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File metadata and controls

275 lines (225 loc) · 11.9 KB

Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. R-CMD-check CRAN_Status_Badge CRAN RStudio mirror downloads

NSF-1065786 NSF-1638679 NSF-1065649 NSF-1065818 NSF-1638554


The LAGOSNE package provides an R interface to download LAGOS-NE data, store this data locally, and perform a variety of filtering and subsetting operations.

LAGOS-NE contains data for 51,101 lakes and reservoirs larger than 4 ha in 17 lake-rich US states. The database includes 3 data modules for: lake location and physical characteristics for all lakes; ecological context (i.e., the land use, geologic, climatic, and hydrologic setting of lakes) for all lakes; and in situ measurements of lake water quality for a subset of the lakes from the past 3 decades for approximately 2,600-12,000 lakes depending on the variable (see Soranno et al. 2017 below).


# install stable version from CRAN

# install development version from Github
# install devtools if not found - install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("cont-limno/LAGOSNE", dependencies = TRUE)


The lagosne_get function downloads the LAGOSNE files corresponding to the specified version from the EDI data repository. Files are stored in a temporary directory before being “compiled” to an R data format in the location specified by the dest_folder argument. Recommended setting is lagos_path(). Data only needs to be downloaded one time per version per machine. Each LAGOSNE module has a unique version number. However, only the limno module has been dynamically updated. Therefore the LAGOSNE R package uses the limno module version number to check-out specific datasets. The latest version of the LAGOSNE dataset is 1.087.3.

lagosne_get(dest_folder = lagos_path())


Load Package


Load data

The lagosne_load function returns a named list of data.frame objects. Use the names() function to see a list of available data frames names(dt).

dt <- lagosne_load()
#>  [1] "county"               "county.chag"          "county.conn"         
#>  [4] "county.lulc"          "edu"                  "edu.chag"            
#>  [7] "edu.conn"             "edu.lulc"             "hu4"                 
#> [10] "hu4.chag"             "hu4.conn"             "hu4.lulc"            
#> [13] "hu8"                  "hu8.chag"             "hu8.conn"            
#> [16] "hu8.lulc"             "hu12"                 "hu12.chag"           
#> [19] "hu12.conn"            "hu12.lulc"            "iws"                 
#> [22] "iws.conn"             "iws.lulc"             "state"               
#> [25] "state.chag"           "state.conn"           "state.lulc"          
#> [28] "buffer100m"           "buffer100m.lulc"      "buffer500m"          
#> [31] "buffer500m.conn"      "buffer500m.lulc"      "lakes.geo"           
#> [34] "epi_nutr"             "lakes_limno"          "lagos_source_program"
#> [37] "locus"

Locate tables containing a variable

#> [1] "epi_nutr"

Preview a table

#>   state    state_name state_zoneid state_lat state_long state_pct_in_nwi
#> 1    IA          Iowa     State_13  42.07456  -93.49983              100
#> 2    MA Massachusetts      State_2  42.25762  -71.81240              100
#>   state_ha_in_nwi state_ha
#> 1        14573561 14573561
#> 2         2101262  2101262

Preview a specific lake

lake_info(name = "Pine Lake", state = "Iowa")
# or using a lagoslakeid
# lake_info(lagoslakeid = 4389)
#>   lagoslakeid     nhdid  nhd_lat  nhd_long      lagosname1 meandepth
#> 1        4510 155845265 42.37833 -93.05967 UPPER PINE LAKE      2.21
#>   meandepthsource maxdepth maxdepthsource legacyid gnis_name lake_area_ha
#> 1    IA_CHEMISTRY     4.88   IA_CHEMISTRY      122 Pine Lake     36.07355
#>   lake_perim_meters nhd_fcode nhd_ftype iws_zoneid hu4_zoneid hu6_zoneid
#> 1          5671.001     39004       390  IWS_51040     HU4_57     HU6_78
#>   hu8_zoneid hu12_zoneid edu_zoneid county_zoneid state_zoneid elevation_m
#> 1    HU8_400   HU12_3008     EDU_23    County_275     State_13      300.23
#>   state state_name state_lat state_long state_pct_in_nwi state_ha_in_nwi
#> 1    IA       Iowa  42.07456  -93.49983              100        14573561
#>   state_ha lakeconnection   iws_ha
#> 1 14573561      DR_Stream 3593.379

Read table metadata"datasets", package = "LAGOSNE")
Package Topic Title
LAGOSNE chag Climate, Hydrology, Atmospheric, and Geologic (CHAG) Datasets
LAGOSNE classifications LAGOSNE Spatial Classifications Metadata
LAGOSNE conn Connectivity Datasets
LAGOSNE epi_nutr Epilimnion Water Quality Data
LAGOSNE lagos_source_program LAGOSNE sources
LAGOSNE lagoslakes Lake Geospatial Metadata
LAGOSNE lakes_limno Metadata for Lakes with Water Quality
LAGOSNE locus Metadata for all lakes > 1ha
LAGOSNE lulc Land Use Land Cover (LULC) Data Frames

Select data

lagosne_select is a convenience function whose primary purpose is to provide users with the ability to select subsets of LAGOS tables that correspond to specific keywords (see LAGOSNE:::keyword_partial_key() and LAGOSNE:::keyword_full_key()). See here for a comprehensive tutorial on generic data.frame subsetting.

# specific variables
head(lagosne_select(table = "epi_nutr", vars = c("tp", "tn"), dt = dt))
#>       tp     tn
#> 1  29.00     NA
#> 2 136.56 3521.7
head(lagosne_select(table = "iws.lulc", vars = c("iws_nlcd2011_pct_95"), dt = dt))
#>   iws_nlcd2011_pct_95
#> 1                0.04

# categories
head(lagosne_select(table = "locus", categories = "id", dt = dt))
#>   lagoslakeid iws_zoneid hu4_zoneid hu6_zoneid hu8_zoneid hu12_zoneid
#> 1        3201       <NA>     HU4_11     HU6_12     HU8_47  HU12_16312
#> 2        4510  IWS_51040     HU4_57     HU6_78    HU8_400   HU12_3008
#>   edu_zoneid county_zoneid state_zoneid
#> 1     EDU_27    County_331      State_2
#> 2     EDU_23    County_275     State_13
head(lagosne_select(table = "epi_nutr", categories = "waterquality", dt = dt))
#>    chla colora colort dkn doc nh4 no2 no2no3 srp tdn tdp tkn     tn toc ton
#> 1 16.60     60     NA  NA  NA  NA  NA     NA  NA  NA  NA  NA     NA  NA  NA
#> 2 30.64     NA     NA  NA  NA  NA  NA 1619.6  NA  NA  NA  NA 3521.7  NA  NA
#>       tp secchi
#> 1  29.00   1.70
#> 2 136.56   0.65
head(lagosne_select(table = "hu4.chag", categories = "deposition", dt = dt)[,1:4])
#>   hu4_dep_no3_1985_min hu4_dep_no3_1985_max hu4_dep_no3_1985_mean
#> 1               7.2171              10.0448                7.9366
#> 2               9.5538              21.1791               15.5290
#>   hu4_dep_no3_1985_std
#> 1               0.3868
#> 2               2.2330

# mix of specific variables and categories
head(lagosne_select(table = "epi_nutr", vars = "programname", 
                    categories = c("id", "waterquality"), dt = dt))
#>   programname lagoslakeid  chla colora colort dkn doc nh4 no2 no2no3 srp tdn
#> 1      MA_DEP        3201 16.60     60     NA  NA  NA  NA  NA     NA  NA  NA
#> 2     IA_CHEM        4510 30.64     NA     NA  NA  NA  NA  NA 1619.6  NA  NA
#>   tdp tkn     tn toc ton     tp secchi eventida10873
#> 1  NA  NA     NA  NA  NA  29.00   1.70         45773
#> 2  NA  NA 3521.7  NA  NA 136.56   0.65         64904

Published LAGOSNE subsets

# Oliver et al. 2015

# Collins et al. 2017

Legacy Versions

R Package

To install versions of LAGOSNE compatible with older versions of LAGOS-NE run the following command where ref is set to the desired version (in the example, it is version 1.087.1):

# install devtools if not found
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("cont-limno/LAGOSNE", ref = "v1.087.1")


Oliver, SK, PA Soranno, CE Fergus, T Wagner, K Webster, CE Scott, LA Winslow, J Downing, and EH Stanley. 2015. “LAGOS - Predicted and Observed Maximum Depth Values for Lakes in a 17-State Region of the U.S.”

Soranno, P.A., Bacon, L.C., Beauchene, M., Bednar, K.E., Bissell, E.G., Boudreau, C.K., Boyer, M.G., Bremigan, M.T., Carpenter, S.R., Carr, J.W. Cheruvelil, K.S., and … , 2017. LAGOS-NE: A multi-scaled geospatial and temporal database of lake ecological context and water quality for thousands of US lakes. GigaScience,

Soranno, PA, EG Bissell, KS Cheruvelil, ST Christel, SM Collins, CE Fergus, CT Filstrup, et al. 2015. “Building a Multi-Scaled Geospatial Temporal Ecology Database from Disparate Data Sources: Fostering Open Science and Data Reuse.” Gigascience 4 (1).

Stachelek J., Oliver S. 2017. LAGOSNE: Interface to the Lake Multi-scaled Geospatial and Temporal Database. R package version 1.1.0.

Soranno P, Cheruvelil K. 2017. LAGOS-NE-LOCUS v1.01: a module for LAGOS-NE, a multi-scaled geospatial and temporal database of lake ecological context and water quality for thousands of U.S. Lakes: 1925–2013. Environmental Data Initiative.

Soranno P, Cheruvelil K. 2019. LAGOS-NE-LIMNO v1.087.3: a module for LAGOS-NE, a multi-scaled geospatial and temporal database of lake ecological context and water quality for thousands of U.S. Lakes: 1925–2013. Environmental Data Initiative.

Soranno P, Cheruvelil K. 2017. LAGOS-NE-GEO v1.05: a module for LAGOS-NE, a multi-scaled geospatial and temporal database of lake ecological context and water quality for thousands of U.S. Lakes: 1925–2013. Environmental Data Initiative.