Welcome to the Scavenger Hunt! Complete tasks to get as many points as possible before Sunday, April 15th at 4pm. Unless specified, you can use whichever programming language you want. Once you have completed a task, check in with one of the Coding&&Community volunteers and we will keep track of the number of points you earned. Whoever scores the most points will win the Scavenger Hunt Award!
- Find the sum of the first 123,456 integers without code. For a bonus 10 points, write a program that does the calculation for you.
- Code a Celsius to Fahrenheit converter.
- Code a Fahrenheit to Celsius converter.
- Balance the following chemical reaction: _Na + _H2O → _NaOH + _H2
- Write a program that adds random numbers between 0 and 1 until their sum is greater than 1.
- Print “hello, world” in 4 different programming languages.
- Write a program to return a random number from 1 (inclusive) to 10 (inclusive).
- Write a program to return a random number from two user input values (both inclusive).
- Create a calculator with the four operations. Allow the user to input an expression, like “1+2” and print out the correct result.
- Write a program that thinks of a random number and allows the user to guess the number. If the actual number is lower than the guessed number, then the program outputs “lower.” If the actual number is higher than the guessed number, then the program outputs “higher.”
- Code a binary to decimal converter.
- Code a decimal to binary converter.
- Write a program to count the number of vowels in an input sentence.
- Decode the following message with a Caesar Cipher: Huf zbmmpjpluasf hkchujlk aljouvsvnf pz pukpzapunbpzohisl myvt thnpj.
- Write a program that returns the complement of an input color. Hardcoding earns 20 points. Using RGB values earns 50 points.
- Write a program that prints the numbers 1-100. If the number is divisible by 5, also print “fizz”. If the number is divisible by 3, also print “buzz”.
- Write a program to play rock, paper, scissors against the computer.
- Find the LCM of two input numbers.
- Program a mad libs generator. Create a story with some blank spaces, and each time it comes across a space, ask the user for a word of that part of speech. Print out the result.
- Write a program to calculate the factorial of a number.
- Write a program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using bubble sort.
- Write a program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using selection sort.
- Write a program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using merge sort.
- Use a Taylor series to approximate e^2. Determine the number of terms necessary for your approximation to be within 0.1% of the true value.
- Write a program to output all the prime factors of a given input number.
- Write a program to find the millionth Fibonacci number. What is it?
- Write a program that prints the amount of days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the start of the 2024 Olympics.
- Given two lists of numbers, write a program that prints the numbers that are in both lists.
- Write a program that determines if a given date is closer to April Fools’ day (April 1st) or closer to the fall equinox (September 22nd).
- Write a program that takes in a string as input, and outputs the string reversed.
- Determine if an input string is a palindrome.
- Write a program that returns the hexadecimal representation of a number for inputs from 0-16.
- Write a program that prints the first three headlines from bbc.com. Hint: news websites publish RSS feeds for this exact purpose. BeautifulSoup is a python library well-suited for this task.
- Neptune completes one orbit every 165 years (= 60,255 days). On what day will Neptune complete its 13th orbit since January 1st, 1337? (Don’t worry about leap days).
- Write a program to remove duplicates from a list.
- In Formula 1 races, drivers are awarded points if they place in the top 10 (25 for 1st place, 18 for 2nd, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 and 1 points for positions 3 through 10). Given a list of places, write a program to determine the number of points a driver has scored in a season.
- Write a program that prints the current weather.
- Write a program that prints the current weather in a location the user provides.
- Write a program that finds the Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers using the Euclidean Algorithm.
- Given three points, write a program that finds the area of the triangle defined by three points.
- Write a program that determines if a point is within a circle of known center and radius.
- Randomly generate 10,000 points within the square defined by (0, 0) and (1,1). For each point, determine if it is within the circle at (0.5, 0.5) with radius 0.5. Count the number of points where this is true and divide by the total number of points generated. Multiply this value by 4, it will be very close to a famous number. What is it?
- Write a program that returns the hexadecimal representation of a number for inputs from 0-256. Using your solution to this problem and the previous, write a program that converts any number to its hexadecimal representation.
- Repeat task #5 10,000 times (in a loop, not manually!) and record the count of random numbers added for each run. Find the mean of the counts. The number will be very close to a famous number. What is it?
- Build a basic web page in HTML. Include 3 images, 3 links, and 3 different kinds of text.
- Write a program that finds the determinant of a matrix.
- Write a program that multiplies two matrices together.
- Write a program that determines the number of unique words in a sentence.
- Write a program that turns the day of the year (1-365) in 2023 to its month and day (for example, the 314th day of 2022 is November 10th).
- Write a simulation of Conway’s Game of Life using a fixed-size board.
- Write a program that determines whether a 3x3 grid is a valid sudoku solution (each column and row contains the numbers 1-3 exactly once). Bonus 50 points: how many valid configurations are there?