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Brian Yu edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 22 revisions

Welcome! This is the in-progress website redesign for the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) University of California, Berkeley Mu Chapter, built with Django, Django REST framework, and Vue.js.

For more information, contact


We use any sh shell e.g. bash, zsh, etc.

If conda is not already available, install conda. If you're installing conda for the first time, we recommend Miniconda over Anaconda. If you want to keep your default version of python, run conda config --set auto_activate_base false.

# Once `conda` is installed
$ conda env create -f config/hknweb-dev.yml         # Create dev environment
$ conda activate hknweb-dev                         # Activate dev environment
$ python migrate                          # Initialize database
$ python init_permissions                 # Provision database with default permissions


All commands we use are native to Django link to available Django commands. If you haven't worked with Django before, checkout the Django tutorial.

A few frequently used commands:

$ python makemigrations       # Create migrations files
$ python migrate              # Apply migrations files to database
$ python createsuperuser      # Create an admin super user to login as 
$ python runserver            # Run development server
$ coverage run                          # Run tests
$ coverage report                       # Report test coverage
$ black .                               # Apply file formatting


Where can I find what I'm looking for?

Path Description
.github/workflows Github actions config
config General non-python hknweb config files
keyrings/live GPG keyring, for authorizing access to encrypted secrets (Production Server Only)
LICENSE Legal license: open source, enforced by law
bbtest.txt.gpg blackbox test file Fabric deployment scripts Django task runner
pyproject.toml Project maintenance config
run The production run script

Production maintenance

Here are a few handy commands for maintainers:

# SSH into prod

# cd into hknweb production
cd hknweb/prod/current

# Activate prod environment
conda activate hknweb-prod

# Open a Django shell
python shell

# Open a Django direct SQL database interface
python dbshell


Our deployment pipeline deploys from compserv/master to OCF servers using

# Activate our dev environment
conda activate hknweb-dev

# Depending on your ssh setup, this may or may not work for you:
HKNWEB_MODE="prod" fab deploy

# If your SSH key to the apphost requires a password to unlock:
HKNWEB_MODE="prod" fab --prompt-for-passphrase deploy

# If you have no SSH key to the apphost (shame on you), and require password authentication:
HKNWEB_MODE="prod" fab --prompt-for-login-password deploy

Rollback to Past Version

HKNWEB_MODE="prod" fab rollback --release <Timestamp of Folder>

where the <Timestamp of Folder> is the timestamp folder you want to rollback to in ~/hknweb/prod/releases/ (you don't need the full path, just the name of the specific folder inside the "releases" folder).


The documentation on this wiki is largely written by @jameszhu and @ochan1. Thanks for their efforts at making compserv renewable!

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