In this lab, we'll compare different polynomial regression models and pick the one that best explains our dataset.
When learning new machine learning tools, it's often useful to generate random datasets with some noise in them (instead of using real data). Then you know the real underlying pattern, and you can see whether the model detects it.
First, randomly generate 100 x values uniformly between 0 and 10:
import numpy as np
x = np.random.????(0, 10, ????)
Browse the numpy documentation to look for a function that can generate random values uniformly in some range and click it to read about the parameters and find an example that generates multiple values at once:
You should get something like the following (your random x values will of course differ):
array([2.79687525, 3.79759323, 3.28057227, 0.53394018, 3.02631135,
9.80546091, 9.52734311, 5.39445937, 0.88123164, 9.39220611,
0.14952772, 9.98741116, 5.41985529, 0.53689649, 5.13812755,
6.72324944, 6.85498995, 2.50218211, 2.69041511, 9.72999312,
4.59943722, 8.66264111, 8.6791649 , 8.789668 , 1.97837428,
7.41131163, 6.38631481, 8.01050144, 7.40393371, 8.52159954,
6.86880071, 0.4429817 , 2.63150248, 9.70783847, 8.57701317,
4.08390691, 1.53379304, 3.92925136, 5.59249091, 0.82697436,
2.11395572, 3.45483354, 3.35563161, 7.71499755, 5.7887254 ,
9.57698669, 1.45691284, 8.10710812, 1.51699873, 9.76220787,
4.1302431 , 9.30973542, 6.55166107, 8.31202397, 2.75940007,
0.74598903, 6.87346587, 2.9402988 , 3.47905205, 5.79509849,
6.71840305, 7.42857789, 5.11721878, 9.41966954, 8.46706032,
0.09892478, 6.11903957, 3.95076744, 0.22090436, 8.03670151,
8.36679871, 6.47744917, 9.24849941, 1.56997753, 9.32665206,
2.63553367, 0.42176439, 0.21810782, 6.18061177, 8.28879711,
4.2926099 , 6.50542003, 1.05920583, 4.27601354, 9.65403314,
4.58078682, 2.13464238, 1.11633827, 9.69418261, 6.16784997,
1.45127682, 7.54690907, 4.454097 , 8.32580719, 6.64915113,
9.44550501, 8.50366841, 5.77728997, 9.21509513, 3.05229763])
Put your x values in an x
column of a new DataFrame:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"x": x})
Let's say we want the relationship between a y variable and our x variable to be y = 2x + 5. We can add the y column and plot the relationship like this:
df["y"] = df["x"] * 2 + 5
df.plot.scatter(x="x", y="y")
Let's say you want to add some random noise to the relationship. Add
+ np.random.normal(scale=3, size=100)
to the end of the df["y"] = ...
line, and look and the new scatter plot.
To create the data for the following work, modify the example as follows:
- use y = 5x - x^2 + 50
- use 8 for the scale of the noise
It should look roughly like the following:
Import the following from sklearn, and make the appropriate call to split df
into train/test data:
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score
train, test = ????(df)
len(train), len(test)
Complete the following to create a 2nd degree regression model
pipeline that relates your y column to your x column and average
explained variance in the scores_df
scores_df = pd.DataFrame()
degree = 2
model = Pipeline([
("poly", ????(degree=degree, include_bias=False)),
("model", ????()),
scores = cross_val_score(model, train[["????"]], train["????"])[f"degree {degree}", "score"] = scores.mean()[f"degree {degree}", "std_dev"] = scores.std()
Create a bar plot with one bar showing the average explained variance of the model and the standard devation of the scores:
Adapt the above example so that instead of degree = 2
you loop over
multiple degrees with for degree in range(????, ????):
. Try all
degrees between 1 and 10.
Plot it as before:
You should see something like this: