BeeGFS is a "parallel" file system: the data is spread out across multiple OS instances and presented as a shared global space. BeeGFS has several classes of actors in a deployment: management, metadata, data, and admin servers set up to deliver a global file system to clients. In a production setting the number and location of these actors is tuned but for this experiment it will be much simpler and more explicit.
These steps will create a cluster of seven VMs whose names are derived from the BeeGFS Debian packages:
- Management: bgmgmtd (the original)
- Metadata: bgmeta
- Storage: bgstorage1 and bgstorage2
- Clients: bgclient1 and bgclient2
- Administration/monitoring: bgadmon
The clients will see a single global file system space mounted at /data.
BeeGFS is provided by a third party, ThinkParQ, spun off from the original developer, Fraunhofer. Kernel components for clients are licensed under GPL 2.0. Other components are under various licenses such as MIT, LGPL, and BSD. [](BeeGFS has an EULA) which is a standard copyleft statement. Most features are free for use except for those deemed "Enterprise Features" which require a purchase:
- Mirroring
- High Availability
- Quota Enforcement
- Access Control Lists (ACLs)
- Storage Pool They may also be enabled for a 60-day trial. These conditions will be evaluated further should BeeGFS become the primary choice for an MDCfs base.
Start by sourcing BeeGFS/ into your shell, or
$ export DALI_CLONES="meta admon storage1 storage2 client1 client2"
Next, follow the instructions in the main README about creating the virtual network.
- Create and configure the original for the BeeGFS repo but install nothing yet.
$ dali original
$ virsh start bgmgmtd
$ ssh bgmgmtd
On the VM,
# wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/BeeGFS.list
# wget -q -O- | apt-key add -
# apt-get update
# shutdown -h 0
Make one clone image to save time for subsequent retries or extensions:
$ dali clone mgmtd spare
Now clone and start the remaining actors:
$ dali clone ALL
$ dali start ALL
In the web docs,
Node name | VM name | Service ID | Additional Info |
node01 | bgmgmtd | 1 | |
node02 | bgmeta | 2 | |
node03 | bgstorage1 bgstorage2 |
3 4 |
target ID = 301 target ID = 401 |
node04 | bgclient1 bgclient2 |
node05 | bgadmon |
$ ssh bgmgmtd DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y beegfs-mgmtd
$ ssh bgmgmtd /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-mgmtd -p /data/beegfs_mgmtd
$ ssh bgmeta DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y beegfs-meta
$ ssh bgmeta /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-meta -p /data/beegfs_meta -s 2 -m bgmgmtd
$ ssh bgstorage1 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y beegfs-storage
$ ssh bgstorage2 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y beegfs-storage
$ ssh bgstorage1 /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-storage -p /data/beegfs_storage -s 3 -i 301 -m bgmgmtd
$ ssh bgstorage2 /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-storage -p /data/beegfs_storage -s 4 -i 401 -m bgmgmtd
$ ssh bgclient1 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y beegfs-client beegfs-helperd beegfs-utils
$ ssh bgclient2 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y beegfs-client beegfs-helperd beegfs-utils
$ ssh bgclient1 /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-client -m bgmgmtd
$ ssh bgclient2 /opt/beegfs/sbin/beegfs-setup-client -m bgmgmtd
$ ssh bgadmon DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jre-headless beegfs-admon
A config file on bgadmon must be edited manually.
$ ssh bgadmon
# vi /etc/beegfs/geegfs-admon.conf
set sysMgmtdHost=bgmgmtd
# exit
Config files and subdirs on VMs after those setup commands.
bgVM File in /etc/beegfs Parameter Value
mgmtd beegfs-mgmtd.conf storeMgmtDirectory /data/beegfs-mgmtd
meta beegfs-meta.conf sysMgmtdHost bgmgmtd
storeMetaDirectory /data/beegfs-meta
storage beefs-storage.conf sysMgmtdHost bgmgmtd
storeStorageDirectory /data/beegfs-storage
client beegfs-client.conf sysMgmtdHost bgmgmtd
beegfs-mount.conf default settings are ok, /mnt is handled
admon beegfs-meta.conf sysMgmtdHost bgmgmtd
Final client startup can take tens of seconds.
$ ssh bgmgmtd systemctl restart beegfs-mgmtd
$ ssh bgmeta systemctl restart beegfs-meta
$ ssh bgstorage1 systemctl restart beegfs-storage
$ ssh bgstorage2 systemctl restart beegfs-storage
$ ssh bgclient1 systemctl restart beegfs-helperd
$ ssh bgclient2 systemctl restart beegfs-helperd
$ ssh bgclient1 systemctl restart beegfs-client
$ ssh bgclient2 systemctl restart beegfs-client
$ ssh bgadmon systemctl restart beegfs-admon