Releases: connect-group/thymeleaf-tdd
Spring 4 release 1.0.6
Updated dependencies, streamlined releases.
Spring 4 Support
This release supports Spring 4.
It also adds that ability to unit test i18n Thymeleaf entries such as data-th="#{my.key}".
See the README for more information about using the TestMessageSource class.
Updated dependencies and streamlined release process
With MessageSource Test Support
This release adds that ability to unit test i18n Thymeleaf entries such as data-th="#{my.key}".
See the README for more information about using the TestMessageSource class.
Updated with latest Thymesheet release
Updated release so it uses the lates Thymesheet/Thymesheet-Spring dependancies.
Minor update and release into Maven repository
This releases makes it easier to perform basic tests of custom dialects by extending ExtendableTestSpringContext.
Two additional Hamcrest matchers are included in the project, to test text which occurs before the first child element, or after the first child element. These help test HTML which includes icons in Bootstrap, among other uses.
"thymeleaf-extras" was tested using this framework, take a look at that project for examples of unit tests.
Initial Release of framework extracted from internal projects at Connect Group
This release is extracted from projects underway at Connect Group. We are running several agile teams all working with Thymeleaf, and all following Test Driven Development practices. The code here has been developed to allow "TDD" development of both Thymeleaf / Thymesheet HTML and Thymeleaf attributes.