diff --git a/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_e.svg b/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_e.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2eb0abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_e.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
diff --git a/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_f.svg b/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_f.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d304f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_f.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,847 @@
diff --git a/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_pi.svg b/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_pi.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ea1a7c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_pi.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
diff --git a/russell_lab/examples/math_elliptic_functions.rs b/russell_lab/examples/math_elliptic_functions.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62de7323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/russell_lab/examples/math_elliptic_functions.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+use plotpy::{Curve, Plot};
+use russell_lab::math::{GOLDEN_RATIO, PI};
+use russell_lab::*;
+const OUT_DIR: &str = "/tmp/russell_lab/";
+fn main() -> Result<(), StrError> {
+ // F
+ let xx = Vector::linspace(0.0, PI / 2.0, 101)?;
+ let yy = xx.get_mapped(|x| math::elliptic_f(x, 0.5).unwrap());
+ let mut curve = Curve::new();
+ curve
+ .set_line_color("#E9708E")
+ .set_line_width(2.5)
+ .draw(xx.as_data(), yy.as_data());
+ let path = format!("{}/math_elliptic_functions_f.svg", OUT_DIR);
+ let mut plot = Plot::new();
+ plot.add(&curve)
+ .grid_labels_legend("$\\phi$", "$F(\\phi,1/2)$")
+ .set_figure_size_points(GOLDEN_RATIO * 280.0, 280.0)
+ .save(&path)?;
+ // E
+ let xx = Vector::linspace(0.0, PI / 2.0, 101)?;
+ let yy = xx.get_mapped(|x| math::elliptic_e(x, 0.5).unwrap());
+ let mut curve = Curve::new();
+ curve
+ .set_line_color("#4C689C")
+ .set_line_width(2.5)
+ .draw(xx.as_data(), yy.as_data());
+ let path = format!("{}/math_elliptic_functions_e.svg", OUT_DIR);
+ let mut plot = Plot::new();
+ plot.add(&curve)
+ .grid_labels_legend("$\\phi$", "$E(\\phi,1/2)$")
+ .set_figure_size_points(GOLDEN_RATIO * 280.0, 280.0)
+ .save(&path)?;
+ // Π
+ let xx = Vector::linspace(0.0, 0.9 * PI / 2.0, 101)?;
+ let yy = xx.get_mapped(|x| math::elliptic_pi(1.0, x, 0.5).unwrap());
+ let mut curve = Curve::new();
+ curve
+ .set_line_color("#58B090")
+ .set_line_width(2.5)
+ .draw(xx.as_data(), yy.as_data());
+ let path = format!("{}/math_elliptic_functions_pi.svg", OUT_DIR);
+ let mut plot = Plot::new();
+ plot.add(&curve)
+ .grid_labels_legend("$\\phi$", "$\\Pi(1,\\phi,1/2)$")
+ .set_figure_size_points(GOLDEN_RATIO * 280.0, 280.0)
+ .save(&path)?;
+ Ok(())
diff --git a/russell_lab/src/math/elliptic.rs b/russell_lab/src/math/elliptic.rs
index aad0b35f..e38b8da6 100644
--- a/russell_lab/src/math/elliptic.rs
+++ b/russell_lab/src/math/elliptic.rs
@@ -37,6 +37,20 @@ use crate::StrError;
/// * Press WH, Teukolsky SA, Vetterling WT, Flannery BP (2007) Numerical Recipes: The Art of
/// Scientific Computing. Third Edition. Cambridge University Press. 1235p.
+/// # Examples
+/// ![Elliptic F](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cpmech/russell/main/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_f.svg)
+/// ```
+/// use russell_lab::*;
+/// fn main() -> Result<(), StrError> {
+/// approx_eq(math::elliptic_f(math::PI / 4.0, 0.5)?, 0.82601787624924519, 1e-15);
+/// // Mathematica: N[EllipticF[Pi/4, 1/2], 17]
+/// Ok(())
+/// }
+/// ```
pub fn elliptic_f(phi: f64, m: f64) -> Result {
if phi < 0.0 || m < 0.0 {
return Err("phi and m must be non-negative");
@@ -97,6 +111,20 @@ pub fn elliptic_f(phi: f64, m: f64) -> Result {
/// * Press WH, Teukolsky SA, Vetterling WT, Flannery BP (2007) Numerical Recipes: The Art of
/// Scientific Computing. Third Edition. Cambridge University Press. 1235p.
+/// # Examples
+/// ![Elliptic E](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cpmech/russell/main/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_e.svg)
+/// ```
+/// use russell_lab::*;
+/// fn main() -> Result<(), StrError> {
+/// approx_eq(math::elliptic_e(math::PI / 4.0, 0.5)?, 0.74818650417766138, 1e-15);
+/// // Mathematica: N[EllipticE[Pi/4, 1/2], 17]
+/// Ok(())
+/// }
+/// ```
pub fn elliptic_e(phi: f64, m: f64) -> Result {
if phi < 0.0 || m < 0.0 {
return Err("phi and m must be non-negative");
@@ -162,6 +190,20 @@ pub fn elliptic_e(phi: f64, m: f64) -> Result {
/// Scientific Computing. Third Edition. Cambridge University Press. 1235p.
/// * Abramowitz M, Stegun IA (1972) Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs,
/// and Mathematical Tables. U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST
+/// # Examples
+/// ![Elliptic Pi](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cpmech/russell/main/russell_lab/data/figures/math_elliptic_functions_pi.svg)
+/// ```
+/// use russell_lab::*;
+/// fn main() -> Result<(), StrError> {
+/// approx_eq(math::elliptic_pi(1.0, math::PI / 4.0, 0.5)?, 1.0616956754627997, 1e-15);
+/// // Mathematica: N[EllipticPi[1, Pi/4, 1/2], 17]
+/// Ok(())
+/// }
+/// ```
pub fn elliptic_pi(n: f64, phi: f64, m: f64) -> Result {
if phi < 0.0 || m < 0.0 {
return Err("phi and m must be non-negative");