This project contains SDKs designed to work with Cloudinary url-gen.
These SDKs render CloudinaryImage or CloudinaryVideo objects into the DOM.
- The React SDK used to render an image & video component. NPM | {@link ReactSDK|Reference}
- The Angular SDK used to render an image & video component. NPM | {@link AngularSDK|Reference}
Each SDK also contains advanced features in the form of plugins, which extend the native HTMLImage and HTMLVideo elements.
- {@link accessibility|accessibility} - Used to make your images more accessible to your users with visual disabilities.
- {@link lazyload|lazyload} - Used to delay loading images if they are not yet visible on the screen.
- {@link placeholder|placeholder} - Used to display a lightweight version of an image while the target image is downloading.
- {@link responsive|responsive} - Used to resize your images automatically based on the viewport size.
To build and link project:
- clone project
- npm run quickstart
To get started, install the npm client package of your choice along with our base package. For example, to use Cloudinary in a React environment, the following packages should be installed:
npm i @cloudinary/react @cloudinary/url-gen
Note: To use Angular install @cloudinary/ng
The following is a simple example using React. For more information on React and other frameworks, navigate to the specific reference using the Packages menu.
import React from 'react'
// Cloudinary is used to configure your account and generate urls for your media assets
import {Cloudinary} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
// Import the cloudinary media component (AdvancedImage / AdvancedVideo),
// and the plugins you want to use.
import {AdvancedImage, accessibility, responsive} from '@cloudinary/react';
// Once per project/app - configure your instance.
// See the documentation of @cloudinary/url-gen for more information.
const myCld = new Cloudinary({cloud: {cloudName: 'demo'}});
export const App = () => {
// Create a new image object:
const img = myCld.image('sample');
// Render your component.
return (
<AdvancedImage cldImg={img} plugins={[responsive(), accessibility()]}/>
<AdvancedImage plugins={[lazyload(), responsive(), accessibility(), placeholder()]}/>
You can omit any plugin, but the order from above should remain.
Repository is using Conventional Commits. To publish packages please read instructions in sdk-scripts.