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Installation & First Run

Aiosa edited this page Jul 27, 2021 · 1 revision


Simply download and run the Windows installer. If Windows try to prevent you from running the installer, it is because we are no verified distributor. Just search for 'more' or 'advanced' options and run it anyway.

Note: you need two things installed first:

  • Java JDK 11.0.2+. The installer will try to install java manually if missing (or not in your PATH) automatically. You can also download java manually from here.
  • Optional (recommended): GnuPG. This is not a standard part of windows. It is not necessary for JCAppStore to work, but it will make things more secure for you.


Simply download and run the Linux installer (.run file). You will probably have to allow execution of that file: you can either

  • right-click and select Properties, there under permissions allow execution, or
  • run chmod 755 [installer file name] in terminal

Note: you need three things installed first:

  • Java JDK 11.0.2+. Linux installer is an exception, java will not be automatically installed if missing. You can install java easily using terminal, for example: apt-get install openjdk-16-jdk (do not install jre versions, but jdk ones). The command might vary depending on your setup.
  • A smart card driver opensc. This is not required by the installation process, but the smart card detection cannot work (and the application will tell you itself). For example apt-get install -y opensc.
  • JavaFX. You can try to run JCAppStore without installing it. However, if you open some applet details in the store and nothing happens, it means the renderer failed to initialize. You can install JavaFX for example as apt-get install openjfx

In case a desktop shortcut was not created and instead, you see a text file JCAppStore.desktop, simply allow execution as described above and if it does not work, then perform right-click and select Allow Launching.


Simply download and run the macOS (osx) installer ( file). If it is not extracted automatically, extract the zip and run the installer. Caveat: due to tight security, your mac will probably refuse to run the installer. You can always use the approach for 'universal UNIX' below.

Note: you need two things installed first:

  • Java JDK 11.0.2+. The installer will try to install java manually if missing (or not in your PATH). You can download java manually also from here. The installer will fail to install JAVA as of now, please, do this manually.
  • A smart card driver opensc. This is not required by the installation process, but the smart card detection cannot work (and the application will tell you itself).

Universal UNIX

  1. Get the binaries

We recommend you build the application by yourself. Due to JavaFX native library dependencies, it is very likely the store GUI will fail to display applet details. Just download this repository and run gradle prepareInstallBuilderForUNIX. Ready-to-run jar file will be in ./build/deploy-unix/


Download the tarball from the latest release and extract it. You might

  1. Decide on where to put the application data. We recommend to choose folder such as: /usr/share/java
  2. Inside your selected folder, create another folder called JCAppStore and move here src/ folder and JCAppStore.jar file.
  3. Modify file: set DIR=path_to_the_sources. For example: DIR=/usr/share/java/JCAppStore
  4. Put the launcher script anywhere you like and launch the app with it. You can put it inside /usr/bin folder so that it is visible from anywhere and rename it conveniently (jcapp, for example). You may have to set executable rights to the launcher as follows: chmod u+x It is up to you where the script is located and how the application will be launched. All you need to do is execute the shell script.


No smart card service enabled

  • Windows: try to insert your card first. The service is not running because it is not required. If it does not work, there are plenty of tutorials on how to enable smart card services.
  • Other platforms: Install a smart card driver such as opensc.

On Linux, the application fails to run: Can't connect to X11 window

  • please exit superuser mode. This happens if you switched to superuser using su command.

When selecting an applet from the store, the application freezes and nothing happens

  • you are missing JavaFX dependency. Please, install OpenJFX.

Missing desktop shortcut - how do I run JCAppStore? In the folder you've installed JCAppStore is an executable file (windows) or script (other). Running it will launch the application. You can create your desired shortcut using standard ways (e.g. .desktop file in Linux that runs the script).