This section will walk you step by step through the extremely simple delivery versus payment flow using token-sdk
At the end of this section you will know how to:
- create, issue and update
s, - issue fungible and non-fungible tokens,
- move tokens,
- use confidential identities,
- sign and finalise token transaction,
- construct business logic using the building blocks from
If you would like to see how to write simple integration tests using similar example take a look at: driver test
Before doing this tutorial you should be familiar with the FungibleToken
, NonFungibleToken
and IssuedTokenType
(see Introduction and Design for more information). You could use tokens-template
to set up a project as described in README.
We will issue a simple House
token onto the ledger (non-fungible token), then some money (fungible tokens). Then two parties can perform
swap in exchange for money. We will build a flow that constructs simple transaction that combines two movements of tokens.
First let's define House
state using EvolvableTokenType
. We add address
and valuation
fields, maintainers
are required by EvolvableTokenType
. EvolvableTokenType
s are for storing token reference data that
we expect to change over time. In our use case house valuation can change.
// A token representing a house on ledger.
data class House(
val address: String,
val valuation: Amount<TokenType>,
override val maintainers: List<Party>,
override val fractionDigits: Int = 0,
override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier
) : EvolvableTokenType()
We should make sure that when transferring house we don't change the address in a state, also valuation should be greater than zero
(both when we create and update the state). Let's write some additional checks in HouseContract
// House contract that adds additional checks on create and update of the token.
class HouseContract : EvolvableTokenContract(), Contract {
override fun additionalCreateChecks(tx: LedgerTransaction) {
// Not much to do for this example token.
val newHouse = tx.outputStates.single() as House
newHouse.apply {
require(valuation > { "Valuation must be greater than zero." }
override fun additionalUpdateChecks(tx: LedgerTransaction) {
val oldHouse = tx.inputStates.single() as House
val newHouse = tx.outputStates.single() as House
require(oldHouse.address == newHouse.address) { "The address cannot change." }
require(newHouse.valuation > { "Valuation must be greater than zero." }
Note In later Corda releases your evolvable states won't have to implement Contract
only EvolvableTokenContract
Let's take a look how to create and issue EvolvableTokenType
onto the ledger.
// From within the flow.
val house: House = House(...)
val notary: Party = getPreferredNotary(serviceHub) // Or provide notary party using your favourite function from NotaryUtilities.
// We need to create the evolvable token first.
subFlow(CreateEvolvableTokens(house withNotary notary))
flow creates the evolvable state and shares it with maintainers and potential observers. To issue
a token that references the EvolvableTokenType
we have to call one of the flows from the family of IssueTokens
Note Because EvolvableTokenType
is a State
but not a TokenType
, to issue it onto the ledger you need to convert it into TokenPointer
This way, the token can evolve independently to which party currently owns (some amount) of the token.
Let's issue NonFungibleToken
referencing House
held by Alice party.
val aliceParty: Party = ...
val issuerParty: Party = ourIdentity
val housePtr = house.toPointer<House>()
// Create NonFungibleToken referencing house with Alice party as an owner.
val houseToken: NonFungibleToken = housePtr issuedBy issuerParty heldBy aliceParty
There are some flows from issue tokens family that let you issue a token onto the ledger. In this case we used
this flow generates confidential identities first to use them in the transaction instead of well known
legal identities. Notice that issuer is always well known.
For testing delivery versus payment it would be great to have some money tokens issued onto the ledger as well. Issuing
fungible GBP
tokens is straightforward:
// Let's print some money!
val otherParty: Party = ...
subFlow(IssueTokens(listOf(1_000_00.GBP issuedBy issuerParty heldBy otherParty))) // Initiating version of IssueFlow
Note There are different versions of IssueFlow
inlined (that require you to pass in flow sessions) and initiating (callable via RPC),
it's worth checking API documentation.
After the initial setup phase let's write a simple flow that involves two parties that want to swap a house for some GBP
class SellHouseFlow(val house: House, val newHolder: Party) : FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
TODO("Implement delivery versus payment logic.")
Flow takes house to sell and new owner party. Let's define price notification to be sent to the new owner:
data class PriceNotification(val amount: Amount<TokenType>)
Then construct transaction builder with house move to the new holder:
override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
val housePtr = house.toPointer<House>()
// We can specify preferred notary in cordapp config file, otherwise the first one from network parameters is chosen.
val txBuilder = TransactionBuilder(notary = getPreferredNotary(serviceHub))
addMoveNonFungibleTokens(txBuilder, serviceHub, housePtr, newHolder)
Time to contact the counterparty to collect GBP
states in exchange for house:
// Initiate new flow session. If this flow is supposed to be called as inline flow, then session should have been already passed.
val session = initiateFlow(newHolder)
// Ask for input stateAndRefs - send notification with the amount to exchange.
// Receive GBP states back.
val inputs = subFlow(ReceiveStateAndRefFlow<FungibleToken>(session))
// Receive outputs.
val outputs = session.receive<List<FungibleToken>>().unwrap { it }
// For the future we could add some checks for inputs and outputs - that they sum up to house valuation,
// usually we would like to implement it as part of the contract
Add move of GBP
tokens to the transaction builder:
addMoveTokens(txBuilder, inputs, outputs)
It can happen that input states to the transaction have confidential identities as participants, we should synchronise any identities before the final phase:
subFlow(SyncKeyMappingFlow(session, txBuilder.toWireTransaction(serviceHub)))
The last step is signing the transaction by all parties involved:
// Because states on the transaction can have confidential identities on them, we need to sign them with corresponding keys.
val ourSigningKeys = txBuilder.toLedgerTransaction(serviceHub).ourSigningKeys(serviceHub)
val initialStx = serviceHub.signInitialTransaction(txBuilder, signingPubKeys = ourSigningKeys)
// Collect signatures from the new house owner.
val stx = subFlow(CollectSignaturesFlow(initialStx, listOf(session), ourSigningKeys))
Evolvable tokens are special, because they can change over time. To keep all the parties interested notified about the update
distribution lists are used. This is a tactical solution that will be changed in the future for more robust design.
Distribution list is a list of identities that should receive updates, it's usually kept on the issuer node (and other maintainers nodes if specified).
For this mechanism to behave correctly we need to add special UpdateDistributionListFlow
// Update distribution list.
// Finalise transaction! If you want to have observers notified, you can pass optional observers sessions.
return subFlow(ObserverAwareFinalityFlow(stx, listOf(session)))
The responder flow is pretty straightforward to write calling corresponding flow handlers in order:
class SellHouseFlowHandler(val otherSession: FlowSession) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
override fun call() {
// Receive notification with house price.
val priceNotification = otherSession.receive<PriceNotification>().unwrap { it }
// Generate fresh key, possible change outputs will belong to this key.
val changeHolder = serviceHub.keyManagementService.freshKeyAndCert(ourIdentityAndCert, false).party.anonymise()
// Chose state and refs to send back.
val (inputs, outputs) = DatabaseTokenSelection(serviceHub).generateMove(
lockId = runId.uuid,
partiesAndAmounts = listOf(Pair(otherSession.counterparty, priceNotification.amount)),
changeHolder = changeHolder
subFlow(SendStateAndRefFlow(otherSession, inputs))
subFlow(object : SignTransactionFlow(otherSession) {
override fun checkTransaction(stx: SignedTransaction) {
// We should perform some basic sanity checks before signing the transaction. This step was omitted for simplicity.
Notice the DatabaseTokenSelection(serviceHub).generateMove(...)
used for chosing tokens that cover the required amount.
So why bother with the EvolvableTokenType
if we don't use it (apart from obscure UpdateDistributionListFlow
Well, let's say because of unclear political situation prices of houses in London change. We could record this event by
updating the already issued house valuation and all interested parties will get notified of that change.
It's sufficient for the issuer (or house state maintainer) to update that token by simply running:
// Update that evolvable state on issuer node.
val oldHouse: StateAndRef<House> = ... // Query for the state.
val newHouse: House = = 800_000L.GBP)
subFlow(UpdateEvolvableToken(oldStateAndRef = old, newState = new))
It will send the transaction with new updated house state to all parties on the issuer's distribution list. They will record it locally
in their vaults. Next time housePtr.pointer.resolve(serviceHub)
is called it will contain updated state.