From 8ddda0bed72aabca1d51c780f0d440c6abb57bd4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Cristian Perez Jensen Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2025 22:50:59 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] dl: bayesian learning --- deep_learning/summary/main.tex | 3 + .../sections/09_neural_tangent_kernel.tex | 8 +- .../summary/sections/10_bayesian_learning.tex | 202 ++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) create mode 100644 deep_learning/summary/sections/10_bayesian_learning.tex diff --git a/deep_learning/summary/main.tex b/deep_learning/summary/main.tex index cbfb883..6020b2b 100644 --- a/deep_learning/summary/main.tex +++ b/deep_learning/summary/main.tex @@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ \newpage \input{sections/09_neural_tangent_kernel} +\newpage +\input{sections/10_bayesian_learning} + \newpage\cleardoublepage \bibliography{main} \bibliographystyle{plainnat} diff --git a/deep_learning/summary/sections/09_neural_tangent_kernel.tex b/deep_learning/summary/sections/09_neural_tangent_kernel.tex index 908100f..1f1e2f1 100644 --- a/deep_learning/summary/sections/09_neural_tangent_kernel.tex +++ b/deep_learning/summary/sections/09_neural_tangent_kernel.tex @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ \section{Neural tangent kernel} -\paragraph{Linearized models.} +\subsection{Linearized models} We can linearize a model $f[\vec{\theta}]$ by a first-order Taylor approximation over the parameters $\vec{\theta}_0$, \[ @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ \section{Neural tangent kernel} We now have a linearized network---along with a way of evaluating it---which is simply an approximation of a model with parameters $\vec{\theta}_0$. -\paragraph{Training dynamics.} +\subsection{Training dynamics} Consider the case where we wish to minimize the mean-squared error, \[ \ell(\vec{\theta}) = \frac{1}{2} \| \vec{f}[\vec{\theta}] - \vec{y} \|^2, \quad \vec{f}[\vec{\theta}] \doteq [f[\vec{\theta}](\vec{x}_1), \ldots, f[\vec{\theta}](\vec{x}_n)]. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ \section{Neural tangent kernel} sense, this approximation does not necessarily need to remain valid during the training dynamics of gradient descent. -\paragraph{Infinite width.} +\subsection{Infinite width} In practice, it has been found that as the width of a model is scaled, the parameters stay close to their initialization during gradient descent. One can prove that if the model is scaled to infinite @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ \section{Neural tangent kernel} into why overparametrization works so well in practice and why such models generalize, despite having the obvious ability to overfit. -\paragraph{NTK of an infinite-width MLP.} +\subsection{NTK of an infinite-width MLP} Consider an MLP with $L$ layers and $m_l$ denoting the number of parameters in layer $l \in [L]$, where we initialize the parameters by \[ diff --git a/deep_learning/summary/sections/10_bayesian_learning.tex b/deep_learning/summary/sections/10_bayesian_learning.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1de96cb --- /dev/null +++ b/deep_learning/summary/sections/10_bayesian_learning.tex @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +\section{Bayesian learning} + +Starting from a prior $p(\vec{\theta})$, we want to compute or approximate the posterior +$p(\vec{\theta} \mid \mathcal{D})$. The ultimate goal is the Bayesian predictive distribution, \[ + f(\vec{x}) = \int p(\vec{\theta}\mid \mathcal{D}) f[\vec{\theta}](\vec{x}) \mathrm{d}\vec{\theta}, +\] +where the posterior can be defined via Bayes' rule, \[ + p(\vec{\theta} \mid \mathcal{D}) = \frac{p(\mathcal{D}\mid \vec{\theta}) p(\vec{\theta})}{p(\mathcal{D})}, \quad p(\mathcal{D}) = \int p(\vec{\theta}) p(\mathcal{D}\mid \vec{\theta}) \mathrm{d}\vec{\theta}. +\] +The evidence $p(\mathcal{D})$ is often intractable, but we often do not need it when unnormalized +probabilities are sufficient. + +The isotropic Gaussian is a common prior, \[ + p(\vec{\theta}) = \mathcal{N}(\vec{\theta}, \sigma^2 \mat{I}). +\] +Optimizing this prior leads to a weight decay term as we have seen before, +\begin{align*} + \vec{\theta}^\star & = \argmax_{\vec{\theta} \in \Theta} p(\vec{\theta} \mid \mathcal{D}) \\ + & = \argmax_{\vec{\theta} \in \Theta} p(\mathcal{D}\mid \vec{\theta}) p(\vec{\theta}) \margintag{$p(\mathcal{D})$ is a constant \wrt $\vec{\theta}$.} \\ + & = \argmin_{\vec{\theta} \in \Theta} -\log p(\mathcal{D}\mid\vec{\theta}) - \log p(\vec{\theta}) \margintag{The logarithm is increasing.} \\ + & = \argmin_{\vec{\theta} \in \Theta} -\log p(\mathcal{D}\mid\vec{\theta}) - \log p(\vec{\theta}) \\ + & = \argmin_{\vec{\theta} \in \Theta} -\log p(\mathcal{D}\mid\vec{\theta}) + \frac{1}{2 \sigma^2} \| \vec{\theta} \|^2 \margintag{Plug in the definition of the Gaussian and remove all terms which are constant \wrt $\vec{\theta}$.} \\ + & = \circledast +\end{align*} + +Further assume that we have data that is described by a function $f^\star: \mathcal{X} \to + \mathcal{Y}$ with normal noise, \[ + y_i = f^\star(\vec{x}_i) + \epsilon_i, \quad \epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \gamma^2). +\] +We get the following negative log likelihood, +\begin{align*} + -\log p(\mathcal{D}\mid\vec{\theta}) & = -\sum_{i=1}^{n} \log p(y_i \mid \vec{x}_i, \vec{\theta}) \\ + & \propto -\sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{1}{2 \gamma^2} (y_i - f[\vec{\theta}](\vec{x}_i))^2 \margintag{We modeled $y_i \sim \mathcal{N}(f^\star(\vec{x}_i), \gamma^2)$ and $f[\vec{\theta}]$ must approximate $f^\star$.} \\ + & = -\frac{1}{2 \gamma^2} \| \vec{y} - \vec{f}[\vec{\theta}] \|^2. +\end{align*} +So, the final optimization problem becomes \[ + \circledast = \argmin_{\vec{\theta} \in \Theta} -\frac{1}{2 \gamma^2} \| \vec{y} - \vec{f}[\vec{\theta}] \|^2 + \frac{1}{2 \sigma^2} \| \vec{\theta} \|^2. +\] + +Finally, the question becomes how we sample parameters from the posterior $p(\vec{\theta} \mid + \mathcal{D})$ to approximate the predictive distribution, \[ + f(\vec{x}) \approx \sum_{i=1}^{m} \frac{p\lft( \vec{\theta}^{(i)} \;\middle|\; \mathcal{D} \rgt)}{\sum_{j=1}^{m} p \lft( \vec{\theta}^{(j)} \;\middle|\; \mathcal{D} \rgt)} f\lft[ \vec{\theta}^{(i)} \rgt](\vec{x}) +\] + +\subsection{Markov chain Monte Carlo} + +MCMC (\textit{\textbf{M}arkov \textbf{C}hain \textbf{M}onte \textbf{C}arlo}) is the standard method +of sampling from a high-dimensional posterior distribution. It does so by defining a Markov chain +in the parameter space, where the stationary distribution is equal to the posterior---when sampling +a random sequence of parameters, we converge that we are at any parameter pair with the probability +of its posterior. If we can construct such a Markov chain, we can sample the posterior by running +the Markov chain for long enough---this period is known as the burn-in period. Further note that +close parameters in the Markov chain are highly correlated, so we cannot take nearby samples as +independent draws from the posterior. + +\subsection{Metropolis-Hastings} + +\begin{lemma} \label{lem:dbe} + If a Markov chain, described by its kernel $\Pi: \Theta \to \Delta(\Theta)$, satisfies the DBE (\textit{\textbf{D}etailed \textbf{B}alance \textbf{E}quation}), \[ + q(\vec{\theta}) \Pi(\vec{\theta}' \mid \vec{\theta}) = q(\vec{\theta}') \Pi(\vec{\theta} \mid \vec{\theta}'), \quad \forall \vec{\theta}, \vec{\theta}' \in \Theta, + \] + then the Markov chain is time reversible and has the posterior distribution $q$. +\end{lemma} + +Using \Cref{lem:dbe}, we can thus guarantee that the stationary distribution of the Markov chain is +the posterior if we have \[ + p(\vec{\theta} \mid \mathcal{D}) \Pi(\vec{\theta}' \mid \vec{\theta}) = p(\vec{\theta}' \mid \mathcal{D}) \Pi(\vec{\theta} \mid \vec{\theta}'), \quad \forall \vec{\theta}, \vec{\theta}' \in \Theta. +\] + +MH (\textit{\textbf{M}etropolis-\textbf{H}astings}) starts with sampling from an arbitrary Markov +kernel $\tilde{\Pi}$ and modifies the transition probability with an acceptance (or rejection) step +to achieve an effective kernel $\Pi$ that satisfies the DBE. Let $\alpha(\cdot \mid \cdot)$ be the +acceptance function, and construct $\Pi$ as \[ + \Pi(\vec{\theta}' \mid \vec{\theta}) = \tilde{\Pi}(\vec{\theta}' \mid \vec{\theta}) \alpha(\vec{\theta}' \mid \vec{\theta}). +\] +Intuitively, $\tilde{\Pi}$ makes a suggestion and $\alpha$ accepts or rejects it, +probabilistically. Then, we need to construct $\alpha$ such that it satisfies the DBE, \[ + p(\vec{\theta}\mid \mathcal{D}) \tilde{\Pi}(\vec{\theta}' \mid \vec{\theta}) \alpha(\vec{\theta}' \mid \vec{\theta}) = p(\vec{\theta}' \mid \mathcal{D}) \tilde{\Pi}(\vec{\theta} \mid \vec{\theta}') \alpha(\vec{\theta} \mid \vec{\theta}') +\] +The acceptance function must satisfy a one-sided structure, \[ + \alpha(\vec{\theta}' \mid \vec{\theta}) = 1 \lor \alpha(\vec{\theta} \mid \vec{\theta}') = 1. +\] +Thus, the following is the only choice of $\alpha$, \[ + \alpha(\vec{\theta} \mid \vec{\theta}') = \min \lft\{ 1, \frac{p(\vec{\theta} \mid \mathcal{D}) \tilde{\Pi}(\vec{\theta}' \mid \vec{\theta})}{p(\vec{\theta}' \mid \mathcal{D}) \tilde{\Pi}(\vec{\theta} \mid \vec{\theta}')} \rgt\}. +\] +If $\tilde{\Pi}$ is symmetric, then the acceptance probability is simply the ratio of posteriors. + +A potential problem with this approach is that while the Markov chain is guaranteed to converge to +the posterior as its stationary distribution, this might take arbitrarily long---the burn-in period +can be impractically costly. This is due to poor initial kernels $\tilde{\Pi}$ leading to very high +rejection probabilities. + +\subsection{Hamiltonian Monte Carlo} + +HMC (\textit{\textbf{H}amiltonian \textbf{M}onte \textbf{C}arlo}) is an MCMC method for obtaining +posterior averages. Consider an energy function---or loss function---equal to the negative log +posterior, \[ + E(\vec{\theta}) \doteq -\sum_{\vec{x}, y} \log p[\vec{\theta}](y \mid \vec{x}) - \log p(\vec{\theta}). +\] +The Hamiltonian is defined as the energy function, augmented with a momentum vector $\vec{v}$ and a +corresponding energy term, \[ + H(\vec{\theta}, \vec{v}) \doteq E(\vec{\theta}) + \frac{1}{2} \transpose{\vec{v}}\inv{\mat{M}} \vec{v}. +\] +The joint probability of $\vec{\theta}$ and $\vec{v}$ is given by a Gibbs distribution, \[ + p(\vec{\theta}, \vec{v}) \propto \exp \lft( -H(\vec{\theta}, \vec{v}) \rgt). +\] +We get the following two coupled differential equations---Hamiltonian dynamics, \[ + \dot{\vec{v}} = -\grad{E(\vec{\theta})}{}, \quad \dot{\vec{\theta}} = \vec{v}. +\] +HMC discretizes this dynamic with a stepsize $\eta$, +\begin{align*} + \vec{\theta}_{t+1} & = \vec{\theta}_t + \eta \vec{v}_t \\ + \vec{v}_{t+1} & = \vec{v}_t - \eta \grad{E(\vec{\theta}_t)}{}. +\end{align*} +Although very slowly, HMC samples from the posterior by following these dynamics. Note that it is +very similar to gradient descent with momentum---we essentially sample the posterior by following +momentum-based gradient descent dynamics.\sidenote{As a result, optimization with momentum gradient descent results in a + single sample approximation of the predictive distribution.} However, this approach requires the full +gradient, which is often intractable in practice. + +\subsection{Langevin dynamics} + +\marginnote{See the following video for a visualization of the sampling process with Langevin dynamics---\url{}.} + +Langevin dynamics extends HMC by introducing friction, +\begin{align*} + \dot{\vec{\theta}} & = \vec{v} \\ + \mathrm{d}\vec{v} & = - \grad{E(\vec{\theta})}{} \mathrm{d}t - \mat{B} \vec{v} \mathrm{d}t + \mathcal{N}(\vec{0}, 2 \mat{B} \mathrm{d}t). +\end{align*} +Intuitively, the friction reduces the momentum and ``dissipates'' kinetic energy and the Wiener noise +process injects stochasticity. As with HMC, we can discretize the above process, +\begin{align*} + \vec{\theta}_{t+1} & = \vec{\theta}_t + \eta \vec{v}_t \\ + \vec{v}_{t+1} & = (1-\eta \gamma) \vec{v}_t - \eta s \grad{\tilde{E}(\vec{\theta})}{} + \sqrt{2 \gamma \eta} \mathcal{N}(\vec{0}, \mat{I}). +\end{align*} +Here, $\tilde{E}$ is a stochastic potential function, which includes an empirical loss over a random +mini-batch of the data. The first term introduces friction, which leads to an exponential damping +with time. + +\subsection{Gaussian processes} + +GPs (\textit{\textbf{G}aussian \textbf{P}rocesses}) are one of the few fully tractable Bayesian +methods. It starts from a continuous stochastic process over the input domain $\mathcal{X}$, \[ + \{ f(\vec{x}) \mid \vec{x} \in \mathcal{X} \}, +\] +where each $f(\vec{x})$ is a real random variable. $f$ is a GP if for every finite subset $\{ + \vec{x}_1, \ldots \vec{x}_n \} \subset \mathcal{X}$, the resulting finite marginal is jointly +normally distributed, \[ + \begin{bmatrix} f(\vec{x}_1) \\ \vdots \\ f(\vec{x}_n) \end{bmatrix} \sim \mathcal{N}(\vec{\mu}, \mat{\Sigma}). +\] +The mean $\vec{\mu}$ can be computed by a deterministic regression, whereas the covariance matrix +$\mat{\Sigma}$ introduces stochasticity to the prediction. When given a finite dataset, the +covariance matrix can be fully evaluated using a kernel function, \[ + \sigma_{ij} = k(\vec{x}_i, \vec{x}_j), \quad k: \mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{X} \to \R. +\] +The kernel function can be seen as a prior over function space that describes how related the +output values corresponding to two input values should be. \Eg, we might want to encode that close +input values should result in close output values---then you might want to use the RBF kernel, \[ + k(\vec{x}, \vec{x}') = \exp \lft( -\gamma \| \vec{x} - \vec{x}' \|^2 \rgt). +\] + +\paragraph{Linear networks.} + +Assume we have $n$ $d$-dimensional inputs. Consider a single linear unit $\vec{w} \in \R^d$ with a +random Gaussian weight vector, \[ + \vec{w} \sim \mathcal{N}\lft( \vec{0}, \frac{\sigma^2}{d} \mat{I}_d \rgt). +\] +The outputs can be written as $y_i = \transpose{\vec{w}} \vec{x}_i$ for all $i \in [n]$, or in a +vectorized form, \[ + \vec{y} = \mat{X} \vec{w}, \quad \mat{X} \in \R^{n \times d}. +\] +Note that this is a Gaussian vector, \[ + \vec{y} \sim \mathcal{N}\lft( \vec{0}, \frac{\sigma^2}{d} \transpose{\mat{X}} \mat{X} \rgt). +\] +Hence, this is a Gaussian process with the following kernel, \[ + k(\vec{x}, \vec{x}') = \frac{\sigma^2}{n} \transpose{\vec{x}}\vec{x}'. +\] +We can do this for multiple units, because the preactivations of units in the same layer are +independent, conditioned on the input. + +If we increase the depth of this network, we do not get the same effect in general. However, a deep +preactivation process is ``near normal'' for high-dimensional inputs. This can be made rigorous +with a multivariate version of the central limit theorem. + +\paragraph{Non-linear networks.} + +By introducing non-linear activation functions into the network, the activations are no longer +Gaussian. However, due to the central limit theorem, they get are effectively turned back into +Gaussians when they propagate to the next layer. The mean function can be computed by \[ + \mu \lft( \vec{x}^{\ell+1} \rgt) = \E \lft[ \phi \lft( \mat{W}^{\ell} \vec{x}^\ell \rgt) \rgt]. +\] +This might need to be computed using numerical integration. The kernel can be defined recursively, \[ + k^{\ell}_{ij} = \E \lft[ \phi\lft( \vec{x}_{i}^{\ell-1} \rgt) \phi\lft( \vec{x}_j^{\ell-1} \rgt) \rgt]. +\] +We can now use kernel regression, \[ + f^\star(\vec{x}) = \transpose{\vec{k}(\vec{x})} \mat{K}^{-1} \vec{y}, \quad \mat{K} = \mat{K}^{L}. +\] +In conclusion, deep neural networks can be thought of as GPs in the infinite-width limit. The +advantage is that we can use wide random layers without the need for training, we can quantify +uncertainty, and we can leverage techniques from kernel machines. However, in general, it is not +feasible to compute $f^\star$ and store $\mat{K}^{\ell}$. Furthermore, the expectations need to be +computed, which is much less efficient than optimizing weights with gradient descent.