless_block_sequence
- *
- block_node ::= ALIAS
- *****
- | properties block_content?
- ********** *
- | block_content
- *
- flow_node ::= ALIAS
- *****
- | properties flow_content?
- ********** *
- | flow_content
- *
- properties ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG?
- *************************
- block_content ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR
- ******
- flow_content ::= flow_collection | SCALAR
- ******
- Parse the productions:
- implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END*
- *************
- explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
- *************
- Parse the productions:
- block_sequence ::= BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)* BLOCK-END
- ******************** *********** * *********
- Parse the productions:
- indentless_sequence ::= (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)+
- *********** *
- Parse the productions:
- block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START
- *******************
- ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?
- *** *
- (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)*
- *********
- Parse the productions:
- block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START
- ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?
- (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)*
- ***** *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_sequence ::= FLOW-SEQUENCE-START
- *******************
- (flow_sequence_entry FLOW-ENTRY)*
- * **********
- flow_sequence_entry?
- *
- *****************
- flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- *** *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- ***** *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_mapping ::= FLOW-MAPPING-START
- ******************
- (flow_mapping_entry FLOW-ENTRY)*
- * **********
- flow_mapping_entry?
- ******************
- ****************
- flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- * *** *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- * ***** *
- Extension methods that provide useful abstractions over .
- Ensures that the current event is of the specified type, returns it and moves to the next event.
- Type of the .
- Returns the current event.
- If the current event is not of the specified type.
- Checks whether the current event is of the specified type.
- If the event is of the specified type, returns it and moves to the next event.
- Otherwise returns null.
- Type of the .
- Returns true if the current event is of type T; otherwise returns null.
- Enforces that the current event is of the specified type.
- Type of the .
- Returns the current event.
- If the current event is not of the specified type.
- Checks whether the current event is of the specified type.
- Type of the event.
- Returns true if the current event is of type . Otherwise returns false.
- Skips the current event and any nested event.
- Keeps track of the recursion level,
- and throws
- whenever is reached.
- Increments the recursion level,
- and throws
- if is reached.
- Increments the recursion level,
- and returns whether is still less than .
- Decrements the recursion level.
- Specifies the style of a YAML scalar.
- Let the emitter choose the style.
- The plain scalar style.
- The single-quoted scalar style.
- The double-quoted scalar style.
- The literal scalar style.
- The folded scalar style.
- Converts a sequence of characters into a sequence of YAML tokens.
- Gets the current token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The input.
- Indicates whether comments should be ignored
- Gets the current position inside the input stream.
- The current position.
- Moves to the next token.
- Consumes the current token and increments the parsed token count
- Check the list of potential simple keys and remove the positions that
- cannot contain simple keys anymore.
- Pop indentation levels from the indents stack until the current level
- becomes less or equal to the column. For each indentation level, append
- the BLOCK-END token.
- Produce the STREAM-END token and shut down the scanner.
- Scope:
- %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Produce the DOCUMENT-START or DOCUMENT-END token.
- Increase the flow level and resize the simple key list if needed.
- Decrease the flow level.
- Produce the FLOW-ENTRY token.
- Produce the BLOCK-ENTRY token.
- Produce the KEY token.
- Produce the VALUE token.
- Push the current indentation level to the stack and set the new level
- the current column is greater than the indentation level. In this case,
- append or insert the specified token into the token queue.
- Produce the ALIAS or ANCHOR token.
- Produce the TAG token.
- Scan a TAG token.
- Produce the SCALAR(...,literal) or SCALAR(...,folded) tokens.
- Scan a block scalar.
- Scan indentation spaces and line breaks for a block scalar. Determine the
- indentation level if needed.
- Produce the SCALAR(...,single-quoted) or SCALAR(...,double-quoted) tokens.
- Scan a quoted scalar.
- Produce the SCALAR(...,plain) token.
- Scan a plain scalar.
- Remove a potential simple key at the current flow level.
- Scan the directive name.
- Scope:
- %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
- ^^^^
- %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n
- ^^^
- Scan the value of VERSION-DIRECTIVE.
- Scope:
- %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
- ^^^^^^
- Scan the value of a TAG-DIRECTIVE token.
- Scope:
- %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Scan a tag.
- Decode an URI-escape sequence corresponding to a single UTF-8 character.
- Scan a tag handle.
- Scan the version number of VERSION-DIRECTIVE.
- Scope:
- %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
- ^
- %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
- ^
- Check if a simple key may start at the current position and add it if
- needed.
- Exception that is thrown when a semantic error is detected on a YAML stream.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Exception that is thrown when a syntax error is detected on a YAML stream.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Collection of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initial content of the collection.
- Gets a value indicating whether the collection contains a directive with the same handle
- Represents an anchor token.
- Gets the value.
- The value.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents an alias token.
- Gets the value of the alias.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value of the anchor.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value of the anchor.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Represents a block end token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a block entry event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a block mapping start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a block sequence start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a comment
- Gets the value of the comment
- Gets a value indicating whether the comment appears other tokens on that line.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Represents a document end token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a document start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Error tokens.
- Gets the value of the error
- Represents a flow entry event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a flow mapping end token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a flow mapping start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a flow sequence end token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a flow sequence start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a key token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a scalar token.
- Gets or sets whether this scalar is a key
- Gets the value.
- The value.
- Gets the style.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- The style.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a stream end event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a stream start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a tag token.
- Gets the handle.
- The handle.
- Gets the suffix.
- The suffix.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The handle.
- The suffix.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The handle.
- The suffix.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a tag directive token.
- Gets the handle.
- The handle.
- Gets the prefix.
- The prefix.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The handle.
- The prefix.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The handle.
- The prefix.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object.
- The System.Object to compare with the current System.Object.
- true if the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object; otherwise, false.
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Base class for YAML tokens.
- Gets the start of the token in the input stream.
- Gets the end of the token in the input stream.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a value token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a version directive token.
- Gets the version.
- The version.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The version.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The version.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object.
- The System.Object to compare with the current System.Object.
- true if the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object; otherwise, false.
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Specifies the version of the YAML language.
- Gets the major version number.
- Gets the minor version number.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The major version number.
- The minor version number.
- Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object.
- The System.Object to compare with the current System.Object.
- true if the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object; otherwise, false.
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Base exception that is thrown when the a problem occurs in the YamlDotNet library.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the exception starts.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the exception ends.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Generic implementation of object pooling pattern with predefined pool size limit. The main
- purpose is that limited number of frequently used objects can be kept in the pool for
- further recycling.
- Notes:
- 1) it is not the goal to keep all returned objects. Pool is not meant for storage. If there
- is no space in the pool, extra returned objects will be dropped.
- 2) it is implied that if object was obtained from a pool, the caller will return it back in
- a relatively short time. Keeping checked out objects for long durations is ok, but
- reduces usefulness of pooling. Just new up your own.
- Not returning objects to the pool in not detrimental to the pool's work, but is a bad practice.
- Rationale:
- If there is no intent for reusing the object, do not use pool - just use "new".
- Not using System.Func{T} because this file is linked into the (debugger) Formatter,
- which does not have that type (since it compiles against .NET 2.0).
- Produces an instance.
- Search strategy is a simple linear probing which is chosen for it cache-friendliness.
- Note that Free will try to store recycled objects close to the start thus statistically
- reducing how far we will typically search.
- Returns objects to the pool.
- Search strategy is a simple linear probing which is chosen for it cache-friendliness.
- Note that Free will try to store recycled objects close to the start thus statistically
- reducing how far we will typically search in Allocate.
- Returns the that describes the property that
- is being returned in an expression in the form:
- x => x.SomeProperty
- Adapts an to
- because not all generic collections implement .
- Adapts an to
- because not all generic dictionaries implement .
- Gets or sets the element with the specified index.
- The index of the element to get or set.
- The element with the specified index.
- Adds an element with the provided key and value to the
- at the given index.
- The zero-based index at which the item should be inserted.
- The object to use as the key of the element to add.
- The object to use as the value of the element to add.
- Removes the element at the specified index.
- The zero-based index of the element to remove.
- Pooling of StringBuilder instances.
- Manages the state of a while it is loading.
- Adds the specified node to the anchor list.
- The node.
- Gets the node with the specified anchor.
- The anchor.
- The start position.
- The end position.
- if there is no node with that anchor.
- Gets the node with the specified anchor.
- The anchor.
- The node that was retrieved.
- true if the anchor was found; otherwise false.
- Adds the specified node to the collection of nodes with unresolved aliases.
- The that has unresolved aliases.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved while loading the document.
- Holds state that is used when emitting a stream.
- Gets the already emitted anchors.
- The emitted anchors.
- Defines the method needed to be able to visit Yaml elements.
- Visits a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits a .
- The that is being visited.
- Represents a LibYAML event stream.
- Initializes a new instance of the class
- from the specified .
- Represents an alias node in the YAML document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
- The state of the document.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
- and throwing
- if is reached.
- Gets the type of node.
- Represents an YAML document.
- Gets or sets the root node.
- The root node.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class with a single scalar node.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Visitor that assigns anchors to nodes that are referenced more than once.
- Existing anchors are preserved as much as possible.
- Key: Node, Value: IsDuplicate
- Returns whether the visited node is a duplicate.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Gets all nodes from the document.
- is thrown if an infinite recursion is detected.
- Represents a mapping node in the YAML document.
- Gets the children of the current node.
- The children.
- Gets or sets the style of the node.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A sequence of where even elements are keys and odd elements are values.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A sequence of where even elements are keys and odd elements are values.
- Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
- The key node.
- The value node.
- Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
- The key node.
- The value node.
- Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
- The key node.
- The value node.
- Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
- The key node.
- The value node.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
- The state of the document.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
- and throwing
- if is reached.
- Gets the type of node.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Creates a containing a key-value pair for each property of the specified object.
- Represents a single node in the YAML document.
- Gets or sets the anchor of the node.
- The anchor.
- Gets or sets the tag of the node.
- The tag.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the node starts.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the node ends.
- Loads the specified event.
- The event.
- The state of the document.
- Parses the node represented by the next event in .
- Returns the node that has been parsed.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
- The state of the document.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Gets all nodes from the document, starting on the current node.
- is thrown if an infinite recursion is detected.
- When implemented, recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node.
- If is reached, a is thrown
- instead of continuing and crashing with a .
- Gets the type of node.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The value.
- The result of the conversion.
- Performs an implicit conversion from string[] to .
- The value.
- The result of the conversion.
- Converts a to a string by returning its value.
- Gets the nth element in a .
- Gets the value associated with a key in a .
- Comparer that is based on identity comparisons.
- Specifies the type of node in the representation model.
- The node is a .
- The node is a .
- The node is a .
- The node is a .
- Represents a scalar node in the YAML document.
- Gets or sets the value of the node.
- The value.
- Gets or sets the style of the node.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
- The state of the document.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Performs an explicit conversion from to .
- The value.
- The result of the conversion.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
- and throwing
- if is reached.
- Gets the type of node.
- Represents a sequence node in the YAML document.
- Gets the collection of child nodes.
- The children.
- Gets or sets the style of the node.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Adds the specified child to the collection.
- The child.
- Adds a scalar node to the collection.
- The child.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
- The state of the document.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
- and throwing
- if is reached.
- Gets the type of node.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Represents an YAML stream.
- Gets the documents inside the stream.
- The documents.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Adds the specified document to the collection.
- The document.
- Loads the stream from the specified input.
- The input.
- Loads the stream from the specified .
- Saves the stream to the specified output.
- The output.
- Saves the stream to the specified output.
- The output.
- Indicates whether or not to assign node anchors.
- Saves the stream to the specified emitter.
- The emitter.
- Indicates whether or not to assign node anchors.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Abstract implementation of that knows how to walk a complete Yaml object model.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called after this object finishes visiting a .
- The that has been visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called after this object finishes visiting a .
- The that has been visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called after this object finishes visiting a .
- The that has been visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called after this object finishes visiting a .
- The that has been visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called after this object finishes visiting a .
- The that has been visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Abstract implementation of that knows how to walk a complete YAML object model.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a key-value pair.
- The left (key) that is being visited.
- The right (value) that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Common implementation of and .
- Prevents serialization and deserialization of fields.
- Allows serialization and deserialization of non-public properties.
- Calling this will enable the support for private constructors when considering serialization and deserialization.
- Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
- Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
- Register an for a given property.
- An expression in the form: x => x.SomeProperty
- The attribute to register.
- Register an for a given property.
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector.
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered ..
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- A factory that creates instances of based on an existing .
- The type of the wrapped component.
- The type of the component that this factory creates.
- The component that is to be wrapped.
- Returns a new instance of that is based on .
- A factory that creates instances of based on an existing and an argument.
- The type of the argument.
- The type of the wrapped component.
- The type of the component that this factory creates.
- The component that is to be wrapped.
- The argument of the factory.
- Returns a new instance of that is based on and .
- This represents the YAML converter entity for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- value. Default value is . is considered as .
- instance. Default value is .
- If true, will use double quotes when writing the value to the stream.
- List of date/time formats for parsing. Default value is "G".
- On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion, while on serializing, the first format in the list is used.
- Gets a value indicating whether the current converter supports converting the specified type.
- to check.
- Returns True, if the current converter supports; otherwise returns False.
- Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
- instance.
- to convert.
- Returns the instance converted.
- On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion.
- Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
- instance.
- Value to write.
- to convert.
- On serializing, the first format in the list is used.
- Converter for System.Guid.
- Converter for System.Type.
- Converts to a scalar containing the assembly qualified name of the type.
- Specifies the strategy to handle default and null values during serialization of properties.
- Specifies that all properties are to be emitted regardless of their value. This is the default behavior.
- Specifies that properties that contain null references or a null Nullable<T> are to be omitted.
- Specifies that properties that that contain their default value, either default(T) or the value specified in DefaultValueAttribute are to be omitted.
- Specifies that properties that that contain collections/arrays/enumerations that are empty are to be omitted.
- Deserializes objects from the YAML format.
- To customize the behavior of ,
- use the class.
- Initializes a new instance of using the default configuration.
- To customize the behavior of the deserializer, use .
- This constructor is private to discourage its use.
- To invoke it, call the method.
- Creates a new that uses the specified .
- This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
- deserializer is to use .
- Deserializes an object of the specified type.
- The from where to deserialize the object.
- The static type of the object to deserialize.
- Returns the deserialized object.
- Creates and configures instances of .
- This class is used to customize the behavior of . Use the relevant methods
- to apply customizations, then call to create an instance of the deserializer
- with the desired customizations.
- Initializes a new using the default component registrations.
- When using Ahead of Time compilation or assembly trimming you need to pass in a generated static context. The context will contain a statically generated IObjectFactory and ITypeInspector.
- This method will also remove the default reflection based type inspectors and node deserializers.
- When deserializing it will attempt to convert unquoted strings to their correct datatype. If conversion is not sucessful, it will leave it as a string.
- This option is only applicable when not specifying a type or specifying the object type during deserialization.
- Sets the that will be used by the deserializer.
- Sets the that will be used by the deserializer.
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Registers a tag mapping.
- Registers a type mapping using the default object factory.
- Unregisters an existing tag mapping.
- Instructs the deserializer to ignore unmatched properties instead of throwing an exception.
- Instructs the deserializer to check for duplicate keys and throw an exception if duplicate keys are found.
- Creates a new according to the current configuration.
- Creates a new that implements the current configuration.
- This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
- deserializer is to use the method.
- Gets the next visitor that should be called by the current visitor.
- Gets the that is to be used for serialization.
- Gets a function that, when called, serializes the specified object.
- Gets the visitor of type that was used during the pre-processing phase.
- The type of the visitor.s
- No visitor of that type has been registered,
- or ore than one visitors registered are of type .
- Provided the base implementation for an IEventEmitter that is a
- decorator for another IEventEmitter.
- This pattern matches strings that are special both in YAML 1.1 and 1.2
- Deserializes an object of the specified type.
- The from where to deserialize the object.
- The static type of the object to deserialize.
- Returns the deserialized object.
- Translates property names according to a specific convention.
- Determines the type of the specified node.
- The node to be deserialized.
- The type that has been determined so far.
- true if has been resolved completely;
- false if the next type should be invoked.
- The interface to implement for getting/setting an objects fields and properties when using a static context
- Set a field/property value
- Name of the field or property.
- Object to set the field/property on.
- Value to set the field/property to.
- Reads a value from a field/property
- Name of the field or property.
- Object to get the field/property from.
- Represents an object along with its type.
- A reference to the object.
- The type that should be used when to interpret the .
- The type of as determined by its container (e.g. a property).
- The style to be used for scalars.
- Returns the Value property of the if it is not null.
- This is useful in all places that the value must not be null.
- An object descriptor.
- Thrown when the Value is null
- Creates instances of types.
- This interface allows to provide a custom logic for creating instances during deserialization.
- Creates an instance of the specified type.
- Defines a strategy that walks through an object graph.
- Traverses the specified object graph.
- The graph.
- An that is to be notified during the traversal.
- A that will be passed to the .
- Defined the interface of a type that can be notified during an object graph traversal.
- Indicates whether the specified value should be entered. This allows the visitor to
- override the handling of a particular object or type.
- The value that is about to be entered.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- If the value is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
- Indicates whether the specified mapping should be entered. This allows the visitor to
- override the handling of a particular pair.
- The key of the mapping that is about to be entered.
- The value of the mapping that is about to be entered.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- If the mapping is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
- Indicates whether the specified mapping should be entered. This allows the visitor to
- override the handling of a particular pair. This overload should be invoked when the
- mapping is produced by an object's property.
- The that provided access to .
- The value of the mapping that is about to be entered.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- If the mapping is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
- Notifies the visitor that a scalar value has been encountered.
- The value of the scalar.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a mapping is about to begin.
- The value that corresponds to the mapping.
- The static type of the keys of the mapping.
- The static type of the values of the mapping.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a mapping has ended.
- The value that corresponds to the mapping.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a sequence is about to begin.
- The value that corresponds to the sequence.
- The static type of the elements of the sequence.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a sequence has ended.
- The value that corresponds to the sequence.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- Registers the component in place of the already registered component of type .
- Registers the component before the already registered component of type .
- Registers the component after the already registered component of type .
- Registers the component before every other previously registered component.
- Registers the component after every other previously registered component.
- Registers the component in place of the already registered component of type .
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object into a string.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- The static type of the object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- The static type of the object to serialize.
- Provides access to the properties of a type.
- Gets all properties of the specified type.
- The type whose properties are to be enumerated.
- The actual object of type whose properties are to be enumerated. Can be null.
- Gets the property of the type with the specified name.
- The type whose properties are to be searched.
- The actual object of type whose properties are to be searched. Can be null.
- The name of the property.
- Determines if an exception or null should be returned if can't be
- found in
- Resolves the type of values.
- Allows an object to customize how it is serialized and deserialized.
- Reads this object's state from a YAML parser.
- The parser where the object's state should be read from.
- The type that the deserializer is expecting.
- A function that will use the current deserializer
- to read an object of the given type from the parser.
- Writes this object's state to a YAML emitter.
- The emitter where the object's state should be written to.
- A function that will use the current serializer to write an object to the emitter.
- Represents a function that is used to deserialize an object of the given type.
- The type that the deserializer should read.
- Returns the object that was deserialized.
- Represents a function that is used to serialize an object of the given type.
- The object to be serialized.
- The type that should be considered when emitting the object.
- If null, the actual type of the is used.
- Allows an object to customize how it is serialized and deserialized.
- Reads this object's state from a YAML parser.
- Writes this object's state to a YAML emitter.
- Allows to customize how a type is serialized and deserialized.
- Gets a value indicating whether the current converter supports converting the specified type.
- Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
- Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
- Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
- camel case (thisIsATest). Camel case is the same as Pascal case, except the first letter
- is lowercase.
- Convert the string from camelcase (thisIsATest) to a hyphenated (this-is-a-test) string
- Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
- lower case (thisisatest).
- Performs no naming conversion.
- Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
- pascal case (ThisIsATest). Pascal case is the same as camel case, except the first letter
- is uppercase.
- Convert the string from camelcase (thisIsATest) to a underscored (this_is_a_test) string
- An empty type for cases where a type needs to be provided but won't be used.
- Creates objects using Activator.CreateInstance.
- Creates objects using a Func{Type,object}"/>.
- Gets information about and creates statically known, serializable, types.
- Create an object of the specified type
- Type of object to create
- Gets whether the type is a dictionary or not
- Type to check
- Gets whether the type is a list
- Type to check
- Gets the type of the key of a dictionary
- Gets the type of the value part of a dictionary or list.
- An implementation of that traverses
- readable properties, collections and dictionaries.
- An implementation of that traverses
- properties that are read/write, collections and dictionaries, while ensuring that
- the graph can be regenerated from the resulting document.
- A factory method for creating instances
- The type inspector to be used by the traversal strategy.
- The type resolver to be used by the traversal strategy.
- The type converters to be used by the traversal strategy.
- The maximum object depth to be supported by the traversal strategy.
- A base class that simplifies the correct implementation of .
- Initializes a new instance of using the default configuration.
- To customize the behavior of the serializer, use .
- This constructor is private to discourage its use.
- To invoke it, call the method.
- Creates a new that uses the specified .
- This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
- deserializer is to use .
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object into a string.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- The static type of the object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- The static type of the object to serialize.
- Creates and configures instances of .
- This class is used to customize the behavior of . Use the relevant methods
- to apply customizations, then call to create an instance of the serializer
- with the desired customizations.
- When using Ahead of Time compilation you need to pass in a generated Ahead of Time context. The context will contain a statically generated IObjectFactory and ITypeInspector.
- This method will also remove the default dynamic, reflection based type inspectors and node deserializers.
- Put double quotes around strings that need it, for example Null, True, False, a number. This should be called before any other "With" methods if you want this feature enabled.
- Also quote strings that are valid scalars in the YAML 1.1 specification (which includes boolean Yes/No/On/Off, base 60 numbers and more)
- Sets the maximum recursion that is allowed while traversing the object graph. The default value is 50.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
- A function that instantiates the event emitter.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
- A function that instantiates the event emitter.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
- A function that instantiates the event emitter based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Registers a tag mapping.
- Unregisters an existing tag mapping.
- Ensures that it will be possible to deserialize the serialized objects.
- This option will force the emission of tags and emit only properties with setters.
- Specifies that, if the same object appears more than once in the
- serialization graph, it will be serialized each time instead of just once.
- If the serialization graph contains circular references and this flag is set,
- a StackOverflowException will be thrown.
- If this flag is not set, there is a performance penalty because the entire
- object graph must be walked twice.
- Forces every value to be serialized, even if it is the default value for that type.
- Configures how properties with default and null values should be handled. The default value is DefaultValuesHandling.Preserve
- If more control is needed, create a class that extends from ChainedObjectGraphVisitor and override its EnterMapping methods.
- Then register it as follows:
- WithEmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitor(args => new MyDefaultHandlingStrategy(args.InnerVisitor));
- Ensures that the result of the serialization is valid JSON.
- Allows you to override the new line character to use when serializing to YAML.
- NewLine character(s) to use when serializing to YAML.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- before emitting an object graph.
- Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
- before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
- can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
- The type inspector.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- before emitting an object graph.
- Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
- before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
- can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
- The type inspector.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- before emitting an object graph.
- Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
- before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
- can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
- A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Registers an to be used by the serializer
- while traversing the object graph.
- A function that instantiates the traversal strategy.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- while emitting an object graph.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- while emitting an object graph.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- while emitting an object graph.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Creates sequences with extra indentation
- list:
- - item
- - item
- Creates a new according to the current configuration.
- Creates a new that implements the current configuration.
- This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
- deserializer is to use the method.
- If true then private, parameterless constructors will be invoked if a public one is not available.
- Holds the static object factory and type inspector to use when statically serializing/deserializing YAML.
- Gets the factory to use for serialization and deserialization
- Gets the type inspector to use when statically serializing/deserializing YAML.
- An object that contains part of a YAML stream.
- Gets or sets the events.
- The events.
- Reads this object's state from a YAML parser.
- Writes this object's state to a YAML emitter.
- Contains mappings between tags and types.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The mappings.
- Adds the specified tag.
- The tag.
- The mapping.
- Gets the mapping.
- The tag.
- Wraps another and applies caching.
- Aggregates the results from multiple into a single one.
- Wraps another and applies a
- naming convention to the names of the properties.
- Returns the properties of a type that are both readable and writable.
- Returns the properties and fields of a type that are readable.
- Returns the properties of a type that are readable.
- Returns the properties of a type that are writable.
- The type returned will be the actual type of the value, if available.
- The type returned will always be the static type.
- Indicates that a class used as deserialization state
- needs to be notified after deserialization.
- Adds the specified anchor.
- The anchor.
- The @object.
- Gets the anchor for the specified object.
- The object.
- The anchor.
- Gets the with the specified anchor.
- A generic container that is preserved during the entire deserialization process.
- Any disposable object added to this collection will be disposed when this object is disposed.
- Invokes on all
- objects added to this collection that implement .
- Various string extension methods
- Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
- camel case (thisIsATest). Camel case is the same as Pascal case, except the first letter
- is lowercase.
- String to convert
- Converted string
- Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
- pascal case (ThisIsATest). Pascal case is the same as camel case, except the first letter
- is uppercase.
- String to convert
- Converted string
- Convert the string from camelcase (thisIsATest) to a hyphenated (this-is-a-test) or
- underscored (this_is_a_test) string
- String to convert
- Separator to use between segments
- Converted string
- Performs type conversions using every standard provided by the .NET library.
- Converts the specified value.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The value to convert.
- Converts the specified value.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The value to convert.
- The provider.
- Converts the specified value.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The value to convert.
- The culture.
- Converts the specified value using the invariant culture.
- The value to convert.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- Converts the specified value.
- The value to convert.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The format provider.
- Converts the specified value.
- The value to convert.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The culture.
- Registers a dynamically.
- The type to which the converter should be associated.
- The type of the converter.
- Define a collection of YamlAttribute Overrides for pre-defined object types.
- Checks whether this mapping matches the specified type, and returns a value indicating the match priority.
- The priority of the match. Higher values have more priority. Zero indicates no match.
- Adds a Member Attribute Override
- Type
- Class Member
- Overriding Attribute
- Creates a copy of this instance.
- Adds a Member Attribute Override
- Applies the Yaml attribute overrides to another .
- Applies the Yaml* attributes to another .
- Instructs the YamlSerializer not to serialize the public field or public read/write property value.
- Provides special Yaml serialization instructions.
- Decription/Comment about this property.
- When set, a comment will be emitted when serializing this member.
- Specifies that this property should be serialized as the given type, rather than using the actual runtime value's type.
- Specifies the order priority of this property.
- Instructs the to use a different field name for serialization.
- When false, naming conventions will not be applied to this member. Defaults to true.
- Specifies the scalar style of the property when serialized. This will only affect the serialization of scalar properties.
- Overrides how null and default values should be handled for this property.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Specifies that this property should be serialized as the given type, rather than using the actual runtime value's type.
- Put this attribute on classes that you want the static analyzer to detect and use.
- Determines whether the specified type has a default constructor.
- The type.
- Whether to include private constructors
- true if the type has a default constructor; otherwise, false.
diff --git a/lib/net45/LICENSE-libyaml b/lib/net45/LICENSE-libyaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 050ced2..0000000
--- a/lib/net45/LICENSE-libyaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2006 Kirill Simonov
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
-this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
-the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
-use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
-of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
-so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/lib/net45/LICENSE.txt b/lib/net45/LICENSE.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d4f2924..0000000
--- a/lib/net45/LICENSE.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Antoine Aubry and contributors
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
-this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
-the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
-use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
-of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
-so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/lib/net45/StringQuotingEmitter.dll b/lib/net45/StringQuotingEmitter.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c0c3dd..0000000
Binary files a/lib/net45/StringQuotingEmitter.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/lib/net45/System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dll b/lib/net45/System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 83ddbca..0000000
Binary files a/lib/net45/System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/lib/net45/System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll b/lib/net45/System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index ba3a84b..0000000
Binary files a/lib/net45/System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/lib/net45/YamlDotNet.dll b/lib/net45/YamlDotNet.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 33aa2ec..0000000
Binary files a/lib/net45/YamlDotNet.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/lib/net35/LICENSE.txt b/lib/net47/LICENSE.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/net35/LICENSE.txt
rename to lib/net47/LICENSE.txt
diff --git a/lib/net47/StringQuotingEmitter.dll b/lib/net47/StringQuotingEmitter.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1565a44
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/net47/StringQuotingEmitter.dll differ
diff --git a/lib/net47/YamlDotNet.dll b/lib/net47/YamlDotNet.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25a1106
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/net47/YamlDotNet.dll differ
diff --git a/lib/net45/YamlDotNet.xml b/lib/net47/YamlDotNet.xml
similarity index 74%
rename from lib/net45/YamlDotNet.xml
rename to lib/net47/YamlDotNet.xml
index fd9d58c..aa0e99e 100644
--- a/lib/net45/YamlDotNet.xml
+++ b/lib/net47/YamlDotNet.xml
@@ -1427,6 +1427,28 @@
Skips the current event and any nested event.
+ Attempts to find a key on a YAML mapping that matches our predicate.
+ This is useful for scanning a mapping for type discriminator information.
+ For example: looking for a `kind` key on an object.
+ This function only checks mappings, and only looks at the current depth.
+ If the event is a mapping and has a key that satisfies the predicate the scan
+ will stop, return true, and set and
+ . All events up until the predicate is matched will
+ be consumed.
+ If the event is not a mapping event or a matching key is not found, returns false.
+ The IParser which will have its current value checked for a matching mapping entry
+ The selector to filter the mapping by
+ The matching key of the mapping as a Scalar, or null if no matching key found
+ The matching value of the mapping as a ParsingEvent, or null if no matching key found
+ Returns true if the current event is a mapping entry with a key that matches the selector;
+ otherwise returns false.
Keeps track of the recursion level,
@@ -1527,7 +1549,7 @@
cannot contain simple keys anymore.
Pop indentation levels from the indents stack until the current level
becomes less or equal to the column. For each indentation level, append
@@ -1595,7 +1617,7 @@
Produce the VALUE token.
Push the current indentation level to the stack and set the new level
the current column is greater than the indentation level. In this case,
@@ -1627,13 +1649,13 @@
Scan a block scalar.
Scan indentation spaces and line breaks for a block scalar. Determine the
indentation level if needed.
Produce the SCALAR(...,single-quoted) or SCALAR(...,double-quoted) tokens.
@@ -2492,6 +2514,16 @@
Pooling of StringBuilder instances.
+ Determines whether the specified type has a default constructor.
+ The type.
+ Whether to include private constructors
+ true if the type has a default constructor; otherwise, false.
Manages the state of a while it is loading.
@@ -3479,6 +3511,156 @@
The that is being visited.
+ Wraps a instance and allows it to be buffered as a LinkedList in memory and replayed.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The Parser to buffer.
+ The maximum depth of the parser to buffer before raising an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
+ The maximum length of the LinkedList can buffer before raising an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
+ If parser does not fit within the max depth and length specified.
+ Gets the current event. Returns null after returns false.
+ Moves to the next event.
+ Returns true if there are more events available, otherwise returns false.
+ Resets the buffer back to it's first event.
+ The TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer acts as a psuedo .
+ If any of it's has a matching BaseType, the TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer will
+ begin buffering the yaml stream. It will then use the matching s to determine
+ a dotnet output type for the yaml node. As the node is buffered, the s are
+ able to examine the actual values within, and use these when discriminating a type.
+ Once a matching type is found, the TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer uses it's inner deserializers to perform
+ the final deserialization for that type & object.
+ Usually you will want all default s that exist in the outer
+ to also be used as inner deserializers.
+ Adds an to be checked by the TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer.
+ The to add.
+ Adds a to be checked by the TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer.
+ s use the value of a specified key on the yaml object to map
+ to a target type.
+ The yaml key to discriminate on.
+ A dictionary of values for the yaml key mapping to their respective types.
+ Adds a to be checked by the TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer.
+ s use the presence of unique keys on the yaml object to map
+ to different target types.
+ A dictionary of unique yaml keys mapping to their respective types.
+ An ITypeDiscriminator provides an interface for discriminating which dotnet type to deserialize a yaml
+ stream into. They require the yaml stream to be buffered as they
+ can inspect the yaml value, determine the desired type, and reset the yaml stream to then deserialize into
+ that type.
+ Gets the BaseType of the discriminator. All types that an ITypeDiscriminator may discriminate into must
+ inherit from this type. This enables the deserializer to only buffer values of matching types.
+ If you would like an ITypeDiscriminator to discriminate all yaml values, the BaseType will be object.
+ Trys to discriminate a type from the current IParser. As discriminating the type will consume the parser, the
+ parser will usually need to be a buffer so an instance of the discriminated type can be deserialized later.
+ The IParser to consume and discriminate a type from.
+ The output type discriminated. Null if no type matched the discriminator.
+ Returns true if the discriminator matched the yaml stream.
+ A TypeDiscriminator that discriminates which type to deserialize a yaml stream into by checking the value
+ of a known key.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The KeyValueTypeDiscriminator will check the target key specified, and if it's value is contained within the
+ type mapping dictionary, the coresponding type will be discriminated.
+ The base type which all discriminated types will implement. Use object if you're discriminating
+ unrelated types. Note the less specific you are with the base type the more yaml will need to be buffered.
+ The known key to check the value of when discriminating.
+ A mapping dictionary of yaml values to types.
+ If any of the target types do not implement the base type.
+ Checks if the current parser contains the target key, and that it's value matches one of the type mappings.
+ If so, return true, and the matching type.
+ Otherwise, return false.
+ This will consume the parser, so you will usually need the parser to be a buffer so an instance
+ of the discriminated type can be deserialized later.
+ The IParser to consume and discriminate a type from.
+ The output type discriminated. Null if there target key was not present of if the value
+ of the target key was not within the type mapping.
+ Returns true if the discriminator matched the yaml stream.
+ A TypeDiscriminator that discriminates which type to deserialize a yaml stream into by checking the existence
+ of specific keys.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The UniqueKeyTypeDiscriminator will check if any of the keys specified exist, and discriminate the coresponding type.
+ The base type which all discriminated types will implement. Use object if you're discriminating
+ unrelated types. Note the less specific you are with the base type the more yaml will need to be buffered.
+ A mapping dictionary of yaml keys to types.
+ If any of the target types do not implement the base type.
+ Checks if the current parser contains of the unique keys this discriminator has in it's type mapping.
+ If so, return true, and the matching type.
+ Otherwise, return false.
+ This will consume the parser, so you will usually need the parser to be a buffer so an instance
+ of the discriminated type can be deserialized later.
+ The IParser to consume and discriminate a type from.
+ The output type discriminated. Null if there target key was not present of if the value
+ of the target key was not within the type mapping.
+ Returns true if the discriminator matched the yaml stream.
Common implementation of and .
@@ -3505,6 +3687,13 @@
Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Sets the to use when handling enum's.
+ Naming convention to use when handling enum's
Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
@@ -3583,6 +3772,14 @@
Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Override the default yaml formatter with the one passed in
+ to use when serializing and deserializing objects.
A factory that creates instances of based on an existing .
@@ -3603,6 +3800,48 @@
The argument of the factory.
Returns a new instance of that is based on and .
+ This represents the YAML converter entity for using the ISO-8601 standard format.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using the default any scalar style.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the current converter supports converting the specified type.
+ to check.
+ Returns True, if the current converter supports; otherwise returns False.
+ Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
+ instance.
+ to convert.
+ The deserializer to use to deserialize complex types.
+ Returns the instance converted.
+ On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion.
+ Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
+ instance.
+ Value to write.
+ to convert.
+ A serializer to serializer complext objects.
+ On serializing, the first format in the list is used.
This represents the YAML converter entity for .
@@ -3625,22 +3864,68 @@
to check.
Returns True, if the current converter supports; otherwise returns False.
+ Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
+ instance.
+ to convert.
+ The deserializer to use to deserialize complex types.
+ Returns the instance converted.
+ On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion.
+ Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
+ instance.
+ Value to write.
+ to convert.
+ A serializer to serializer complext objects.
+ On serializing, the first format in the list is used.
+ Converts the object to a string representation
+ To use this converter, call WithTypeConverter(new DateTimeOffsetConverter()) on the
+ or .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ instance. Default value is .
+ If true, will use double quotes when writing the value to the stream.
+ List of date/time formats for parsing. Default value is "O".
+ On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion, while on serializing, the first format in the list is used.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the current converter supports converting the specified type.
+ to check.
+ Returns True, if the current converter supports; otherwise returns False.
Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
to convert.
+ The deserializer to use to deserialize complex types.
Returns the instance converted.
On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion.
Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
Value to write.
to convert.
+ A serializer to serializer complext objects.
On serializing, the first format in the list is used.
@@ -3730,12 +4015,10 @@
Initializes a new using the default component registrations.
- When using Ahead of Time compilation or assembly trimming you need to pass in a generated static context. The context will contain a statically generated IObjectFactory and ITypeInspector.
- This method will also remove the default reflection based type inspectors and node deserializers.
+ Builds the type inspector used by various classes to get information about types and their members.
@@ -3783,6 +4066,16 @@
Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers a to be used by the deserializer. This internally registers
+ all existing as inner deserializers available to the .
+ Usually you will want to call this after any other changes to the s used by the deserializer.
+ An action that can configure the .
+ Configures the max depth of yaml nodes that will be buffered. A value of -1 (the default) means yaml nodes of any depth will be buffered.
+ Configures the max number of yaml nodes that will be buffered. A value of -1 (the default) means there is no limit on the number of yaml nodes buffered.
Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
@@ -3802,6 +4095,24 @@
A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
Configures the location where to insert the
+ Ignore case when matching property names.
+ Enforce whether null values can be set on non-nullable properties and fields.
+ This deserializer builder.
+ Require that all members with the 'required' keyword be set by YAML.
Unregisters an existing of type .
@@ -3979,34 +4290,85 @@
Creates an instance of the specified type.
+ Creates a default value for the .net primitive types (string, int, bool, etc)
+ If the type is convertable to a non generic dictionary, then it will do so and set dictionary and genericArguments to the correct values and return true.
+ If not, values will be null and the result will be false..
+ Object descriptor to try and convert
+ The converted dictionary
+ Generic type arguments that specify the key and value type
+ True if converted, false if not
+ Gets the type of the value part of a dictionary or list.
+ Executes the methods on the object that has the attribute
+ Executes the methods on the object that has the attribute
+ Executes the methods on the object that has the attribute
+ Executes the methods on the object that has the attribute
Defines a strategy that walks through an object graph.
Traverses the specified object graph.
The graph.
An that is to be notified during the traversal.
A that will be passed to the .
+ The serializer to use to serialize complex objects.
Defined the interface of a type that can be notified during an object graph traversal.
Indicates whether the specified value should be entered. This allows the visitor to
override the handling of a particular object or type.
The value that is about to be entered.
The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
+ The descriptor for the property that the value belongs to.
If the value is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
Indicates whether the specified mapping should be entered. This allows the visitor to
override the handling of a particular pair.
@@ -4014,9 +4376,10 @@
The key of the mapping that is about to be entered.
The value of the mapping that is about to be entered.
The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
If the mapping is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
Indicates whether the specified mapping should be entered. This allows the visitor to
override the handling of a particular pair. This overload should be invoked when the
@@ -4025,16 +4388,18 @@
The that provided access to .
The value of the mapping that is about to be entered.
The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
If the mapping is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
Notifies the visitor that a scalar value has been encountered.
The value of the scalar.
The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a mapping is about to begin.
@@ -4042,28 +4407,32 @@
The static type of the keys of the mapping.
The static type of the values of the mapping.
The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a mapping has ended.
The value that corresponds to the mapping.
The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a sequence is about to begin.
The value that corresponds to the sequence.
The static type of the elements of the sequence.
The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a sequence has ended.
The value that corresponds to the sequence.
The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
@@ -4095,18 +4464,25 @@
Registers the component in place of the already registered component of type .
- Serializes the specified object.
+ Serializes the specified object into a string.
- The where to serialize the object.
The object to serialize.
Serializes the specified object into a string.
The object to serialize.
+ The static type of the object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object.
+ The where to serialize the object.
+ The object to serialize.
@@ -4144,7 +4520,7 @@
The actual object of type whose properties are to be enumerated. Can be null.
Gets the property of the type with the specified name.
@@ -4155,6 +4531,22 @@
Determines if an exception or null should be returned if can't be
found in
+ If true use case-insitivity when choosing the property or field.
+ Returns the actual name from the EnumMember attribute
+ The type of the enum.
+ The name to lookup.
+ The actual name of the enum value.
+ Return the value of the enum
@@ -4227,12 +4619,12 @@
Gets a value indicating whether the current converter supports converting the specified type.
Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
@@ -4287,6 +4679,18 @@
Creates objects using a Func{Type,object}"/>.
Gets information about and creates statically known, serializable, types.
@@ -4299,6 +4703,14 @@
Type of object to create
+ Creates an array of the specified type with the size specified
+ The type of the array, should be the whole type, not just the value type
+ How large the array should be
Gets whether the type is a dictionary or not
@@ -4306,6 +4718,13 @@
Type to check
+ Gets whether the type is an array or not
+ Type to check
Gets whether the type is a list
@@ -4327,6 +4746,22 @@
+ Creates the default value of primitive types
+ The static implementation of yamldotnet doesn't support generating types, so we will return null's and false since we can't do anything.
An implementation of that traverses
@@ -4376,18 +4811,25 @@
deserializer is to use .
- Serializes the specified object.
+ Serializes the specified object into a string.
- The where to serialize the object.
The object to serialize.
Serializes the specified object into a string.
The object to serialize.
+ The static type of the object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object.
+ The where to serialize the object.
+ The object to serialize.
@@ -4420,20 +4862,17 @@
with the desired customizations.
- When using Ahead of Time compilation you need to pass in a generated Ahead of Time context. The context will contain a statically generated IObjectFactory and ITypeInspector.
- This method will also remove the default dynamic, reflection based type inspectors and node deserializers.
Put double quotes around strings that need it, for example Null, True, False, a number. This should be called before any other "With" methods if you want this feature enabled.
Also quote strings that are valid scalars in the YAML 1.1 specification (which includes boolean Yes/No/On/Off, base 60 numbers and more)
+ Sets the default quoting style for scalar values. The default value is
Sets the maximum recursion that is allowed while traversing the object graph. The default value is 50.
@@ -4445,6 +4884,12 @@
A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
@@ -4452,6 +4897,13 @@
A function that instantiates the event emitter.
Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
@@ -4508,7 +4960,7 @@
If more control is needed, create a class that extends from ChainedObjectGraphVisitor and override its EnterMapping methods.
- Then register it as follows:
+ Then register it as follows:
WithEmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitor(args => new MyDefaultHandlingStrategy(args.InnerVisitor));
@@ -4535,7 +4987,19 @@
The type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
before emitting an object graph.
@@ -4548,6 +5012,19 @@
The type inspector.
Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
@@ -4558,7 +5035,20 @@
before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
- A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
Configures the location where to insert the
@@ -4634,16 +5124,124 @@
deserializer is to use the method.
+ Builds the type inspector used by various classes to get information about types and their members.
If true then private, parameterless constructors will be invoked if a public one is not available.
+ Common implementation of and .
+ Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Sets the to use when handling enum's.
+ Naming convention to use when handling enum's
+ Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered ..
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Override the default yaml formatter with the one passed in
+ to use when serializing and deserializing objects.
Holds the static object factory and type inspector to use when statically serializing/deserializing YAML.
+ Gets whether the type is known to the context
+ Type to check
+ Gets the to use for serialization
Gets the factory to use for serialization and deserialization
@@ -4656,6 +5254,430 @@
+ Creates and configures instances of .
+ This class is used to customize the behavior of . Use the relevant methods
+ to apply customizations, then call to create an instance of the deserializer
+ with the desired customizations.
+ Initializes a new using the default component registrations.
+ Builds the type inspector used by various classes to get information about types and their members.
+ When deserializing it will attempt to convert unquoted strings to their correct datatype. If conversion is not sucessful, it will leave it as a string.
+ This option is only applicable when not specifying a type or specifying the object type during deserialization.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Ignore case when matching property names.
+ Enforce whether null values can be set on non-nullable properties and fields.
+ This static deserializer builder.
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers a to be used by the deserializer. This internally registers
+ all existing as inner deserializers available to the .
+ Usually you will want to call this after any other changes to the s used by the deserializer.
+ An action that can configure the .
+ Configures the max depth of yaml nodes that will be buffered. A value of -1 (the default) means yaml nodes of any depth will be buffered.
+ Configures the max number of yaml nodes that will be buffered. A value of -1 (the default) means there is no limit on the number of yaml nodes buffered.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers a tag mapping.
+ Registers a type mapping using the default object factory.
+ Unregisters an existing tag mapping.
+ Instructs the deserializer to ignore unmatched properties instead of throwing an exception.
+ Instructs the deserializer to check for duplicate keys and throw an exception if duplicate keys are found.
+ Creates a new according to the current configuration.
+ Creates a new that implements the current configuration.
+ This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
+ deserializer is to use the method.
+ Creates and configures instances of .
+ This class is used to customize the behavior of . Use the relevant methods
+ to apply customizations, then call to create an instance of the serializer
+ with the desired customizations.
+ Put double quotes around strings that need it, for example Null, True, False, a number. This should be called before any other "With" methods if you want this feature enabled.
+ Also quote strings that are valid scalars in the YAML 1.1 specification (which includes boolean Yes/No/On/Off, base 60 numbers and more)
+ Put double quotes around strings that need it, for example Null, True, False, a number. This should be called before any other "With" methods if you want this feature enabled.
+ Sets the default quoting style for scalar values. The default value is
+ Sets the maximum recursion that is allowed while traversing the object graph. The default value is 50.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers a tag mapping.
+ Unregisters an existing tag mapping.
+ Ensures that it will be possible to deserialize the serialized objects.
+ This option will force the emission of tags and emit only properties with setters.
+ Specifies that, if the same object appears more than once in the
+ serialization graph, it will be serialized each time instead of just once.
+ If the serialization graph contains circular references and this flag is set,
+ a StackOverflowException will be thrown.
+ If this flag is not set, there is a performance penalty because the entire
+ object graph must be walked twice.
+ Forces every value to be serialized, even if it is the default value for that type.
+ Configures how properties with default and null values should be handled. The default value is DefaultValuesHandling.Preserve
+ If more control is needed, create a class that extends from ChainedObjectGraphVisitor and override its EnterMapping methods.
+ Then register it as follows:
+ WithEmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitor(args => new MyDefaultHandlingStrategy(args.InnerVisitor));
+ Ensures that the result of the serialization is valid JSON.
+ Allows you to override the new line character to use when serializing to YAML.
+ NewLine character(s) to use when serializing to YAML.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ The type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ The type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers an to be used by the serializer
+ while traversing the object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the traversal strategy.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ while emitting an object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ while emitting an object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ while emitting an object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Creates sequences with extra indentation
+ list:
+ - item
+ - item
+ Creates a new according to the current configuration.
+ Creates a new that implements the current configuration.
+ This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
+ deserializer is to use the method.
+ Builds the type inspector used by various classes to get information about types and their members.
An object that contains part of a YAML stream.
@@ -4750,7 +5772,7 @@
- The type returned will always be the static type.
+ Except for primitive types, the type returned will always be the static type.
@@ -4759,6 +5781,16 @@
needs to be notified after deserialization.
+ Convert a value to a specified type
+ Naming convention to use on enums in the type converter.
+ The type inspector to use when getting information about a type.
Adds the specified anchor.
@@ -4829,56 +5861,46 @@
Performs type conversions using every standard provided by the .NET library.
Converts the specified value.
The type to which the value is to be converted.
The value to convert.
+ Naming convention to apply to enums.
+ The type inspector to use when getting information about a type.
- Converts the specified value.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The value to convert.
- The provider.
- Converts the specified value.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The value to convert.
- The culture.
Converts the specified value using the invariant culture.
The value to convert.
The type to which the value is to be converted.
+ Naming convention to apply to enums.
+ The type inspector to use when getting information about a type.
Converts the specified value.
The value to convert.
The type to which the value is to be converted.
The format provider.
+ Naming convention to apply to enums.
+ The type inspector to use when getting information about a type.
Converts the specified value.
The value to convert.
The type to which the value is to be converted.
The culture.
+ Naming convention to apply to enums.
+ The type inspector to use when getting information about a type.
@@ -4927,6 +5949,18 @@
Applies the Yaml* attributes to another .
+ Converts an enum to it's string representation.
+ By default it will be the string representation of the enum passed through the naming convention.
+ A string representation of the enum
+ If this function returns true, the serializer will put quotes around the formatted enum value if necessary. Defaults to true.
Instructs the YamlSerializer not to serialize the public field or public read/write property value.
@@ -4986,18 +6020,20 @@
- Put this attribute on classes that you want the static analyzer to detect and use.
+ Put this attribute either on serializable types or on the that you want
+ the static analyzer to detect and use.
- Determines whether the specified type has a default constructor.
+ Use this constructor if the attribute is placed on a serializable class.
- The type.
- Whether to include private constructors
- true if the type has a default constructor; otherwise, false.
+ Use this constructor if the attribute is placed on the .
+ The type for which to include static code generation.
diff --git a/lib/netstandard2.1/LICENSE-libyaml b/lib/netstandard2.1/LICENSE-libyaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 050ced2..0000000
--- a/lib/netstandard2.1/LICENSE-libyaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2006 Kirill Simonov
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
-this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
-the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
-use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
-of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
-so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/lib/netstandard2.1/StringQuotingEmitter.dll b/lib/netstandard2.1/StringQuotingEmitter.dll
index d058616..d06c8f1 100644
Binary files a/lib/netstandard2.1/StringQuotingEmitter.dll and b/lib/netstandard2.1/StringQuotingEmitter.dll differ
diff --git a/lib/netstandard2.1/YamlDotNet.deps.json b/lib/netstandard2.1/YamlDotNet.deps.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 197ceb8..0000000
--- a/lib/netstandard2.1/YamlDotNet.deps.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
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- "sha512": "sha512-OKiSUN7DmTWeYb3l51A7EYaeNMnvxwE249YtZz7yooT4gOZhmTjIn48KgSsw2k2lYdLgTKNJw/ZIfSElwDRVgg==",
- "path": "system.runtime.handles/4.3.0",
- "hashPath": "system.runtime.handles.4.3.0.nupkg.sha512"
- },
- "System.Runtime.InteropServices/4.3.0": {
- "type": "package",
- "serviceable": true,
- "sha512": "sha512-uv1ynXqiMK8mp1GM3jDqPCFN66eJ5w5XNomaK2XD+TuCroNTLFGeZ+WCmBMcBDyTFKou3P6cR6J/QsaqDp7fGQ==",
- "path": "system.runtime.interopservices/4.3.0",
- "hashPath": "system.runtime.interopservices.4.3.0.nupkg.sha512"
- },
- "System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters/4.3.0": {
- "type": "package",
- "serviceable": true,
- "sha512": "sha512-KT591AkTNFOTbhZlaeMVvfax3RqhH1EJlcwF50Wm7sfnBLuHiOeZRRKrr1ns3NESkM20KPZ5Ol/ueMq5vg4QoQ==",
- "path": "system.runtime.serialization.formatters/4.3.0",
- "hashPath": "system.runtime.serialization.formatters.4.3.0.nupkg.sha512"
- },
- "System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives/4.3.0": {
- "type": "package",
- "serviceable": true,
- "sha512": "sha512-evunQNWQe5kF4EXiKMh1/AGoub4IrAOTQ8oOOh6sLo8hi2OAbio0+UoboMFJlnoYCND70QcbVNSvNMPt+ZSgKg==",
- "path": "system.runtime.serialization.primitives/4.3.0",
- "hashPath": "system.runtime.serialization.primitives.4.3.0.nupkg.sha512"
- },
- "System.Text.Encoding/4.3.0": {
- "type": "package",
- "serviceable": true,
- "sha512": "sha512-BiIg+KWaSDOITze6jGQynxg64naAPtqGHBwDrLaCtixsa5bKiR8dpPOHA7ge3C0JJQizJE+sfkz1wV+BAKAYZw==",
- "path": "system.text.encoding/4.3.0",
- "hashPath": "system.text.encoding.4.3.0.nupkg.sha512"
- },
- "System.Threading/4.3.0": {
- "type": "package",
- "serviceable": true,
- "sha512": "sha512-VkUS0kOBcUf3Wwm0TSbrevDDZ6BlM+b/HRiapRFWjM5O0NS0LviG0glKmFK+hhPDd1XFeSdU1GmlLhb2CoVpIw==",
- "path": "system.threading/4.3.0",
- "hashPath": "system.threading.4.3.0.nupkg.sha512"
- },
- "System.Threading.Tasks/4.3.0": {
- "type": "package",
- "serviceable": true,
- "sha512": "sha512-LbSxKEdOUhVe8BezB/9uOGGppt+nZf6e1VFyw6v3DN6lqitm0OSn2uXMOdtP0M3W4iMcqcivm2J6UgqiwwnXiA==",
- "path": "system.threading.tasks/4.3.0",
- "hashPath": "system.threading.tasks.4.3.0.nupkg.sha512"
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/netstandard2.1/YamlDotNet.dll b/lib/netstandard2.1/YamlDotNet.dll
index 092823c..06c77a7 100644
Binary files a/lib/netstandard2.1/YamlDotNet.dll and b/lib/netstandard2.1/YamlDotNet.dll differ
diff --git a/lib/netstandard2.1/YamlDotNet.xml b/lib/netstandard2.1/YamlDotNet.xml
index 7bc37fa..aa0e99e 100644
--- a/lib/netstandard2.1/YamlDotNet.xml
+++ b/lib/netstandard2.1/YamlDotNet.xml
@@ -1,5003 +1,6039 @@
- YamlDotNet
- The exception that is thrown when an alias references an anchor that does not exist.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Defines constants that relate to the YAML specification.
- Emits YAML streams.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The where the emitter will write.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The where the emitter will write.
- The preferred indentation.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The where the emitter will write.
- The preferred indentation.
- The preferred text width.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The where the emitter will write.
- The preferred indentation.
- The preferred text width.
- If true, write the output in canonical form.
- Emit an evt.
- Check if we need to accumulate more events before emitting.
- We accumulate extra
- - 1 event for DOCUMENT-START
- - 2 events for SEQUENCE-START
- - 3 events for MAPPING-START
- Expect the root node.
- Expect a node.
- Expect ALIAS.
- Expect SCALAR.
- Expect a flow item node.
- Expect a flow key node.
- Expect a flow value node.
- Expect a block item node.
- Expect a block key node.
- Expect a block value node.
- Check if the document content is an empty scalar.
- Check if the next node can be expressed as a simple key.
- The preferred indentation.
- The preferred text width.
- New line characters.
- If true, write the output in canonical form.
- If true, write output without anchor names.
- The maximum allowed length for simple keys.
- The specifiction mandates 1024 characters, but any desired value may be used.
- Indent sequences. The default is to not indent.
- Represents an alias event.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets the value of the alias.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value of the alias.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value of the alias.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Represents a document end event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
- true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Represents a document start event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets the tags.
- The tags.
- Gets the version.
- The version.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
- true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The version.
- The tags.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The version.
- The tags.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Callback interface for external event Visitor.
- Represents a mapping end event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Represents a mapping start event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
- true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
- Gets the style of the mapping.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- The style of the mapping.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- Indicates whether the event is implicit.
- The style of the mapping.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Specifies the style of a mapping.
- Let the emitter choose the style.
- The block mapping style.
- The flow mapping style.
- Contains the behavior that is common between node events.
- Gets the anchor.
- Gets the tag.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for parsing events.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event starts.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event ends.
- Accepts the specified visitor.
- Visitor to accept, may not be null
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Represents a scalar event.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets the value.
- The value.
- Gets the style of the scalar.
- The style.
- Gets a value indicating whether the tag is optional for the plain style.
- Gets a value indicating whether the tag is optional for any non-plain style.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
- Gets whether this scalar event is a key
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- The value.
- The style.
- .
- .
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Whether or not this scalar event is for a key
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- The value.
- The style.
- .
- .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The tag.
- The value.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Represents a sequence end event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Represents a sequence start event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
- true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
- Gets the style.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- The tag.
- if set to true [is implicit].
- The style.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Specifies the style of a sequence.
- Let the emitter choose the style.
- The block sequence style.
- The flow sequence style.
- Represents a stream end event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- Represents a stream start event.
- Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
- The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
- for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
- Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
- visitor, may not be null.
- The exception that is thrown when an alias references an anchor
- that has not yet been defined in a context that does not support forward references.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Supports implementations of by providing methods to combine two hash codes.
- Combines two hash codes.
- The first hash code.
- The second hash code.
- Represents a YAML stream emitter.
- Emits an event.
- Gets a value indicating whether the end of the input reader has been reached.
- Gets the character at the specified offset.
- Skips the next characters. Those characters must have been
- obtained first by calling the method.
- Generic queue on which items may be inserted
- Gets the number of items that are contained by the queue.
- Enqueues the specified item.
- The item to be enqueued.
- Dequeues an item.
- Returns the item that been dequeued.
- Inserts an item at the specified index.
- The index where to insert the item.
- The item to be inserted.
- Represents a YAML stream parser.
- Gets the current event. Returns null before the first call to ,
- and also after returns false.
- Moves to the next event.
- Returns true if there are more events available, otherwise returns false.
- Defines the interface for a stand-alone YAML scanner that
- converts a sequence of characters into a sequence of YAML tokens.
- Gets the current position inside the input stream.
- The current position.
- Gets the current token.
- Moves to the next token and consumes the current token.
- Moves to the next token without consuming the current token.
- Consumes the current token.
- Provides access to a stream and allows to peek at the next characters,
- up to the buffer's capacity.
- This class implements a circular buffer with a fixed capacity.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The input.
- The capacity.
- Gets a value indicating whether the end of the input reader has been reached.
- Gets the index of the character for the specified offset.
- Gets the character at the specified offset.
- Reads characters until at least characters are in the buffer.
- Number of characters to cache.
- Skips the next characters. Those characters must have been
- obtained first by calling the or methods.
- Represents a location inside a file
- Gets a with empty values.
- Gets / sets the absolute offset in the file
- Gets / sets the number of the line
- Gets / sets the index of the column
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Exception that is thrown when an infinite recursion is detected.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Simple implementation of that implements merging: http://yaml.org/type/merge.html
- Parses YAML streams.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The input where the YAML stream is to be read.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the current event.
- Moves to the next event.
- Returns true if there are more events available, otherwise returns false.
- Parse the production:
- stream ::= STREAM-START implicit_document? explicit_document* STREAM-END
- ************
- Parse the productions:
- implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END*
- *
- explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
- *************************
- Parse directives.
- Parse the productions:
- explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
- ***********
- Generate an empty scalar event.
- Parse the productions:
- block_node_or_indentless_sequence ::=
- *****
- | properties (block_content | indentless_block_sequence)?
- ********** *
- | block_content | indentless_block_sequence
- *
- block_node ::= ALIAS
- *****
- | properties block_content?
- ********** *
- | block_content
- *
- flow_node ::= ALIAS
- *****
- | properties flow_content?
- ********** *
- | flow_content
- *
- properties ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG?
- *************************
- block_content ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR
- ******
- flow_content ::= flow_collection | SCALAR
- ******
- Parse the productions:
- implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END*
- *************
- explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
- *************
- Parse the productions:
- block_sequence ::= BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)* BLOCK-END
- ******************** *********** * *********
- Parse the productions:
- indentless_sequence ::= (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)+
- *********** *
- Parse the productions:
- block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START
- *******************
- ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?
- *** *
- (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)*
- *********
- Parse the productions:
- block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START
- ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?
- (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)*
- ***** *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_sequence ::= FLOW-SEQUENCE-START
- *******************
- (flow_sequence_entry FLOW-ENTRY)*
- * **********
- flow_sequence_entry?
- *
- *****************
- flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- *** *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- ***** *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_mapping ::= FLOW-MAPPING-START
- ******************
- (flow_mapping_entry FLOW-ENTRY)*
- * **********
- flow_mapping_entry?
- ******************
- ****************
- flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- * *** *
- Parse the productions:
- flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
- * ***** *
- Extension methods that provide useful abstractions over .
- Ensures that the current event is of the specified type, returns it and moves to the next event.
- Type of the .
- Returns the current event.
- If the current event is not of the specified type.
- Checks whether the current event is of the specified type.
- If the event is of the specified type, returns it and moves to the next event.
- Otherwise returns null.
- Type of the .
- Returns true if the current event is of type T; otherwise returns null.
- Enforces that the current event is of the specified type.
- Type of the .
- Returns the current event.
- If the current event is not of the specified type.
- Checks whether the current event is of the specified type.
- Type of the event.
- Returns true if the current event is of type . Otherwise returns false.
- Skips the current event and any nested event.
- Keeps track of the recursion level,
- and throws
- whenever is reached.
- Increments the recursion level,
- and throws
- if is reached.
- Increments the recursion level,
- and returns whether is still less than .
- Decrements the recursion level.
- Specifies the style of a YAML scalar.
- Let the emitter choose the style.
- The plain scalar style.
- The single-quoted scalar style.
- The double-quoted scalar style.
- The literal scalar style.
- The folded scalar style.
- Converts a sequence of characters into a sequence of YAML tokens.
- Gets the current token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The input.
- Indicates whether comments should be ignored
- Gets the current position inside the input stream.
- The current position.
- Moves to the next token.
- Consumes the current token and increments the parsed token count
- Check the list of potential simple keys and remove the positions that
- cannot contain simple keys anymore.
- Pop indentation levels from the indents stack until the current level
- becomes less or equal to the column. For each indentation level, append
- the BLOCK-END token.
- Produce the STREAM-END token and shut down the scanner.
- Scope:
- %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Produce the DOCUMENT-START or DOCUMENT-END token.
- Increase the flow level and resize the simple key list if needed.
- Decrease the flow level.
- Produce the FLOW-ENTRY token.
- Produce the BLOCK-ENTRY token.
- Produce the KEY token.
- Produce the VALUE token.
- Push the current indentation level to the stack and set the new level
- the current column is greater than the indentation level. In this case,
- append or insert the specified token into the token queue.
- Produce the ALIAS or ANCHOR token.
- Produce the TAG token.
- Scan a TAG token.
- Produce the SCALAR(...,literal) or SCALAR(...,folded) tokens.
- Scan a block scalar.
- Scan indentation spaces and line breaks for a block scalar. Determine the
- indentation level if needed.
- Produce the SCALAR(...,single-quoted) or SCALAR(...,double-quoted) tokens.
- Scan a quoted scalar.
- Produce the SCALAR(...,plain) token.
- Scan a plain scalar.
- Remove a potential simple key at the current flow level.
- Scan the directive name.
- Scope:
- %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
- ^^^^
- %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n
- ^^^
- Scan the value of VERSION-DIRECTIVE.
- Scope:
- %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
- ^^^^^^
- Scan the value of a TAG-DIRECTIVE token.
- Scope:
- %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Scan a tag.
- Decode an URI-escape sequence corresponding to a single UTF-8 character.
- Scan a tag handle.
- Scan the version number of VERSION-DIRECTIVE.
- Scope:
- %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
- ^
- %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
- ^
- Check if a simple key may start at the current position and add it if
- needed.
- Exception that is thrown when a semantic error is detected on a YAML stream.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Exception that is thrown when a syntax error is detected on a YAML stream.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Collection of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initial content of the collection.
- Gets a value indicating whether the collection contains a directive with the same handle
- Represents an anchor token.
- Gets the value.
- The value.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents an alias token.
- Gets the value of the alias.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value of the anchor.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value of the anchor.
- The start position of the event.
- The end position of the event.
- Represents a block end token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a block entry event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a block mapping start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a block sequence start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a comment
- Gets the value of the comment
- Gets a value indicating whether the comment appears other tokens on that line.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Represents a document end token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a document start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Error tokens.
- Gets the value of the error
- Represents a flow entry event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a flow mapping end token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a flow mapping start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a flow sequence end token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a flow sequence start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a key token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a scalar token.
- Gets or sets whether this scalar is a key
- Gets the value.
- The value.
- Gets the style.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- The style.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a stream end event.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a stream start token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a tag token.
- Gets the handle.
- The handle.
- Gets the suffix.
- The suffix.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The handle.
- The suffix.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The handle.
- The suffix.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a tag directive token.
- Gets the handle.
- The handle.
- Gets the prefix.
- The prefix.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The handle.
- The prefix.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The handle.
- The prefix.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object.
- The System.Object to compare with the current System.Object.
- true if the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object; otherwise, false.
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Base class for YAML tokens.
- Gets the start of the token in the input stream.
- Gets the end of the token in the input stream.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a value token.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Represents a version directive token.
- Gets the version.
- The version.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The version.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The version.
- The start position of the token.
- The end position of the token.
- Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object.
- The System.Object to compare with the current System.Object.
- true if the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object; otherwise, false.
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Specifies the version of the YAML language.
- Gets the major version number.
- Gets the minor version number.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The major version number.
- The minor version number.
- Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object.
- The System.Object to compare with the current System.Object.
- true if the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object; otherwise, false.
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Base exception that is thrown when the a problem occurs in the YamlDotNet library.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the exception starts.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the exception ends.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The message.
- The inner.
- Generic implementation of object pooling pattern with predefined pool size limit. The main
- purpose is that limited number of frequently used objects can be kept in the pool for
- further recycling.
- Notes:
- 1) it is not the goal to keep all returned objects. Pool is not meant for storage. If there
- is no space in the pool, extra returned objects will be dropped.
- 2) it is implied that if object was obtained from a pool, the caller will return it back in
- a relatively short time. Keeping checked out objects for long durations is ok, but
- reduces usefulness of pooling. Just new up your own.
- Not returning objects to the pool in not detrimental to the pool's work, but is a bad practice.
- Rationale:
- If there is no intent for reusing the object, do not use pool - just use "new".
- Not using System.Func{T} because this file is linked into the (debugger) Formatter,
- which does not have that type (since it compiles against .NET 2.0).
- Produces an instance.
- Search strategy is a simple linear probing which is chosen for it cache-friendliness.
- Note that Free will try to store recycled objects close to the start thus statistically
- reducing how far we will typically search.
- Returns objects to the pool.
- Search strategy is a simple linear probing which is chosen for it cache-friendliness.
- Note that Free will try to store recycled objects close to the start thus statistically
- reducing how far we will typically search in Allocate.
- Returns the that describes the property that
- is being returned in an expression in the form:
- x => x.SomeProperty
- Adapts an to
- because not all generic collections implement .
- Adapts an to
- because not all generic dictionaries implement .
- Gets or sets the element with the specified index.
- The index of the element to get or set.
- The element with the specified index.
- Adds an element with the provided key and value to the
- at the given index.
- The zero-based index at which the item should be inserted.
- The object to use as the key of the element to add.
- The object to use as the value of the element to add.
- Removes the element at the specified index.
- The zero-based index of the element to remove.
- Pooling of StringBuilder instances.
- Manages the state of a while it is loading.
- Adds the specified node to the anchor list.
- The node.
- Gets the node with the specified anchor.
- The anchor.
- The start position.
- The end position.
- if there is no node with that anchor.
- Gets the node with the specified anchor.
- The anchor.
- The node that was retrieved.
- true if the anchor was found; otherwise false.
- Adds the specified node to the collection of nodes with unresolved aliases.
- The that has unresolved aliases.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved while loading the document.
- Holds state that is used when emitting a stream.
- Gets the already emitted anchors.
- The emitted anchors.
- Defines the method needed to be able to visit Yaml elements.
- Visits a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits a .
- The that is being visited.
- Represents a LibYAML event stream.
- Initializes a new instance of the class
- from the specified .
- Represents an alias node in the YAML document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The anchor.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
- The state of the document.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
- and throwing
- if is reached.
- Gets the type of node.
- Represents an YAML document.
- Gets or sets the root node.
- The root node.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class with a single scalar node.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Visitor that assigns anchors to nodes that are referenced more than once.
- Existing anchors are preserved as much as possible.
- Key: Node, Value: IsDuplicate
- Returns whether the visited node is a duplicate.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Gets all nodes from the document.
- is thrown if an infinite recursion is detected.
- Represents a mapping node in the YAML document.
- Gets the children of the current node.
- The children.
- Gets or sets the style of the node.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A sequence of where even elements are keys and odd elements are values.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A sequence of where even elements are keys and odd elements are values.
- Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
- The key node.
- The value node.
- Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
- The key node.
- The value node.
- Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
- The key node.
- The value node.
- Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
- The key node.
- The value node.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
- The state of the document.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
- and throwing
- if is reached.
- Gets the type of node.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Creates a containing a key-value pair for each property of the specified object.
- Represents a single node in the YAML document.
- Gets or sets the anchor of the node.
- The anchor.
- Gets or sets the tag of the node.
- The tag.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the node starts.
- Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the node ends.
- Loads the specified event.
- The event.
- The state of the document.
- Parses the node represented by the next event in .
- Returns the node that has been parsed.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
- The state of the document.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Gets all nodes from the document, starting on the current node.
- is thrown if an infinite recursion is detected.
- When implemented, recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node.
- If is reached, a is thrown
- instead of continuing and crashing with a .
- Gets the type of node.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The value.
- The result of the conversion.
- Performs an implicit conversion from string[] to .
- The value.
- The result of the conversion.
- Converts a to a string by returning its value.
- Gets the nth element in a .
- Gets the value associated with a key in a .
- Comparer that is based on identity comparisons.
- Specifies the type of node in the representation model.
- The node is a .
- The node is a .
- The node is a .
- The node is a .
- Represents a scalar node in the YAML document.
- Gets or sets the value of the node.
- The value.
- Gets or sets the style of the node.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
- The state of the document.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Performs an explicit conversion from to .
- The value.
- The result of the conversion.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
- and throwing
- if is reached.
- Gets the type of node.
- Represents a sequence node in the YAML document.
- Gets the collection of child nodes.
- The children.
- Gets or sets the style of the node.
- The style.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Adds the specified child to the collection.
- The child.
- Adds a scalar node to the collection.
- The child.
- Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
- The state of the document.
- Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
- The emitter where the node is to be saved.
- The state.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current .
- Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
- and throwing
- if is reached.
- Gets the type of node.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Represents an YAML stream.
- Gets the documents inside the stream.
- The documents.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Adds the specified document to the collection.
- The document.
- Loads the stream from the specified input.
- The input.
- Loads the stream from the specified .
- Saves the stream to the specified output.
- The output.
- Saves the stream to the specified output.
- The output.
- Indicates whether or not to assign node anchors.
- Saves the stream to the specified emitter.
- The emitter.
- Indicates whether or not to assign node anchors.
- Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
- A .
- Abstract implementation of that knows how to walk a complete Yaml object model.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called after this object finishes visiting a .
- The that has been visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called after this object finishes visiting a .
- The that has been visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called after this object finishes visiting a .
- The that has been visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called after this object finishes visiting a .
- The that has been visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called after this object finishes visiting a .
- The that has been visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Abstract implementation of that knows how to walk a complete YAML object model.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a .
- The that is being visited.
- Called when this object is visiting a key-value pair.
- The left (key) that is being visited.
- The right (value) that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Visits every child of a .
- The that is being visited.
- Common implementation of and .
- Prevents serialization and deserialization of fields.
- Allows serialization and deserialization of non-public properties.
- Calling this will enable the support for private constructors when considering serialization and deserialization.
- Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
- Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
- Register an for a given property.
- An expression in the form: x => x.SomeProperty
- The attribute to register.
- Register an for a given property.
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector.
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered ..
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- A factory that creates instances of based on an existing .
- The type of the wrapped component.
- The type of the component that this factory creates.
- The component that is to be wrapped.
- Returns a new instance of that is based on .
- A factory that creates instances of based on an existing and an argument.
- The type of the argument.
- The type of the wrapped component.
- The type of the component that this factory creates.
- The component that is to be wrapped.
- The argument of the factory.
- Returns a new instance of that is based on and .
- This represents the YAML converter entity for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- value. Default value is . is considered as .
- instance. Default value is .
- If true, will use double quotes when writing the value to the stream.
- List of date/time formats for parsing. Default value is "G".
- On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion, while on serializing, the first format in the list is used.
- Gets a value indicating whether the current converter supports converting the specified type.
- to check.
- Returns True, if the current converter supports; otherwise returns False.
- Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
- instance.
- to convert.
- Returns the instance converted.
- On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion.
- Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
- instance.
- Value to write.
- to convert.
- On serializing, the first format in the list is used.
- Converter for System.Guid.
- Converter for System.Type.
- Converts to a scalar containing the assembly qualified name of the type.
- Specifies the strategy to handle default and null values during serialization of properties.
- Specifies that all properties are to be emitted regardless of their value. This is the default behavior.
- Specifies that properties that contain null references or a null Nullable<T> are to be omitted.
- Specifies that properties that that contain their default value, either default(T) or the value specified in DefaultValueAttribute are to be omitted.
- Specifies that properties that that contain collections/arrays/enumerations that are empty are to be omitted.
- Deserializes objects from the YAML format.
- To customize the behavior of ,
- use the class.
- Initializes a new instance of using the default configuration.
- To customize the behavior of the deserializer, use .
- This constructor is private to discourage its use.
- To invoke it, call the method.
- Creates a new that uses the specified .
- This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
- deserializer is to use .
- Deserializes an object of the specified type.
- The from where to deserialize the object.
- The static type of the object to deserialize.
- Returns the deserialized object.
- Creates and configures instances of .
- This class is used to customize the behavior of . Use the relevant methods
- to apply customizations, then call to create an instance of the deserializer
- with the desired customizations.
- Initializes a new using the default component registrations.
- When using Ahead of Time compilation or assembly trimming you need to pass in a generated static context. The context will contain a statically generated IObjectFactory and ITypeInspector.
- This method will also remove the default reflection based type inspectors and node deserializers.
- When deserializing it will attempt to convert unquoted strings to their correct datatype. If conversion is not sucessful, it will leave it as a string.
- This option is only applicable when not specifying a type or specifying the object type during deserialization.
- Sets the that will be used by the deserializer.
- Sets the that will be used by the deserializer.
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
- A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Registers a tag mapping.
- Registers a type mapping using the default object factory.
- Unregisters an existing tag mapping.
- Instructs the deserializer to ignore unmatched properties instead of throwing an exception.
- Instructs the deserializer to check for duplicate keys and throw an exception if duplicate keys are found.
- Creates a new according to the current configuration.
- Creates a new that implements the current configuration.
- This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
- deserializer is to use the method.
- Gets the next visitor that should be called by the current visitor.
- Gets the that is to be used for serialization.
- Gets a function that, when called, serializes the specified object.
- Gets the visitor of type that was used during the pre-processing phase.
- The type of the visitor.s
- No visitor of that type has been registered,
- or ore than one visitors registered are of type .
- Provided the base implementation for an IEventEmitter that is a
- decorator for another IEventEmitter.
- This pattern matches strings that are special both in YAML 1.1 and 1.2
- Deserializes an object of the specified type.
- The from where to deserialize the object.
- The static type of the object to deserialize.
- Returns the deserialized object.
- Translates property names according to a specific convention.
- Determines the type of the specified node.
- The node to be deserialized.
- The type that has been determined so far.
- true if has been resolved completely;
- false if the next type should be invoked.
- The interface to implement for getting/setting an objects fields and properties when using a static context
- Set a field/property value
- Name of the field or property.
- Object to set the field/property on.
- Value to set the field/property to.
- Reads a value from a field/property
- Name of the field or property.
- Object to get the field/property from.
- Represents an object along with its type.
- A reference to the object.
- The type that should be used when to interpret the .
- The type of as determined by its container (e.g. a property).
- The style to be used for scalars.
- Returns the Value property of the if it is not null.
- This is useful in all places that the value must not be null.
- An object descriptor.
- Thrown when the Value is null
- Creates instances of types.
- This interface allows to provide a custom logic for creating instances during deserialization.
- Creates an instance of the specified type.
- Defines a strategy that walks through an object graph.
- Traverses the specified object graph.
- The graph.
- An that is to be notified during the traversal.
- A that will be passed to the .
- Defined the interface of a type that can be notified during an object graph traversal.
- Indicates whether the specified value should be entered. This allows the visitor to
- override the handling of a particular object or type.
- The value that is about to be entered.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- If the value is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
- Indicates whether the specified mapping should be entered. This allows the visitor to
- override the handling of a particular pair.
- The key of the mapping that is about to be entered.
- The value of the mapping that is about to be entered.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- If the mapping is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
- Indicates whether the specified mapping should be entered. This allows the visitor to
- override the handling of a particular pair. This overload should be invoked when the
- mapping is produced by an object's property.
- The that provided access to .
- The value of the mapping that is about to be entered.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- If the mapping is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
- Notifies the visitor that a scalar value has been encountered.
- The value of the scalar.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a mapping is about to begin.
- The value that corresponds to the mapping.
- The static type of the keys of the mapping.
- The static type of the values of the mapping.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a mapping has ended.
- The value that corresponds to the mapping.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a sequence is about to begin.
- The value that corresponds to the sequence.
- The static type of the elements of the sequence.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a sequence has ended.
- The value that corresponds to the sequence.
- The context that this implementation depend on.
- Registers the component in place of the already registered component of type .
- Registers the component before the already registered component of type .
- Registers the component after the already registered component of type .
- Registers the component before every other previously registered component.
- Registers the component after every other previously registered component.
- Registers the component in place of the already registered component of type .
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object into a string.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- The static type of the object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- The static type of the object to serialize.
- Provides access to the properties of a type.
- Gets all properties of the specified type.
- The type whose properties are to be enumerated.
- The actual object of type whose properties are to be enumerated. Can be null.
- Gets the property of the type with the specified name.
- The type whose properties are to be searched.
- The actual object of type whose properties are to be searched. Can be null.
- The name of the property.
- Determines if an exception or null should be returned if can't be
- found in
- Resolves the type of values.
- Allows an object to customize how it is serialized and deserialized.
- Reads this object's state from a YAML parser.
- The parser where the object's state should be read from.
- The type that the deserializer is expecting.
- A function that will use the current deserializer
- to read an object of the given type from the parser.
- Writes this object's state to a YAML emitter.
- The emitter where the object's state should be written to.
- A function that will use the current serializer to write an object to the emitter.
- Represents a function that is used to deserialize an object of the given type.
- The type that the deserializer should read.
- Returns the object that was deserialized.
- Represents a function that is used to serialize an object of the given type.
- The object to be serialized.
- The type that should be considered when emitting the object.
- If null, the actual type of the is used.
- Allows an object to customize how it is serialized and deserialized.
- Reads this object's state from a YAML parser.
- Writes this object's state to a YAML emitter.
- Allows to customize how a type is serialized and deserialized.
- Gets a value indicating whether the current converter supports converting the specified type.
- Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
- Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
- Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
- camel case (thisIsATest). Camel case is the same as Pascal case, except the first letter
- is lowercase.
- Convert the string from camelcase (thisIsATest) to a hyphenated (this-is-a-test) string
- Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
- lower case (thisisatest).
- Performs no naming conversion.
- Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
- pascal case (ThisIsATest). Pascal case is the same as camel case, except the first letter
- is uppercase.
- Convert the string from camelcase (thisIsATest) to a underscored (this_is_a_test) string
- An empty type for cases where a type needs to be provided but won't be used.
- Creates objects using Activator.CreateInstance.
- Creates objects using a Func{Type,object}"/>.
- Gets information about and creates statically known, serializable, types.
- Create an object of the specified type
- Type of object to create
- Gets whether the type is a dictionary or not
- Type to check
- Gets whether the type is a list
- Type to check
- Gets the type of the key of a dictionary
- Gets the type of the value part of a dictionary or list.
- An implementation of that traverses
- readable properties, collections and dictionaries.
- An implementation of that traverses
- properties that are read/write, collections and dictionaries, while ensuring that
- the graph can be regenerated from the resulting document.
- A factory method for creating instances
- The type inspector to be used by the traversal strategy.
- The type resolver to be used by the traversal strategy.
- The type converters to be used by the traversal strategy.
- The maximum object depth to be supported by the traversal strategy.
- A base class that simplifies the correct implementation of .
- Initializes a new instance of using the default configuration.
- To customize the behavior of the serializer, use .
- This constructor is private to discourage its use.
- To invoke it, call the method.
- Creates a new that uses the specified .
- This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
- deserializer is to use .
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object into a string.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- The static type of the object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- Serializes the specified object.
- The where to serialize the object.
- The object to serialize.
- The static type of the object to serialize.
- Creates and configures instances of .
- This class is used to customize the behavior of . Use the relevant methods
- to apply customizations, then call to create an instance of the serializer
- with the desired customizations.
- When using Ahead of Time compilation you need to pass in a generated Ahead of Time context. The context will contain a statically generated IObjectFactory and ITypeInspector.
- This method will also remove the default dynamic, reflection based type inspectors and node deserializers.
- Put double quotes around strings that need it, for example Null, True, False, a number. This should be called before any other "With" methods if you want this feature enabled.
- Also quote strings that are valid scalars in the YAML 1.1 specification (which includes boolean Yes/No/On/Off, base 60 numbers and more)
- Sets the maximum recursion that is allowed while traversing the object graph. The default value is 50.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
- A function that instantiates the event emitter.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
- A function that instantiates the event emitter.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
- A function that instantiates the event emitter based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Registers a tag mapping.
- Unregisters an existing tag mapping.
- Ensures that it will be possible to deserialize the serialized objects.
- This option will force the emission of tags and emit only properties with setters.
- Specifies that, if the same object appears more than once in the
- serialization graph, it will be serialized each time instead of just once.
- If the serialization graph contains circular references and this flag is set,
- a StackOverflowException will be thrown.
- If this flag is not set, there is a performance penalty because the entire
- object graph must be walked twice.
- Forces every value to be serialized, even if it is the default value for that type.
- Configures how properties with default and null values should be handled. The default value is DefaultValuesHandling.Preserve
- If more control is needed, create a class that extends from ChainedObjectGraphVisitor and override its EnterMapping methods.
- Then register it as follows:
- WithEmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitor(args => new MyDefaultHandlingStrategy(args.InnerVisitor));
- Ensures that the result of the serialization is valid JSON.
- Allows you to override the new line character to use when serializing to YAML.
- NewLine character(s) to use when serializing to YAML.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- before emitting an object graph.
- Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
- before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
- can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
- The type inspector.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- before emitting an object graph.
- Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
- before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
- can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
- The type inspector.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- before emitting an object graph.
- Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
- before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
- can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
- A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Registers an to be used by the serializer
- while traversing the object graph.
- A function that instantiates the traversal strategy.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- while emitting an object graph.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector.
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- while emitting an object graph.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector.
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
- while emitting an object graph.
- A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
- Configures the location where to insert the
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Unregisters an existing of type .
- Creates sequences with extra indentation
- list:
- - item
- - item
- Creates a new according to the current configuration.
- Creates a new that implements the current configuration.
- This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
- deserializer is to use the method.
- If true then private, parameterless constructors will be invoked if a public one is not available.
- Holds the static object factory and type inspector to use when statically serializing/deserializing YAML.
- Gets the factory to use for serialization and deserialization
- Gets the type inspector to use when statically serializing/deserializing YAML.
- An object that contains part of a YAML stream.
- Gets or sets the events.
- The events.
- Reads this object's state from a YAML parser.
- Writes this object's state to a YAML emitter.
- Contains mappings between tags and types.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The mappings.
- Adds the specified tag.
- The tag.
- The mapping.
- Gets the mapping.
- The tag.
- Wraps another and applies caching.
- Aggregates the results from multiple into a single one.
- Wraps another and applies a
- naming convention to the names of the properties.
- Returns the properties of a type that are both readable and writable.
- Returns the properties and fields of a type that are readable.
- Returns the properties of a type that are readable.
- Returns the properties of a type that are writable.
- The type returned will be the actual type of the value, if available.
- The type returned will always be the static type.
- Indicates that a class used as deserialization state
- needs to be notified after deserialization.
- Adds the specified anchor.
- The anchor.
- The @object.
- Gets the anchor for the specified object.
- The object.
- The anchor.
- Gets the with the specified anchor.
- A generic container that is preserved during the entire deserialization process.
- Any disposable object added to this collection will be disposed when this object is disposed.
- Invokes on all
- objects added to this collection that implement .
- Various string extension methods
- Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
- camel case (thisIsATest). Camel case is the same as Pascal case, except the first letter
- is lowercase.
- String to convert
- Converted string
- Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
- pascal case (ThisIsATest). Pascal case is the same as camel case, except the first letter
- is uppercase.
- String to convert
- Converted string
- Convert the string from camelcase (thisIsATest) to a hyphenated (this-is-a-test) or
- underscored (this_is_a_test) string
- String to convert
- Separator to use between segments
- Converted string
- Performs type conversions using every standard provided by the .NET library.
- Converts the specified value.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The value to convert.
- Converts the specified value.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The value to convert.
- The provider.
- Converts the specified value.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The value to convert.
- The culture.
- Converts the specified value using the invariant culture.
- The value to convert.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- Converts the specified value.
- The value to convert.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The format provider.
- Converts the specified value.
- The value to convert.
- The type to which the value is to be converted.
- The culture.
- Registers a dynamically.
- The type to which the converter should be associated.
- The type of the converter.
- Define a collection of YamlAttribute Overrides for pre-defined object types.
- Checks whether this mapping matches the specified type, and returns a value indicating the match priority.
- The priority of the match. Higher values have more priority. Zero indicates no match.
- Adds a Member Attribute Override
- Type
- Class Member
- Overriding Attribute
- Creates a copy of this instance.
- Adds a Member Attribute Override
- Applies the Yaml attribute overrides to another .
- Applies the Yaml* attributes to another .
- Instructs the YamlSerializer not to serialize the public field or public read/write property value.
- Provides special Yaml serialization instructions.
- Decription/Comment about this property.
- When set, a comment will be emitted when serializing this member.
- Specifies that this property should be serialized as the given type, rather than using the actual runtime value's type.
- Specifies the order priority of this property.
- Instructs the to use a different field name for serialization.
- When false, naming conventions will not be applied to this member. Defaults to true.
- Specifies the scalar style of the property when serialized. This will only affect the serialization of scalar properties.
- Overrides how null and default values should be handled for this property.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Specifies that this property should be serialized as the given type, rather than using the actual runtime value's type.
- Put this attribute on classes that you want the static analyzer to detect and use.
- Determines whether the specified type has a default constructor.
- The type.
- Whether to include private constructors
- true if the type has a default constructor; otherwise, false.
+ YamlDotNet
+ The exception that is thrown when an alias references an anchor that does not exist.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ The inner.
+ Defines constants that relate to the YAML specification.
+ Emits YAML streams.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The where the emitter will write.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The where the emitter will write.
+ The preferred indentation.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The where the emitter will write.
+ The preferred indentation.
+ The preferred text width.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The where the emitter will write.
+ The preferred indentation.
+ The preferred text width.
+ If true, write the output in canonical form.
+ Emit an evt.
+ Check if we need to accumulate more events before emitting.
+ We accumulate extra
+ - 1 event for DOCUMENT-START
+ - 2 events for SEQUENCE-START
+ - 3 events for MAPPING-START
+ Expect the root node.
+ Expect a node.
+ Expect ALIAS.
+ Expect SCALAR.
+ Expect a flow item node.
+ Expect a flow key node.
+ Expect a flow value node.
+ Expect a block item node.
+ Expect a block key node.
+ Expect a block value node.
+ Check if the document content is an empty scalar.
+ Check if the next node can be expressed as a simple key.
+ The preferred indentation.
+ The preferred text width.
+ New line characters.
+ If true, write the output in canonical form.
+ If true, write output without anchor names.
+ The maximum allowed length for simple keys.
+ The specifiction mandates 1024 characters, but any desired value may be used.
+ Indent sequences. The default is to not indent.
+ Represents an alias event.
+ Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
+ Gets the value of the alias.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value of the alias.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value of the alias.
+ Returns a that represents the current .
+ A that represents the current .
+ Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
+ visitor, may not be null.
+ Returns a that represents the current .
+ A that represents the current .
+ Represents a document end event.
+ Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
+ The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
+ for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
+ Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
+ true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Indicates whether the event is implicit.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Indicates whether the event is implicit.
+ Returns a that represents the current .
+ A that represents the current .
+ Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
+ visitor, may not be null.
+ Represents a document start event.
+ Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
+ The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
+ for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
+ Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
+ Gets the tags.
+ The tags.
+ Gets the version.
+ The version.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
+ true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The version.
+ The tags.
+ Indicates whether the event is implicit.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The version.
+ The tags.
+ Indicates whether the event is implicit.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Returns a that represents the current .
+ A that represents the current .
+ Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
+ visitor, may not be null.
+ Callback interface for external event Visitor.
+ Represents a mapping end event.
+ Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
+ The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
+ for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
+ Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Returns a that represents the current .
+ A that represents the current .
+ Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
+ visitor, may not be null.
+ Represents a mapping start event.
+ Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
+ The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
+ for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
+ Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
+ true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
+ Gets the style of the mapping.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The anchor.
+ The tag.
+ Indicates whether the event is implicit.
+ The style of the mapping.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The anchor.
+ The tag.
+ Indicates whether the event is implicit.
+ The style of the mapping.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Returns a that represents the current .
+ A that represents the current .
+ Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
+ visitor, may not be null.
+ Specifies the style of a mapping.
+ Let the emitter choose the style.
+ The block mapping style.
+ The flow mapping style.
+ Contains the behavior that is common between node events.
+ Gets the anchor.
+ Gets the tag.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The anchor.
+ The tag.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Base class for parsing events.
+ Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
+ The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
+ for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
+ Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
+ Gets the position in the input stream where the event starts.
+ Gets the position in the input stream where the event ends.
+ Accepts the specified visitor.
+ Visitor to accept, may not be null
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Represents a scalar event.
+ Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
+ Gets the value.
+ The value.
+ Gets the style of the scalar.
+ The style.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the tag is optional for the plain style.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the tag is optional for any non-plain style.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
+ Gets whether this scalar event is a key
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The anchor.
+ The tag.
+ The value.
+ The style.
+ .
+ .
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Whether or not this scalar event is for a key
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The anchor.
+ The tag.
+ The value.
+ The style.
+ .
+ .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The tag.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Returns a that represents the current .
+ A that represents the current .
+ Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
+ visitor, may not be null.
+ Represents a sequence end event.
+ Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
+ The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
+ for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
+ Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Returns a that represents the current .
+ A that represents the current .
+ Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
+ visitor, may not be null.
+ Represents a sequence start event.
+ Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
+ The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
+ for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
+ Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this instance is implicit.
+ true if this instance is implicit; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating whether this instance is canonical.
+ Gets the style.
+ The style.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The anchor.
+ The tag.
+ if set to true [is implicit].
+ The style.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Returns a that represents the current .
+ A that represents the current .
+ Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
+ visitor, may not be null.
+ Specifies the style of a sequence.
+ Let the emitter choose the style.
+ The block sequence style.
+ The flow sequence style.
+ Represents a stream end event.
+ Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
+ The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
+ for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
+ Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Returns a that represents the current .
+ A that represents the current .
+ Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
+ visitor, may not be null.
+ Represents a stream start event.
+ Gets a value indicating the variation of depth caused by this event.
+ The value can be either -1, 0 or 1. For start events, it will be 1,
+ for end events, it will be -1, and for the remaining events, it will be 0.
+ Gets the event type, which allows for simpler type comparisons.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Returns a that represents the current .
+ A that represents the current .
+ Invokes run-time type specific Visit() method of the specified visitor.
+ visitor, may not be null.
+ The exception that is thrown when an alias references an anchor
+ that has not yet been defined in a context that does not support forward references.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ The inner.
+ Supports implementations of by providing methods to combine two hash codes.
+ Combines two hash codes.
+ The first hash code.
+ The second hash code.
+ Represents a YAML stream emitter.
+ Emits an event.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the end of the input reader has been reached.
+ Gets the character at the specified offset.
+ Skips the next characters. Those characters must have been
+ obtained first by calling the method.
+ Generic queue on which items may be inserted
+ Gets the number of items that are contained by the queue.
+ Enqueues the specified item.
+ The item to be enqueued.
+ Dequeues an item.
+ Returns the item that been dequeued.
+ Inserts an item at the specified index.
+ The index where to insert the item.
+ The item to be inserted.
+ Represents a YAML stream parser.
+ Gets the current event. Returns null before the first call to ,
+ and also after returns false.
+ Moves to the next event.
+ Returns true if there are more events available, otherwise returns false.
+ Defines the interface for a stand-alone YAML scanner that
+ converts a sequence of characters into a sequence of YAML tokens.
+ Gets the current position inside the input stream.
+ The current position.
+ Gets the current token.
+ Moves to the next token and consumes the current token.
+ Moves to the next token without consuming the current token.
+ Consumes the current token.
+ Provides access to a stream and allows to peek at the next characters,
+ up to the buffer's capacity.
+ This class implements a circular buffer with a fixed capacity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The input.
+ The capacity.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the end of the input reader has been reached.
+ Gets the index of the character for the specified offset.
+ Gets the character at the specified offset.
+ Reads characters until at least characters are in the buffer.
+ Number of characters to cache.
+ Skips the next characters. Those characters must have been
+ obtained first by calling the or methods.
+ Represents a location inside a file
+ Gets a with empty values.
+ Gets / sets the absolute offset in the file
+ Gets / sets the number of the line
+ Gets / sets the index of the column
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Exception that is thrown when an infinite recursion is detected.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ The inner.
+ Simple implementation of that implements merging: http://yaml.org/type/merge.html
+ Parses YAML streams.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The input where the YAML stream is to be read.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the current event.
+ Moves to the next event.
+ Returns true if there are more events available, otherwise returns false.
+ Parse the production:
+ stream ::= STREAM-START implicit_document? explicit_document* STREAM-END
+ ************
+ Parse the productions:
+ implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END*
+ *
+ explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
+ *************************
+ Parse directives.
+ Parse the productions:
+ explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
+ ***********
+ Generate an empty scalar event.
+ Parse the productions:
+ block_node_or_indentless_sequence ::=
+ *****
+ | properties (block_content | indentless_block_sequence)?
+ ********** *
+ | block_content | indentless_block_sequence
+ *
+ block_node ::= ALIAS
+ *****
+ | properties block_content?
+ ********** *
+ | block_content
+ *
+ flow_node ::= ALIAS
+ *****
+ | properties flow_content?
+ ********** *
+ | flow_content
+ *
+ properties ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG?
+ *************************
+ block_content ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR
+ ******
+ flow_content ::= flow_collection | SCALAR
+ ******
+ Parse the productions:
+ implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END*
+ *************
+ explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
+ *************
+ Parse the productions:
+ block_sequence ::= BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)* BLOCK-END
+ ******************** *********** * *********
+ Parse the productions:
+ indentless_sequence ::= (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)+
+ *********** *
+ Parse the productions:
+ block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START
+ *******************
+ ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?
+ *** *
+ (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)*
+ *********
+ Parse the productions:
+ block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START
+ ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?
+ (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)*
+ ***** *
+ Parse the productions:
+ flow_sequence ::= FLOW-SEQUENCE-START
+ *******************
+ (flow_sequence_entry FLOW-ENTRY)*
+ * **********
+ flow_sequence_entry?
+ *
+ *****************
+ flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+ *
+ Parse the productions:
+ flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+ *** *
+ Parse the productions:
+ flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+ ***** *
+ Parse the productions:
+ flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+ *
+ Parse the productions:
+ flow_mapping ::= FLOW-MAPPING-START
+ ******************
+ (flow_mapping_entry FLOW-ENTRY)*
+ * **********
+ flow_mapping_entry?
+ ******************
+ ****************
+ flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+ * *** *
+ Parse the productions:
+ flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+ * ***** *
+ Extension methods that provide useful abstractions over .
+ Ensures that the current event is of the specified type, returns it and moves to the next event.
+ Type of the .
+ Returns the current event.
+ If the current event is not of the specified type.
+ Checks whether the current event is of the specified type.
+ If the event is of the specified type, returns it and moves to the next event.
+ Otherwise returns null.
+ Type of the .
+ Returns true if the current event is of type T; otherwise returns null.
+ Enforces that the current event is of the specified type.
+ Type of the .
+ Returns the current event.
+ If the current event is not of the specified type.
+ Checks whether the current event is of the specified type.
+ Type of the event.
+ Returns true if the current event is of type . Otherwise returns false.
+ Skips the current event and any nested event.
+ Attempts to find a key on a YAML mapping that matches our predicate.
+ This is useful for scanning a mapping for type discriminator information.
+ For example: looking for a `kind` key on an object.
+ This function only checks mappings, and only looks at the current depth.
+ If the event is a mapping and has a key that satisfies the predicate the scan
+ will stop, return true, and set and
+ . All events up until the predicate is matched will
+ be consumed.
+ If the event is not a mapping event or a matching key is not found, returns false.
+ The IParser which will have its current value checked for a matching mapping entry
+ The selector to filter the mapping by
+ The matching key of the mapping as a Scalar, or null if no matching key found
+ The matching value of the mapping as a ParsingEvent, or null if no matching key found
+ Returns true if the current event is a mapping entry with a key that matches the selector;
+ otherwise returns false.
+ Keeps track of the recursion level,
+ and throws
+ whenever is reached.
+ Increments the recursion level,
+ and throws
+ if is reached.
+ Increments the recursion level,
+ and returns whether is still less than .
+ Decrements the recursion level.
+ Specifies the style of a YAML scalar.
+ Let the emitter choose the style.
+ The plain scalar style.
+ The single-quoted scalar style.
+ The double-quoted scalar style.
+ The literal scalar style.
+ The folded scalar style.
+ Converts a sequence of characters into a sequence of YAML tokens.
+ Gets the current token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The input.
+ Indicates whether comments should be ignored
+ Gets the current position inside the input stream.
+ The current position.
+ Moves to the next token.
+ Consumes the current token and increments the parsed token count
+ Check the list of potential simple keys and remove the positions that
+ cannot contain simple keys anymore.
+ Pop indentation levels from the indents stack until the current level
+ becomes less or equal to the column. For each indentation level, append
+ the BLOCK-END token.
+ Produce the STREAM-END token and shut down the scanner.
+ Scope:
+ %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ Produce the DOCUMENT-START or DOCUMENT-END token.
+ Increase the flow level and resize the simple key list if needed.
+ Decrease the flow level.
+ Produce the FLOW-ENTRY token.
+ Produce the BLOCK-ENTRY token.
+ Produce the KEY token.
+ Produce the VALUE token.
+ Push the current indentation level to the stack and set the new level
+ the current column is greater than the indentation level. In this case,
+ append or insert the specified token into the token queue.
+ Produce the ALIAS or ANCHOR token.
+ Produce the TAG token.
+ Scan a TAG token.
+ Produce the SCALAR(...,literal) or SCALAR(...,folded) tokens.
+ Scan a block scalar.
+ Scan indentation spaces and line breaks for a block scalar. Determine the
+ indentation level if needed.
+ Produce the SCALAR(...,single-quoted) or SCALAR(...,double-quoted) tokens.
+ Scan a quoted scalar.
+ Produce the SCALAR(...,plain) token.
+ Scan a plain scalar.
+ Remove a potential simple key at the current flow level.
+ Scan the directive name.
+ Scope:
+ %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
+ ^^^^
+ %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n
+ ^^^
+ Scan the value of VERSION-DIRECTIVE.
+ Scope:
+ %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
+ ^^^^^^
+ Scan the value of a TAG-DIRECTIVE token.
+ Scope:
+ %TAG !yaml! tag:yaml.org,2002: \n
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ Scan a tag.
+ Decode an URI-escape sequence corresponding to a single UTF-8 character.
+ Scan a tag handle.
+ Scan the version number of VERSION-DIRECTIVE.
+ Scope:
+ %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
+ ^
+ %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
+ ^
+ Check if a simple key may start at the current position and add it if
+ needed.
+ Exception that is thrown when a semantic error is detected on a YAML stream.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ The inner.
+ Exception that is thrown when a syntax error is detected on a YAML stream.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ The inner.
+ Collection of .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initial content of the collection.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the collection contains a directive with the same handle
+ Represents an anchor token.
+ Gets the value.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents an alias token.
+ Gets the value of the alias.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value of the anchor.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value of the anchor.
+ The start position of the event.
+ The end position of the event.
+ Represents a block end token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a block entry event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a block mapping start token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a block sequence start token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a comment
+ Gets the value of the comment
+ Gets a value indicating whether the comment appears other tokens on that line.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Represents a document end token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a document start token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Error tokens.
+ Gets the value of the error
+ Represents a flow entry event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a flow mapping end token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a flow mapping start token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a flow sequence end token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a flow sequence start token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a key token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a scalar token.
+ Gets or sets whether this scalar is a key
+ Gets the value.
+ The value.
+ Gets the style.
+ The style.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value.
+ The style.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value.
+ The style.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a stream end event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a stream start token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a tag token.
+ Gets the handle.
+ The handle.
+ Gets the suffix.
+ The suffix.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The handle.
+ The suffix.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The handle.
+ The suffix.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a tag directive token.
+ Gets the handle.
+ The handle.
+ Gets the prefix.
+ The prefix.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The handle.
+ The prefix.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The handle.
+ The prefix.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object.
+ The System.Object to compare with the current System.Object.
+ true if the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object; otherwise, false.
+ Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
+ A hash code for the current .
+ Base class for YAML tokens.
+ Gets the start of the token in the input stream.
+ Gets the end of the token in the input stream.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a value token.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Represents a version directive token.
+ Gets the version.
+ The version.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The version.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The version.
+ The start position of the token.
+ The end position of the token.
+ Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object.
+ The System.Object to compare with the current System.Object.
+ true if the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object; otherwise, false.
+ Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
+ A hash code for the current .
+ Specifies the version of the YAML language.
+ Gets the major version number.
+ Gets the minor version number.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The major version number.
+ The minor version number.
+ Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object.
+ The System.Object to compare with the current System.Object.
+ true if the specified System.Object is equal to the current System.Object; otherwise, false.
+ Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
+ A hash code for the current .
+ Base exception that is thrown when the a problem occurs in the YamlDotNet library.
+ Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the exception starts.
+ Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the exception ends.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message.
+ The inner.
+ Generic implementation of object pooling pattern with predefined pool size limit. The main
+ purpose is that limited number of frequently used objects can be kept in the pool for
+ further recycling.
+ Notes:
+ 1) it is not the goal to keep all returned objects. Pool is not meant for storage. If there
+ is no space in the pool, extra returned objects will be dropped.
+ 2) it is implied that if object was obtained from a pool, the caller will return it back in
+ a relatively short time. Keeping checked out objects for long durations is ok, but
+ reduces usefulness of pooling. Just new up your own.
+ Not returning objects to the pool in not detrimental to the pool's work, but is a bad practice.
+ Rationale:
+ If there is no intent for reusing the object, do not use pool - just use "new".
+ Not using System.Func{T} because this file is linked into the (debugger) Formatter,
+ which does not have that type (since it compiles against .NET 2.0).
+ Produces an instance.
+ Search strategy is a simple linear probing which is chosen for it cache-friendliness.
+ Note that Free will try to store recycled objects close to the start thus statistically
+ reducing how far we will typically search.
+ Returns objects to the pool.
+ Search strategy is a simple linear probing which is chosen for it cache-friendliness.
+ Note that Free will try to store recycled objects close to the start thus statistically
+ reducing how far we will typically search in Allocate.
+ Returns the that describes the property that
+ is being returned in an expression in the form:
+ x => x.SomeProperty
+ Adapts an to
+ because not all generic collections implement .
+ Adapts an to
+ because not all generic dictionaries implement .
+ Gets or sets the element with the specified index.
+ The index of the element to get or set.
+ The element with the specified index.
+ Adds an element with the provided key and value to the
+ at the given index.
+ The zero-based index at which the item should be inserted.
+ The object to use as the key of the element to add.
+ The object to use as the value of the element to add.
+ Removes the element at the specified index.
+ The zero-based index of the element to remove.
+ Pooling of StringBuilder instances.
+ Determines whether the specified type has a default constructor.
+ The type.
+ Whether to include private constructors
+ true if the type has a default constructor; otherwise, false.
+ Manages the state of a while it is loading.
+ Adds the specified node to the anchor list.
+ The node.
+ Gets the node with the specified anchor.
+ The anchor.
+ The start position.
+ The end position.
+ if there is no node with that anchor.
+ Gets the node with the specified anchor.
+ The anchor.
+ The node that was retrieved.
+ true if the anchor was found; otherwise false.
+ Adds the specified node to the collection of nodes with unresolved aliases.
+ The that has unresolved aliases.
+ Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved while loading the document.
+ Holds state that is used when emitting a stream.
+ Gets the already emitted anchors.
+ The emitted anchors.
+ Defines the method needed to be able to visit Yaml elements.
+ Visits a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Visits a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Visits a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Visits a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Visits a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Represents a LibYAML event stream.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ from the specified .
+ Represents an alias node in the YAML document.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The anchor.
+ Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
+ The state of the document.
+ Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
+ The emitter where the node is to be saved.
+ The state.
+ Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
+ A .
+ Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
+ A hash code for the current .
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
+ and throwing
+ if is reached.
+ Gets the type of node.
+ Represents an YAML document.
+ Gets or sets the root node.
+ The root node.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with a single scalar node.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Visitor that assigns anchors to nodes that are referenced more than once.
+ Existing anchors are preserved as much as possible.
+ Key: Node, Value: IsDuplicate
+ Returns whether the visited node is a duplicate.
+ Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
+ A .
+ Gets all nodes from the document.
+ is thrown if an infinite recursion is detected.
+ Represents a mapping node in the YAML document.
+ Gets the children of the current node.
+ The children.
+ Gets or sets the style of the node.
+ The style.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ A sequence of where even elements are keys and odd elements are values.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ A sequence of where even elements are keys and odd elements are values.
+ Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
+ The key node.
+ The value node.
+ Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
+ The key node.
+ The value node.
+ Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
+ The key node.
+ The value node.
+ Adds the specified mapping to the collection.
+ The key node.
+ The value node.
+ Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
+ The state of the document.
+ Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
+ The emitter where the node is to be saved.
+ The state.
+ Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
+ A .
+ Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
+ A hash code for the current .
+ Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
+ and throwing
+ if is reached.
+ Gets the type of node.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Creates a containing a key-value pair for each property of the specified object.
+ Represents a single node in the YAML document.
+ Gets or sets the anchor of the node.
+ The anchor.
+ Gets or sets the tag of the node.
+ The tag.
+ Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the node starts.
+ Gets the position in the input stream where the event that originated the node ends.
+ Loads the specified event.
+ The event.
+ The state of the document.
+ Parses the node represented by the next event in .
+ Returns the node that has been parsed.
+ Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
+ The state of the document.
+ Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
+ The emitter where the node is to be saved.
+ The state.
+ Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
+ The emitter where the node is to be saved.
+ The state.
+ Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
+ A .
+ Gets all nodes from the document, starting on the current node.
+ is thrown if an infinite recursion is detected.
+ When implemented, recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node.
+ If is reached, a is thrown
+ instead of continuing and crashing with a .
+ Gets the type of node.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Performs an implicit conversion from string[] to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Converts a to a string by returning its value.
+ Gets the nth element in a .
+ Gets the value associated with a key in a .
+ Comparer that is based on identity comparisons.
+ Specifies the type of node in the representation model.
+ The node is a .
+ The node is a .
+ The node is a .
+ The node is a .
+ Represents a scalar node in the YAML document.
+ Gets or sets the value of the node.
+ The value.
+ Gets or sets the style of the node.
+ The style.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The value.
+ Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
+ The state of the document.
+ Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
+ The emitter where the node is to be saved.
+ The state.
+ Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
+ A .
+ Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
+ A hash code for the current .
+ Performs an explicit conversion from to .
+ The value.
+ The result of the conversion.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
+ and throwing
+ if is reached.
+ Gets the type of node.
+ Represents a sequence node in the YAML document.
+ Gets the collection of child nodes.
+ The children.
+ Gets or sets the style of the node.
+ The style.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Adds the specified child to the collection.
+ The child.
+ Adds a scalar node to the collection.
+ The child.
+ Resolves the aliases that could not be resolved when the node was created.
+ The state of the document.
+ Saves the current node to the specified emitter.
+ The emitter where the node is to be saved.
+ The state.
+ Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
+ A .
+ Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
+ A hash code for the current .
+ Recursively enumerates all the nodes from the document, starting on the current node,
+ and throwing
+ if is reached.
+ Gets the type of node.
+ Returns a that represents this instance.
+ A that represents this instance.
+ Represents an YAML stream.
+ Gets the documents inside the stream.
+ The documents.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Adds the specified document to the collection.
+ The document.
+ Loads the stream from the specified input.
+ The input.
+ Loads the stream from the specified .
+ Saves the stream to the specified output.
+ The output.
+ Saves the stream to the specified output.
+ The output.
+ Indicates whether or not to assign node anchors.
+ Saves the stream to the specified emitter.
+ The emitter.
+ Indicates whether or not to assign node anchors.
+ Accepts the specified visitor by calling the appropriate Visit method on it.
+ A .
+ Abstract implementation of that knows how to walk a complete Yaml object model.
+ Called when this object is visiting a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Called after this object finishes visiting a .
+ The that has been visited.
+ Called when this object is visiting a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Called after this object finishes visiting a .
+ The that has been visited.
+ Called when this object is visiting a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Called after this object finishes visiting a .
+ The that has been visited.
+ Called when this object is visiting a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Called after this object finishes visiting a .
+ The that has been visited.
+ Called when this object is visiting a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Called after this object finishes visiting a .
+ The that has been visited.
+ Visits every child of a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Visits every child of a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Visits every child of a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Visits every child of a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Abstract implementation of that knows how to walk a complete YAML object model.
+ Called when this object is visiting a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Called when this object is visiting a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Called when this object is visiting a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Called when this object is visiting a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Called when this object is visiting a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Called when this object is visiting a key-value pair.
+ The left (key) that is being visited.
+ The right (value) that is being visited.
+ Visits every child of a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Visits every child of a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Visits every child of a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Visits every child of a .
+ The that is being visited.
+ Wraps a instance and allows it to be buffered as a LinkedList in memory and replayed.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The Parser to buffer.
+ The maximum depth of the parser to buffer before raising an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
+ The maximum length of the LinkedList can buffer before raising an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
+ If parser does not fit within the max depth and length specified.
+ Gets the current event. Returns null after returns false.
+ Moves to the next event.
+ Returns true if there are more events available, otherwise returns false.
+ Resets the buffer back to it's first event.
+ The TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer acts as a psuedo .
+ If any of it's has a matching BaseType, the TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer will
+ begin buffering the yaml stream. It will then use the matching s to determine
+ a dotnet output type for the yaml node. As the node is buffered, the s are
+ able to examine the actual values within, and use these when discriminating a type.
+ Once a matching type is found, the TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer uses it's inner deserializers to perform
+ the final deserialization for that type & object.
+ Usually you will want all default s that exist in the outer
+ to also be used as inner deserializers.
+ Adds an to be checked by the TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer.
+ The to add.
+ Adds a to be checked by the TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer.
+ s use the value of a specified key on the yaml object to map
+ to a target type.
+ The yaml key to discriminate on.
+ A dictionary of values for the yaml key mapping to their respective types.
+ Adds a to be checked by the TypeDiscriminatingNodeDeserializer.
+ s use the presence of unique keys on the yaml object to map
+ to different target types.
+ A dictionary of unique yaml keys mapping to their respective types.
+ An ITypeDiscriminator provides an interface for discriminating which dotnet type to deserialize a yaml
+ stream into. They require the yaml stream to be buffered as they
+ can inspect the yaml value, determine the desired type, and reset the yaml stream to then deserialize into
+ that type.
+ Gets the BaseType of the discriminator. All types that an ITypeDiscriminator may discriminate into must
+ inherit from this type. This enables the deserializer to only buffer values of matching types.
+ If you would like an ITypeDiscriminator to discriminate all yaml values, the BaseType will be object.
+ Trys to discriminate a type from the current IParser. As discriminating the type will consume the parser, the
+ parser will usually need to be a buffer so an instance of the discriminated type can be deserialized later.
+ The IParser to consume and discriminate a type from.
+ The output type discriminated. Null if no type matched the discriminator.
+ Returns true if the discriminator matched the yaml stream.
+ A TypeDiscriminator that discriminates which type to deserialize a yaml stream into by checking the value
+ of a known key.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The KeyValueTypeDiscriminator will check the target key specified, and if it's value is contained within the
+ type mapping dictionary, the coresponding type will be discriminated.
+ The base type which all discriminated types will implement. Use object if you're discriminating
+ unrelated types. Note the less specific you are with the base type the more yaml will need to be buffered.
+ The known key to check the value of when discriminating.
+ A mapping dictionary of yaml values to types.
+ If any of the target types do not implement the base type.
+ Checks if the current parser contains the target key, and that it's value matches one of the type mappings.
+ If so, return true, and the matching type.
+ Otherwise, return false.
+ This will consume the parser, so you will usually need the parser to be a buffer so an instance
+ of the discriminated type can be deserialized later.
+ The IParser to consume and discriminate a type from.
+ The output type discriminated. Null if there target key was not present of if the value
+ of the target key was not within the type mapping.
+ Returns true if the discriminator matched the yaml stream.
+ A TypeDiscriminator that discriminates which type to deserialize a yaml stream into by checking the existence
+ of specific keys.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The UniqueKeyTypeDiscriminator will check if any of the keys specified exist, and discriminate the coresponding type.
+ The base type which all discriminated types will implement. Use object if you're discriminating
+ unrelated types. Note the less specific you are with the base type the more yaml will need to be buffered.
+ A mapping dictionary of yaml keys to types.
+ If any of the target types do not implement the base type.
+ Checks if the current parser contains of the unique keys this discriminator has in it's type mapping.
+ If so, return true, and the matching type.
+ Otherwise, return false.
+ This will consume the parser, so you will usually need the parser to be a buffer so an instance
+ of the discriminated type can be deserialized later.
+ The IParser to consume and discriminate a type from.
+ The output type discriminated. Null if there target key was not present of if the value
+ of the target key was not within the type mapping.
+ Returns true if the discriminator matched the yaml stream.
+ Common implementation of and .
+ Prevents serialization and deserialization of fields.
+ Allows serialization and deserialization of non-public properties.
+ Calling this will enable the support for private constructors when considering serialization and deserialization.
+ Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Sets the to use when handling enum's.
+ Naming convention to use when handling enum's
+ Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Register an for a given property.
+ An expression in the form: x => x.SomeProperty
+ The attribute to register.
+ Register an for a given property.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered ..
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Override the default yaml formatter with the one passed in
+ to use when serializing and deserializing objects.
+ A factory that creates instances of based on an existing .
+ The type of the wrapped component.
+ The type of the component that this factory creates.
+ The component that is to be wrapped.
+ Returns a new instance of that is based on .
+ A factory that creates instances of based on an existing and an argument.
+ The type of the argument.
+ The type of the wrapped component.
+ The type of the component that this factory creates.
+ The component that is to be wrapped.
+ The argument of the factory.
+ Returns a new instance of that is based on and .
+ This represents the YAML converter entity for using the ISO-8601 standard format.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using the default any scalar style.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the current converter supports converting the specified type.
+ to check.
+ Returns True, if the current converter supports; otherwise returns False.
+ Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
+ instance.
+ to convert.
+ The deserializer to use to deserialize complex types.
+ Returns the instance converted.
+ On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion.
+ Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
+ instance.
+ Value to write.
+ to convert.
+ A serializer to serializer complext objects.
+ On serializing, the first format in the list is used.
+ This represents the YAML converter entity for .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ value. Default value is . is considered as .
+ instance. Default value is .
+ If true, will use double quotes when writing the value to the stream.
+ List of date/time formats for parsing. Default value is "G".
+ On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion, while on serializing, the first format in the list is used.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the current converter supports converting the specified type.
+ to check.
+ Returns True, if the current converter supports; otherwise returns False.
+ Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
+ instance.
+ to convert.
+ The deserializer to use to deserialize complex types.
+ Returns the instance converted.
+ On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion.
+ Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
+ instance.
+ Value to write.
+ to convert.
+ A serializer to serializer complext objects.
+ On serializing, the first format in the list is used.
+ Converts the object to a string representation
+ To use this converter, call WithTypeConverter(new DateTimeOffsetConverter()) on the
+ or .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ instance. Default value is .
+ If true, will use double quotes when writing the value to the stream.
+ List of date/time formats for parsing. Default value is "O".
+ On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion, while on serializing, the first format in the list is used.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the current converter supports converting the specified type.
+ to check.
+ Returns True, if the current converter supports; otherwise returns False.
+ Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
+ instance.
+ to convert.
+ The deserializer to use to deserialize complex types.
+ Returns the instance converted.
+ On deserializing, all formats in the list are used for conversion.
+ Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
+ instance.
+ Value to write.
+ to convert.
+ A serializer to serializer complext objects.
+ On serializing, the first format in the list is used.
+ Converter for System.Guid.
+ Converter for System.Type.
+ Converts to a scalar containing the assembly qualified name of the type.
+ Specifies the strategy to handle default and null values during serialization of properties.
+ Specifies that all properties are to be emitted regardless of their value. This is the default behavior.
+ Specifies that properties that contain null references or a null Nullable<T> are to be omitted.
+ Specifies that properties that that contain their default value, either default(T) or the value specified in DefaultValueAttribute are to be omitted.
+ Specifies that properties that that contain collections/arrays/enumerations that are empty are to be omitted.
+ Deserializes objects from the YAML format.
+ To customize the behavior of ,
+ use the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of using the default configuration.
+ To customize the behavior of the deserializer, use .
+ This constructor is private to discourage its use.
+ To invoke it, call the method.
+ Creates a new that uses the specified .
+ This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
+ deserializer is to use .
+ Deserializes an object of the specified type.
+ The from where to deserialize the object.
+ The static type of the object to deserialize.
+ Returns the deserialized object.
+ Creates and configures instances of .
+ This class is used to customize the behavior of . Use the relevant methods
+ to apply customizations, then call to create an instance of the deserializer
+ with the desired customizations.
+ Initializes a new using the default component registrations.
+ Builds the type inspector used by various classes to get information about types and their members.
+ When deserializing it will attempt to convert unquoted strings to their correct datatype. If conversion is not sucessful, it will leave it as a string.
+ This option is only applicable when not specifying a type or specifying the object type during deserialization.
+ Sets the that will be used by the deserializer.
+ Sets the that will be used by the deserializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers a to be used by the deserializer. This internally registers
+ all existing as inner deserializers available to the .
+ Usually you will want to call this after any other changes to the s used by the deserializer.
+ An action that can configure the .
+ Configures the max depth of yaml nodes that will be buffered. A value of -1 (the default) means yaml nodes of any depth will be buffered.
+ Configures the max number of yaml nodes that will be buffered. A value of -1 (the default) means there is no limit on the number of yaml nodes buffered.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Ignore case when matching property names.
+ Enforce whether null values can be set on non-nullable properties and fields.
+ This deserializer builder.
+ Require that all members with the 'required' keyword be set by YAML.
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers a tag mapping.
+ Registers a type mapping using the default object factory.
+ Unregisters an existing tag mapping.
+ Instructs the deserializer to ignore unmatched properties instead of throwing an exception.
+ Instructs the deserializer to check for duplicate keys and throw an exception if duplicate keys are found.
+ Creates a new according to the current configuration.
+ Creates a new that implements the current configuration.
+ This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
+ deserializer is to use the method.
+ Gets the next visitor that should be called by the current visitor.
+ Gets the that is to be used for serialization.
+ Gets a function that, when called, serializes the specified object.
+ Gets the visitor of type that was used during the pre-processing phase.
+ The type of the visitor.s
+ No visitor of that type has been registered,
+ or ore than one visitors registered are of type .
+ Provided the base implementation for an IEventEmitter that is a
+ decorator for another IEventEmitter.
+ This pattern matches strings that are special both in YAML 1.1 and 1.2
+ Deserializes an object of the specified type.
+ The from where to deserialize the object.
+ The static type of the object to deserialize.
+ Returns the deserialized object.
+ Translates property names according to a specific convention.
+ Determines the type of the specified node.
+ The node to be deserialized.
+ The type that has been determined so far.
+ true if has been resolved completely;
+ false if the next type should be invoked.
+ The interface to implement for getting/setting an objects fields and properties when using a static context
+ Set a field/property value
+ Name of the field or property.
+ Object to set the field/property on.
+ Value to set the field/property to.
+ Reads a value from a field/property
+ Name of the field or property.
+ Object to get the field/property from.
+ Represents an object along with its type.
+ A reference to the object.
+ The type that should be used when to interpret the .
+ The type of as determined by its container (e.g. a property).
+ The style to be used for scalars.
+ Returns the Value property of the if it is not null.
+ This is useful in all places that the value must not be null.
+ An object descriptor.
+ Thrown when the Value is null
+ Creates instances of types.
+ This interface allows to provide a custom logic for creating instances during deserialization.
+ Creates an instance of the specified type.
+ Creates a default value for the .net primitive types (string, int, bool, etc)
+ If the type is convertable to a non generic dictionary, then it will do so and set dictionary and genericArguments to the correct values and return true.
+ If not, values will be null and the result will be false..
+ Object descriptor to try and convert
+ The converted dictionary
+ Generic type arguments that specify the key and value type
+ True if converted, false if not
+ Gets the type of the value part of a dictionary or list.
+ Executes the methods on the object that has the attribute
+ Executes the methods on the object that has the attribute
+ Executes the methods on the object that has the attribute
+ Executes the methods on the object that has the attribute
+ Defines a strategy that walks through an object graph.
+ Traverses the specified object graph.
+ The graph.
+ An that is to be notified during the traversal.
+ A that will be passed to the .
+ The serializer to use to serialize complex objects.
+ Defined the interface of a type that can be notified during an object graph traversal.
+ Indicates whether the specified value should be entered. This allows the visitor to
+ override the handling of a particular object or type.
+ The value that is about to be entered.
+ The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
+ The descriptor for the property that the value belongs to.
+ If the value is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
+ Indicates whether the specified mapping should be entered. This allows the visitor to
+ override the handling of a particular pair.
+ The key of the mapping that is about to be entered.
+ The value of the mapping that is about to be entered.
+ The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
+ If the mapping is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
+ Indicates whether the specified mapping should be entered. This allows the visitor to
+ override the handling of a particular pair. This overload should be invoked when the
+ mapping is produced by an object's property.
+ The that provided access to .
+ The value of the mapping that is about to be entered.
+ The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
+ If the mapping is to be entered, returns true; otherwise returns false;
+ Notifies the visitor that a scalar value has been encountered.
+ The value of the scalar.
+ The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
+ Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a mapping is about to begin.
+ The value that corresponds to the mapping.
+ The static type of the keys of the mapping.
+ The static type of the values of the mapping.
+ The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
+ Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a mapping has ended.
+ The value that corresponds to the mapping.
+ The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
+ Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a sequence is about to begin.
+ The value that corresponds to the sequence.
+ The static type of the elements of the sequence.
+ The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
+ Notifies the visitor that the traversal of a sequence has ended.
+ The value that corresponds to the sequence.
+ The context that this implementation depend on.
+ A serializer that can be used to serialize complex objects.
+ Registers the component in place of the already registered component of type .
+ Registers the component before the already registered component of type .
+ Registers the component after the already registered component of type .
+ Registers the component before every other previously registered component.
+ Registers the component after every other previously registered component.
+ Registers the component in place of the already registered component of type .
+ Serializes the specified object into a string.
+ The object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object into a string.
+ The object to serialize.
+ The static type of the object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object.
+ The where to serialize the object.
+ The object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object.
+ The where to serialize the object.
+ The object to serialize.
+ The static type of the object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object.
+ The where to serialize the object.
+ The object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object.
+ The where to serialize the object.
+ The object to serialize.
+ The static type of the object to serialize.
+ Provides access to the properties of a type.
+ Gets all properties of the specified type.
+ The type whose properties are to be enumerated.
+ The actual object of type whose properties are to be enumerated. Can be null.
+ Gets the property of the type with the specified name.
+ The type whose properties are to be searched.
+ The actual object of type whose properties are to be searched. Can be null.
+ The name of the property.
+ Determines if an exception or null should be returned if can't be
+ found in
+ If true use case-insitivity when choosing the property or field.
+ Returns the actual name from the EnumMember attribute
+ The type of the enum.
+ The name to lookup.
+ The actual name of the enum value.
+ Return the value of the enum
+ Resolves the type of values.
+ Allows an object to customize how it is serialized and deserialized.
+ Reads this object's state from a YAML parser.
+ The parser where the object's state should be read from.
+ The type that the deserializer is expecting.
+ A function that will use the current deserializer
+ to read an object of the given type from the parser.
+ Writes this object's state to a YAML emitter.
+ The emitter where the object's state should be written to.
+ A function that will use the current serializer to write an object to the emitter.
+ Represents a function that is used to deserialize an object of the given type.
+ The type that the deserializer should read.
+ Returns the object that was deserialized.
+ Represents a function that is used to serialize an object of the given type.
+ The object to be serialized.
+ The type that should be considered when emitting the object.
+ If null, the actual type of the is used.
+ Allows an object to customize how it is serialized and deserialized.
+ Reads this object's state from a YAML parser.
+ Writes this object's state to a YAML emitter.
+ Allows to customize how a type is serialized and deserialized.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the current converter supports converting the specified type.
+ Reads an object's state from a YAML parser.
+ Writes the specified object's state to a YAML emitter.
+ Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
+ camel case (thisIsATest). Camel case is the same as Pascal case, except the first letter
+ is lowercase.
+ Convert the string from camelcase (thisIsATest) to a hyphenated (this-is-a-test) string
+ Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
+ lower case (thisisatest).
+ Performs no naming conversion.
+ Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
+ pascal case (ThisIsATest). Pascal case is the same as camel case, except the first letter
+ is uppercase.
+ Convert the string from camelcase (thisIsATest) to a underscored (this_is_a_test) string
+ An empty type for cases where a type needs to be provided but won't be used.
+ Creates objects using Activator.CreateInstance.
+ Creates objects using a Func{Type,object}"/>.
+ Gets information about and creates statically known, serializable, types.
+ Create an object of the specified type
+ Type of object to create
+ Creates an array of the specified type with the size specified
+ The type of the array, should be the whole type, not just the value type
+ How large the array should be
+ Gets whether the type is a dictionary or not
+ Type to check
+ Gets whether the type is an array or not
+ Type to check
+ Gets whether the type is a list
+ Type to check
+ Gets the type of the key of a dictionary
+ Gets the type of the value part of a dictionary or list.
+ Creates the default value of primitive types
+ The static implementation of yamldotnet doesn't support generating types, so we will return null's and false since we can't do anything.
+ An implementation of that traverses
+ readable properties, collections and dictionaries.
+ An implementation of that traverses
+ properties that are read/write, collections and dictionaries, while ensuring that
+ the graph can be regenerated from the resulting document.
+ A factory method for creating instances
+ The type inspector to be used by the traversal strategy.
+ The type resolver to be used by the traversal strategy.
+ The type converters to be used by the traversal strategy.
+ The maximum object depth to be supported by the traversal strategy.
+ A base class that simplifies the correct implementation of .
+ Initializes a new instance of using the default configuration.
+ To customize the behavior of the serializer, use .
+ This constructor is private to discourage its use.
+ To invoke it, call the method.
+ Creates a new that uses the specified .
+ This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
+ deserializer is to use .
+ Serializes the specified object into a string.
+ The object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object into a string.
+ The object to serialize.
+ The static type of the object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object.
+ The where to serialize the object.
+ The object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object.
+ The where to serialize the object.
+ The object to serialize.
+ The static type of the object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object.
+ The where to serialize the object.
+ The object to serialize.
+ Serializes the specified object.
+ The where to serialize the object.
+ The object to serialize.
+ The static type of the object to serialize.
+ Creates and configures instances of .
+ This class is used to customize the behavior of . Use the relevant methods
+ to apply customizations, then call to create an instance of the serializer
+ with the desired customizations.
+ Put double quotes around strings that need it, for example Null, True, False, a number. This should be called before any other "With" methods if you want this feature enabled.
+ Also quote strings that are valid scalars in the YAML 1.1 specification (which includes boolean Yes/No/On/Off, base 60 numbers and more)
+ Sets the default quoting style for scalar values. The default value is
+ Sets the maximum recursion that is allowed while traversing the object graph. The default value is 50.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers a tag mapping.
+ Unregisters an existing tag mapping.
+ Ensures that it will be possible to deserialize the serialized objects.
+ This option will force the emission of tags and emit only properties with setters.
+ Specifies that, if the same object appears more than once in the
+ serialization graph, it will be serialized each time instead of just once.
+ If the serialization graph contains circular references and this flag is set,
+ a StackOverflowException will be thrown.
+ If this flag is not set, there is a performance penalty because the entire
+ object graph must be walked twice.
+ Forces every value to be serialized, even if it is the default value for that type.
+ Configures how properties with default and null values should be handled. The default value is DefaultValuesHandling.Preserve
+ If more control is needed, create a class that extends from ChainedObjectGraphVisitor and override its EnterMapping methods.
+ Then register it as follows:
+ WithEmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitor(args => new MyDefaultHandlingStrategy(args.InnerVisitor));
+ Ensures that the result of the serialization is valid JSON.
+ Allows you to override the new line character to use when serializing to YAML.
+ NewLine character(s) to use when serializing to YAML.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ The type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ The type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers an to be used by the serializer
+ while traversing the object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the traversal strategy.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ while emitting an object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ while emitting an object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ while emitting an object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Creates sequences with extra indentation
+ list:
+ - item
+ - item
+ Creates a new according to the current configuration.
+ Creates a new that implements the current configuration.
+ This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
+ deserializer is to use the method.
+ Builds the type inspector used by various classes to get information about types and their members.
+ If true then private, parameterless constructors will be invoked if a public one is not available.
+ Common implementation of and .
+ Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Sets the to use when handling enum's.
+ Naming convention to use when handling enum's
+ Sets the that will be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the (de)serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered ..
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Override the default yaml formatter with the one passed in
+ to use when serializing and deserializing objects.
+ Holds the static object factory and type inspector to use when statically serializing/deserializing YAML.
+ Gets whether the type is known to the context
+ Type to check
+ Gets the to use for serialization
+ Gets the factory to use for serialization and deserialization
+ Gets the type inspector to use when statically serializing/deserializing YAML.
+ Creates and configures instances of .
+ This class is used to customize the behavior of . Use the relevant methods
+ to apply customizations, then call to create an instance of the deserializer
+ with the desired customizations.
+ Initializes a new using the default component registrations.
+ Builds the type inspector used by various classes to get information about types and their members.
+ When deserializing it will attempt to convert unquoted strings to their correct datatype. If conversion is not sucessful, it will leave it as a string.
+ This option is only applicable when not specifying a type or specifying the object type during deserialization.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Ignore case when matching property names.
+ Enforce whether null values can be set on non-nullable properties and fields.
+ This static deserializer builder.
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers a to be used by the deserializer. This internally registers
+ all existing as inner deserializers available to the .
+ Usually you will want to call this after any other changes to the s used by the deserializer.
+ An action that can configure the .
+ Configures the max depth of yaml nodes that will be buffered. A value of -1 (the default) means yaml nodes of any depth will be buffered.
+ Configures the max number of yaml nodes that will be buffered. A value of -1 (the default) means there is no limit on the number of yaml nodes buffered.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the deserializer.
+ A factory that creates the based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers a tag mapping.
+ Registers a type mapping using the default object factory.
+ Unregisters an existing tag mapping.
+ Instructs the deserializer to ignore unmatched properties instead of throwing an exception.
+ Instructs the deserializer to check for duplicate keys and throw an exception if duplicate keys are found.
+ Creates a new according to the current configuration.
+ Creates a new that implements the current configuration.
+ This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
+ deserializer is to use the method.
+ Creates and configures instances of .
+ This class is used to customize the behavior of . Use the relevant methods
+ to apply customizations, then call to create an instance of the serializer
+ with the desired customizations.
+ Put double quotes around strings that need it, for example Null, True, False, a number. This should be called before any other "With" methods if you want this feature enabled.
+ Also quote strings that are valid scalars in the YAML 1.1 specification (which includes boolean Yes/No/On/Off, base 60 numbers and more)
+ Put double quotes around strings that need it, for example Null, True, False, a number. This should be called before any other "With" methods if you want this feature enabled.
+ Sets the default quoting style for scalar values. The default value is
+ Sets the maximum recursion that is allowed while traversing the object graph. The default value is 50.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer.
+ A function that instantiates the event emitter based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers a tag mapping.
+ Unregisters an existing tag mapping.
+ Ensures that it will be possible to deserialize the serialized objects.
+ This option will force the emission of tags and emit only properties with setters.
+ Specifies that, if the same object appears more than once in the
+ serialization graph, it will be serialized each time instead of just once.
+ If the serialization graph contains circular references and this flag is set,
+ a StackOverflowException will be thrown.
+ If this flag is not set, there is a performance penalty because the entire
+ object graph must be walked twice.
+ Forces every value to be serialized, even if it is the default value for that type.
+ Configures how properties with default and null values should be handled. The default value is DefaultValuesHandling.Preserve
+ If more control is needed, create a class that extends from ChainedObjectGraphVisitor and override its EnterMapping methods.
+ Then register it as follows:
+ WithEmissionPhaseObjectGraphVisitor(args => new MyDefaultHandlingStrategy(args.InnerVisitor));
+ Ensures that the result of the serialization is valid JSON.
+ Allows you to override the new line character to use when serializing to YAML.
+ NewLine character(s) to use when serializing to YAML.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ The type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ The type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ before emitting an object graph.
+ Registering a visitor in the pre-processing phase enables to traverse the object graph once
+ before actually emitting it. This allows a visitor to collect information about the graph that
+ can be used later by another visitor registered in the emission phase.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Registers an to be used by the serializer
+ while traversing the object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the traversal strategy.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ while emitting an object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ while emitting an object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector.
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Registers an additional to be used by the serializer
+ while emitting an object graph.
+ A function that instantiates the type inspector based on a previously registered .
+ Configures the location where to insert the
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Unregisters an existing of type .
+ Creates sequences with extra indentation
+ list:
+ - item
+ - item
+ Creates a new according to the current configuration.
+ Creates a new that implements the current configuration.
+ This method is available for advanced scenarios. The preferred way to customize the behavior of the
+ deserializer is to use the method.
+ Builds the type inspector used by various classes to get information about types and their members.
+ An object that contains part of a YAML stream.
+ Gets or sets the events.
+ The events.
+ Reads this object's state from a YAML parser.
+ Writes this object's state to a YAML emitter.
+ Contains mappings between tags and types.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The mappings.
+ Adds the specified tag.
+ The tag.
+ The mapping.
+ Gets the mapping.
+ The tag.
+ Wraps another and applies caching.
+ Aggregates the results from multiple into a single one.
+ Wraps another and applies a
+ naming convention to the names of the properties.
+ Returns the properties of a type that are both readable and writable.
+ Returns the properties and fields of a type that are readable.
+ Returns the properties of a type that are readable.
+ Returns the properties of a type that are writable.
+ The type returned will be the actual type of the value, if available.
+ Except for primitive types, the type returned will always be the static type.
+ Indicates that a class used as deserialization state
+ needs to be notified after deserialization.
+ Convert a value to a specified type
+ Naming convention to use on enums in the type converter.
+ The type inspector to use when getting information about a type.
+ Adds the specified anchor.
+ The anchor.
+ The @object.
+ Gets the anchor for the specified object.
+ The object.
+ The anchor.
+ Gets the with the specified anchor.
+ A generic container that is preserved during the entire deserialization process.
+ Any disposable object added to this collection will be disposed when this object is disposed.
+ Invokes on all
+ objects added to this collection that implement .
+ Various string extension methods
+ Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
+ camel case (thisIsATest). Camel case is the same as Pascal case, except the first letter
+ is lowercase.
+ String to convert
+ Converted string
+ Convert the string with underscores (this_is_a_test) or hyphens (this-is-a-test) to
+ pascal case (ThisIsATest). Pascal case is the same as camel case, except the first letter
+ is uppercase.
+ String to convert
+ Converted string
+ Convert the string from camelcase (thisIsATest) to a hyphenated (this-is-a-test) or
+ underscored (this_is_a_test) string
+ String to convert
+ Separator to use between segments
+ Converted string
+ Performs type conversions using every standard provided by the .NET library.
+ Converts the specified value.
+ The type to which the value is to be converted.
+ The value to convert.
+ Naming convention to apply to enums.
+ The type inspector to use when getting information about a type.
+ Converts the specified value using the invariant culture.
+ The value to convert.
+ The type to which the value is to be converted.
+ Naming convention to apply to enums.
+ The type inspector to use when getting information about a type.
+ Converts the specified value.
+ The value to convert.
+ The type to which the value is to be converted.
+ The format provider.
+ Naming convention to apply to enums.
+ The type inspector to use when getting information about a type.
+ Converts the specified value.
+ The value to convert.
+ The type to which the value is to be converted.
+ The culture.
+ Naming convention to apply to enums.
+ The type inspector to use when getting information about a type.
+ Registers a dynamically.
+ The type to which the converter should be associated.
+ The type of the converter.
+ Define a collection of YamlAttribute Overrides for pre-defined object types.
+ Checks whether this mapping matches the specified type, and returns a value indicating the match priority.
+ The priority of the match. Higher values have more priority. Zero indicates no match.
+ Adds a Member Attribute Override
+ Type
+ Class Member
+ Overriding Attribute
+ Creates a copy of this instance.
+ Adds a Member Attribute Override
+ Applies the Yaml attribute overrides to another .
+ Applies the Yaml* attributes to another .
+ Converts an enum to it's string representation.
+ By default it will be the string representation of the enum passed through the naming convention.
+ A string representation of the enum
+ If this function returns true, the serializer will put quotes around the formatted enum value if necessary. Defaults to true.
+ Instructs the YamlSerializer not to serialize the public field or public read/write property value.
+ Provides special Yaml serialization instructions.
+ Decription/Comment about this property.
+ When set, a comment will be emitted when serializing this member.
+ Specifies that this property should be serialized as the given type, rather than using the actual runtime value's type.
+ Specifies the order priority of this property.
+ Instructs the to use a different field name for serialization.
+ When false, naming conventions will not be applied to this member. Defaults to true.
+ Specifies the scalar style of the property when serialized. This will only affect the serialization of scalar properties.
+ Overrides how null and default values should be handled for this property.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Specifies that this property should be serialized as the given type, rather than using the actual runtime value's type.
+ Put this attribute either on serializable types or on the that you want
+ the static analyzer to detect and use.
+ Use this constructor if the attribute is placed on a serializable class.
+ Use this constructor if the attribute is placed on the .
+ The type for which to include static code generation.
diff --git a/powershell-yaml.psm1 b/powershell-yaml.psm1
index d045bef..218eef1 100644
--- a/powershell-yaml.psm1
+++ b/powershell-yaml.psm1
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function Invoke-LoadAssembly {
$libDir = Join-Path $here "lib"
$assemblies = @{
"core" = Join-Path $libDir "netstandard2.1\YamlDotNet.dll";
- "net45" = Join-Path $libDir "net45\YamlDotNet.dll";
+ "net47" = Join-Path $libDir "net47\YamlDotNet.dll";
"net35" = Join-Path $libDir "net35\YamlDotNet.dll";
@@ -66,15 +66,14 @@ function Invoke-LoadAssembly {
if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {
return (Invoke-LoadInContext -assemblyPath $assemblies["core"] -loadContextName "powershellyaml")
} elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5.1) {
- return (Invoke-LoadInContext -assemblyPath $assemblies["net45"] -loadContextName "powershellyaml")
+ return (Invoke-LoadInContext -assemblyPath $assemblies["net47"] -loadContextName "powershellyaml")
} elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 4) {
- return Invoke-LoadInGlobalContext $assemblies["net45"]
+ return Invoke-LoadInGlobalContext $assemblies["net47"]
} else {
- return Invoke-LoadInGlobalContext $assemblies["net35"]
+ return Invoke-LoadInGlobalContext $assemblies["net45"]
} else {
- # Powershell 4.0 and lower do not know "PSEdition" yet
- return Invoke-LoadInGlobalContext $assemblies["net35"]
+ return Invoke-LoadInGlobalContext $assemblies["net45"]
@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ function Convert-ValueToProperType {
if (!($Node.Value -is [string])) {
return $Node
+ $intTypes = @([int], [long])
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Node.Tag) -eq $false) {
switch($Node.Tag) {
"tag:yaml.org,2002:str" {
@@ -145,16 +144,22 @@ function Convert-ValueToProperType {
$parsedValue = [Convert]::ToInt64($Node.Value.Substring(2), 16)
default {
- if (![long]::TryParse($Node.Value, [Globalization.NumberStyles]::Any, [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [ref]$parsedValue)) {
+ if (![System.Numerics.BigInteger]::TryParse($Node.Value, [Globalization.NumberStyles]::Any, [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [ref]$parsedValue)) {
Throw ("failed to parse scalar {0} as long" -f $Node)
} else {
- if (![long]::TryParse($Node.Value, [Globalization.NumberStyles]::Any, [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [ref]$parsedValue)) {
+ if (![System.Numerics.BigInteger]::TryParse($Node.Value, [Globalization.NumberStyles]::Any, [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [ref]$parsedValue)) {
Throw ("failed to parse scalar {0} as long" -f $Node)
+ foreach ($i in $intTypes) {
+ $asIntType = $parsedValue -as $i
+ if($asIntType) {
+ return $asIntType
+ }
+ }
return $parsedValue
"tag:yaml.org,2002:float" {
@@ -189,16 +194,30 @@ function Convert-ValueToProperType {
- if ($Node.Style -eq 'Plain')
- {
- $types = @([int], [long], [double], [boolean], [decimal])
+ if ($Node.Style -eq 'Plain') {
+ $parsedValue = New-Object -TypeName ([Boolean].FullName)
+ $result = [boolean]::TryParse($Node,[ref]$parsedValue)
+ if( $result ) {
+ return $parsedValue
+ }
+ $parsedValue = New-Object -TypeName ([System.Numerics.BigInteger].FullName)
+ $result = [System.Numerics.BigInteger]::TryParse($Node, [Globalization.NumberStyles]::Any, [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [ref]$parsedValue)
+ if($result) {
+ $types = @([int], [long])
+ foreach($i in $types){
+ $asType = $parsedValue -as $i
+ if($asType) {
+ return $asType
+ }
+ }
+ return $parsedValue
+ }
+ $types = @([double], [decimal])
foreach($i in $types){
$parsedValue = New-Object -TypeName $i.FullName
- if ($i.IsAssignableFrom([boolean])){
- $result = $i::TryParse($Node,[ref]$parsedValue)
- } else {
- $result = $i::TryParse($Node, [Globalization.NumberStyles]::Any, [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [ref]$parsedValue)
- }
+ $result = $i::TryParse($Node, [Globalization.NumberStyles]::Any, [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [ref]$parsedValue)
if( $result ) {
return $parsedValue
@@ -301,18 +320,6 @@ function Convert-ListToGenericList {
return ,$ret
-function Convert-PSCustomObjectToDictionary {
- Param(
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
- [PSCustomObject]$Data
- )
- $ret = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]](New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]')
- foreach ($i in $Data.psobject.properties) {
- $ret[$i.Name] = Convert-PSObjectToGenericObject $i.Value
- }
- return $ret
function Convert-PSObjectToGenericObject {
@@ -324,20 +331,14 @@ function Convert-PSObjectToGenericObject {
$dataType = $data.GetType()
- if ($data -isnot [System.Object]) {
- return $data -as $dataType
- }
- if ($dataType.FullName -eq "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject") {
- return Convert-PSCustomObjectToDictionary $data
- } elseif (([System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary].IsAssignableFrom($dataType))){
+ if (([System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary].IsAssignableFrom($dataType))){
return Convert-OrderedHashtableToDictionary $data
} elseif (([System.Collections.IDictionary].IsAssignableFrom($dataType))){
return Convert-HashtableToDictionary $data
} elseif (([System.Collections.IList].IsAssignableFrom($dataType))) {
return Convert-ListToGenericList $data
- return $data -as $dataType
+ return $data
function ConvertFrom-Yaml {
diff --git a/src/serializer.cs b/src/serializer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..563e2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/serializer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+using System;
+using System.Numerics;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Management.Automation;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using YamlDotNet.Core;
+using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
+using YamlDotNet.Serialization.EventEmitters;
+using YamlDotNet.Core.Events;
+public class BigIntegerTypeConverter : IYamlTypeConverter {
+ public bool Accepts(Type type) {
+ return typeof(BigInteger).IsAssignableFrom(type);
+ }
+ public object ReadYaml(IParser parser, Type type, ObjectDeserializer rootDeserializer) {
+ var value = parser.Consume().Value;
+ var bigNr = BigInteger.Parse(value);
+ return bigNr;
+ }
+ public void WriteYaml(IEmitter emitter, object value, Type type, ObjectSerializer serializer) {
+ var bigNr = (BigInteger)value;
+ emitter.Emit(new Scalar(AnchorName.Empty, TagName.Empty, bigNr.ToString(), ScalarStyle.Plain, true, false));
+ }
+public class PSObjectTypeConverter : IYamlTypeConverter {
+ public bool Accepts(Type type) {
+ return typeof(PSObject).IsAssignableFrom(type);
+ }
+ public object ReadYaml(IParser parser, Type type, ObjectDeserializer rootDeserializer)
+ {
+ // We don't really need to do any custom deserialization.
+ var deserializedObject = rootDeserializer(typeof(IDictionary)) as IDictionary;
+ return deserializedObject;
+ }
+ public void WriteYaml(IEmitter emitter, object value, Type type, ObjectSerializer serializer) {
+ var psObj = (PSObject)value;
+ emitter.Emit(new MappingStart());
+ foreach (var prop in psObj.Properties) {
+ serializer(prop.Name, prop.Name.GetType());
+ serializer(prop.Value, prop.Value.GetType());
+ }
+ emitter.Emit(new MappingEnd());
+ }
+public class StringQuotingEmitter: ChainedEventEmitter {
+ // Patterns from https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2804356
+ private static Regex quotedRegex = new Regex(@"^(\~|null|true|false|on|off|yes|no|y|n|[-+]?(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|[-+]?(\.inf))?$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+ public StringQuotingEmitter(IEventEmitter next): base(next) {}
+ public override void Emit(ScalarEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter) {
+ var typeCode = eventInfo.Source.Value != null
+ ? Type.GetTypeCode(eventInfo.Source.Type)
+ : TypeCode.Empty;
+ switch (typeCode) {
+ case TypeCode.Char:
+ if (Char.IsDigit((char)eventInfo.Source.Value)) {
+ eventInfo.Style = ScalarStyle.DoubleQuoted;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TypeCode.String:
+ var val = eventInfo.Source.Value.ToString();
+ if (quotedRegex.IsMatch(val))
+ {
+ eventInfo.Style = ScalarStyle.DoubleQuoted;
+ } else if (val.IndexOf('\n') > -1) {
+ eventInfo.Style = ScalarStyle.Literal;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ base.Emit(eventInfo, emitter);
+ }
+ // objectGraphVisitor, w => w.OnTop()
+ public static SerializerBuilder Add(SerializerBuilder builder) {
+ return builder
+ .WithEventEmitter(next => new StringQuotingEmitter(next))
+ .WithTypeConverter(new BigIntegerTypeConverter())
+ .WithTypeConverter(new PSObjectTypeConverter());
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/serializer.csproj b/src/serializer.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4732e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/serializer.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ netstandard2.1;net47