$ git clone https://github.com/armfazh/pat-app --branch devel_branch
cd pat-app
$ make certs
Make sure to follow the instructions in README for setting up certificates in your machine using mkcert.
In three terminals:
make issuer
make origin
make attester
Running Go client
$ ./pat-app fetch --origin origin.example:4568 --secret `cat client.secret` --attester attester.example:4569 --resource "/index.html" --token-type basic
When the client is run, it fetches the privacypass webpage from origin using 'basic' (Type 2) tokens. (We will use Type 2 tokens initially, so it must be explicitly specified in the command/URL)
A succesfull run looks like:
$ ./pat-app fetch --origin origin.example:4568 --secret `cat client.secret` --attester attester.example:4569 --resource "/index.html" --token-type basic
body was fetched!!
In a terminal:
$ git clone https://github.com/cloudflare/pp-browser-extension
$ nvm use 18 // it should work with Node v16+.
$ npm ci
$ npm run build
In Chrome:
Remove all extensions of privacy pass. Current extension is v3.0.5.
We will install ext v4.1.0 which has Manifest v3.
Load the extension from the source code.
Open the Background Page & Devtools of a blank tab.
Navigate to https://origin.example:4568/?type=2 (Make sure the certificates from
step work, otherwise cannot load https from localhost). As you can see, we must specify type=2. -
The behaviour expected is that browser first receives a 401 error, which is catched by the extension and then a reload that brings the body of the privaypass website. *There could be some errors fetching other resources (.css files), but these are not served by the pat-app demo.