On this episode, Kevin throws in a big announcement, followed by a group discussion on Swift’s nil coalescing operator and the common applications of Core Data.
- Quick shout out to Nutshell, an awesome start-up that's building a modern cloud-based CRM
- The “what what”, nil coalescing operator (Docs)
- Other Swift optional sugar: Optional chaining
- Changes in the Swift standard library for beta 5
- CloudKit
- Fetched Properties; Useful?
- Kevin’s seriously singleton gist
- Core Data
- Apple’s Introduction to Core Data Programming Guide
- UIKonf, Matthew Morey on High Perf CoreData
- MagicalRecord – an ActiveRecord-style Core Data library
- Non-Core Data
- FMDB – the best way to use SQLite from Objective-C
- YapDatabase – a “key/value store and MUCH MORE”
- FCModel – An alternative to Core Data for people who like having direct SQL access.
- Mantle – a Cocoa model framework that’s especially designed to work in tandem with an HTTP API (note, it can be used with Core Data)
- Core Data Concurrency: Core Data Programming Guide and objc.io post
- [SOLID](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOLID_(object-oriented_design) (object-oriented design)
- NSCoders Facebook group
- Conflict-free replicated data types
- Contact us