This builds the container:
cd src
docker build . -t seer/seer
Exercise builders often need to build SEER on a high-side network, an easy way to do this is to export images as tar files and import them to the target system:
docker save cmusei/identity > ~/Downloads/identity.tar
docker save seer/seer > ~/Downloads/seer.tar
docker save postgres > ~/Downloads/postgres.tar
On the target system, in order to load the tar container files, run:
cat identity.tar | docker load
cat postgres.tar | docker load
cat seer.tar | docker load
Specific configuration for each container:
contains a user section we will want to edit as we stand up our environment:
"Username": "",
"Password": "scotty@1",
"GlobalId": "9fd3c38e-58b0-ffff-80d1-1895af91f1f9"
Add the users that will be part of your administration team here.
Add the users you would like automatically added to the administrative role under appsettings.json:
"DefaultAdminAccounts": ["ddupdyke", "bsmith", "etc"]
Note that identity exports name here, and not a full email address.
To start the stack, run:
docker-compose up -d
With a correct config, on the first request to SEER, it should automatically create and seed the database.