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(WIP) simplify execTx
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samalws-tob committed Jun 28, 2024
1 parent 882c699 commit 158bd74
Showing 1 changed file with 140 additions and 111 deletions.
251 changes: 140 additions & 111 deletions lib/Echidna/Exec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,121 +93,150 @@ execTxWith executeTx tx = do
gasLeftBeforeTx <- gets (.state.gas)
vmResult <- runFully
gasLeftAfterTx <- gets (.state.gas)
handleErrorsAndConstruction vmResult vmBeforeTx
handleErrors vmResult vmBeforeTx
when isCreate $ handleConstruction vmResult tx.dst
pure (vmResult, gasLeftBeforeTx - gasLeftAfterTx)
runFully = do
config <- asks (.cfg)
-- TODO: Is the latest block a good default? It makes fuzzing hard to reproduce. Rethink this.
let rpcBlock = maybe EVM.Fetch.Latest (EVM.Fetch.BlockNumber . fromIntegral) config.rpcBlock
isCreate = case of
(SolCreate _) -> True
_ -> False

runFully = do
vmResult <- executeTx
-- For queries, we halt execution because the VM needs some additional
-- information from the outside. We provide this information and resume
-- the execution by recursively calling `runFully`.
case getQuery vmResult of
-- A previously unknown contract is required
Just q@(PleaseFetchContract addr _ continuation) -> do
cacheRef <- asks (.fetchContractCache)
cache <- liftIO $ readIORef cacheRef
case Map.lookup addr cache of
Just (Just contract) -> fromEVM (continuation contract)
Just Nothing -> do
v <- get
v' <- liftIO $ stToIO $ execStateT (continuation emptyAccount) v
put v'
Nothing -> do
logMsg $ "INFO: Performing RPC: " <> show q
case config.rpcUrl of
Just rpcUrl -> do
ret <- liftIO $ safeFetchContractFrom rpcBlock rpcUrl addr
case ret of
-- TODO: fix hevm to not return an empty contract in case of an error
Just contract | contract.code /= RuntimeCode (ConcreteRuntimeCode "") -> do
fromEVM (continuation contract)
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef cacheRef $ Map.insert addr (Just contract) cache
_ -> do
-- TODO: better error reporting in HEVM, when intermmittent
-- network error then retry
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef cacheRef $ Map.insert addr Nothing cache
logMsg $ "ERROR: Failed to fetch contract: " <> show q
-- TODO: How should we fail here? It could be a network error,
-- RPC server returning junk etc.
fromEVM (continuation emptyAccount)
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef cacheRef $ Map.insert addr Nothing cache
logMsg $ "ERROR: Requested RPC but it is not configured: " <> show q
-- TODO: How should we fail here? RPC is not configured but VM
-- wants to fetch
fromEVM (continuation emptyAccount)
runFully -- resume execution

-- A previously unknown slot is required
Just q@(PleaseFetchSlot addr slot continuation) -> do
cacheRef <- asks (.fetchSlotCache)
cache <- liftIO $ readIORef cacheRef
case Map.lookup addr cache >>= Map.lookup slot of
Just (Just value) -> fromEVM (continuation value)
Just Nothing -> fromEVM (continuation 0)
Nothing -> do
logMsg $ "INFO: Performing RPC: " <> show q
case config.rpcUrl of
Just rpcUrl -> do
ret <- liftIO $ safeFetchSlotFrom rpcBlock rpcUrl addr slot
case ret of
Just value -> do
fromEVM (continuation value)
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef cacheRef $
Map.insertWith Map.union addr (Map.singleton slot (Just value)) cache
Nothing -> do
-- TODO: How should we fail here? It could be a network error,
-- RPC server returning junk etc.
logMsg $ "ERROR: Failed to fetch slot: " <> show q
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef cacheRef $
Map.insertWith Map.union addr (Map.singleton slot Nothing) cache
fromEVM (continuation 0)
Nothing -> do
logMsg $ "ERROR: Requested RPC but it is not configured: " <> show q
-- Use the zero slot
fromEVM (continuation 0)
runFully -- resume execution

-- Execute a FFI call
Just (PleaseDoFFI (cmd : args) continuation) -> do
(_, stdout, _) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode cmd args ""
let encodedResponse = encodeAbiValue $
AbiTuple (V.fromList [AbiBytesDynamic . hexText . T.pack $ stdout])
fromEVM (continuation encodedResponse)

-- No queries to answer, the tx is fully executed and the result is final
_ -> pure vmResult

-- | Handles reverts, failures and contract creations that might be the result
-- (`vmResult`) of executing transaction `tx`.
handleErrorsAndConstruction vmResult vmBeforeTx = case (vmResult, of
(Reversion, _) -> do
tracesBeforeVMReset <- gets (.traces)
codeContractBeforeVMReset <- gets (.state.codeContract)
calldataBeforeVMReset <- gets (.state.calldata)
callvalueBeforeVMReset <- gets (.state.callvalue)
-- If a transaction reverts reset VM to state before the transaction.
put vmBeforeTx
-- Undo reset of some of the VM state.
-- Otherwise we'd loose all information about the reverted transaction like
-- contract address, calldata, result and traces.
#result ?= vmResult
#state % #calldata .= calldataBeforeVMReset
#state % #callvalue .= callvalueBeforeVMReset
#traces .= tracesBeforeVMReset
#state % #codeContract .= codeContractBeforeVMReset
(VMFailure x, _) -> vmExcept x
(VMSuccess (ConcreteBuf bytecode'), SolCreate _) -> do
-- Handle contract creation.
#env % #contracts % at (LitAddr tx.dst) % _Just % #code .= InitCode mempty mempty
fromEVM $ replaceCodeOfSelf (RuntimeCode (ConcreteRuntimeCode bytecode'))
modify' $ execState $ loadContract (LitAddr tx.dst)
_ -> pure ()
maybe (pure vmResult) (\q -> handleQuery q >> runFully) (getQuery vmResult)

:: (MonadReader Env m)
=> m (Maybe T.Text, EVM.Fetch.BlockNumber)
getRpcInfo = do
config <- asks (.cfg)
-- TODO: Is the latest block a good default? It makes fuzzing hard to reproduce. Rethink this.
let rpcBlock = maybe EVM.Fetch.Latest (EVM.Fetch.BlockNumber . fromIntegral) config.rpcBlock
return (config.rpcUrl, rpcBlock)

:: (MonadIO m, MonadState (VM Concrete RealWorld) m, MonadReader Env m, MonadThrow m)
=> Query Concrete RealWorld
-> m ()

-- For queries, we halt execution because the VM needs some additional
-- information from the outside. We provide this information and resume
-- the execution by recursively calling `runFully`.
handleQuery q@(PleaseFetchContract addr _ continuation) = do
-- A previously unknown contract is required
cacheRef <- asks (.fetchContractCache)
cache <- liftIO $ readIORef cacheRef
case Map.lookup addr cache of
Just (Just contract) -> fromEVM (continuation contract)
Just Nothing -> do
v <- get
v' <- liftIO $ stToIO $ execStateT (continuation emptyAccount) v
put v'
Nothing -> do
logMsg $ "INFO: Performing RPC: " <> show q
(maybeRpcUrl, rpcBlock) <- getRpcInfo
case maybeRpcUrl of
Just rpcUrl -> do
ret <- liftIO $ safeFetchContractFrom rpcBlock rpcUrl addr
case ret of
-- TODO: fix hevm to not return an empty contract in case of an error
Just contract | contract.code /= RuntimeCode (ConcreteRuntimeCode "") -> do
fromEVM (continuation contract)
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef cacheRef $ Map.insert addr (Just contract) cache
_ -> do
-- TODO: better error reporting in HEVM, when intermmittent
-- network error then retry
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef cacheRef $ Map.insert addr Nothing cache
logMsg $ "ERROR: Failed to fetch contract: " <> show q
-- TODO: How should we fail here? It could be a network error,
-- RPC server returning junk etc.
fromEVM (continuation emptyAccount)
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef cacheRef $ Map.insert addr Nothing cache
logMsg $ "ERROR: Requested RPC but it is not configured: " <> show q
-- TODO: How should we fail here? RPC is not configured but VM
-- wants to fetch
fromEVM (continuation emptyAccount)

-- A previously unknown slot is required
handleQuery q@(PleaseFetchSlot addr slot continuation) = do
cacheRef <- asks (.fetchSlotCache)
cache <- liftIO $ readIORef cacheRef
case Map.lookup addr cache >>= Map.lookup slot of
Just (Just value) -> fromEVM (continuation value)
Just Nothing -> fromEVM (continuation 0)
Nothing -> do
logMsg $ "INFO: Performing RPC: " <> show q
(maybeRpcUrl, rpcBlock) <- getRpcInfo
case maybeRpcUrl of
Just rpcUrl -> do
ret <- liftIO $ safeFetchSlotFrom rpcBlock rpcUrl addr slot
case ret of
Just value -> do
fromEVM (continuation value)
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef cacheRef $
Map.insertWith Map.union addr (Map.singleton slot (Just value)) cache
Nothing -> do
-- TODO: How should we fail here? It could be a network error,
-- RPC server returning junk etc.
logMsg $ "ERROR: Failed to fetch slot: " <> show q
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef cacheRef $
Map.insertWith Map.union addr (Map.singleton slot Nothing) cache
fromEVM (continuation 0)
Nothing -> do
logMsg $ "ERROR: Requested RPC but it is not configured: " <> show q
-- Use the zero slot
fromEVM (continuation 0)

-- Execute a FFI call
handleQuery (PleaseDoFFI (cmd : args) continuation) = do
(_, stdout, _) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode cmd args ""
let encodedResponse = encodeAbiValue $
AbiTuple (V.fromList [AbiBytesDynamic . hexText . T.pack $ stdout])
fromEVM (continuation encodedResponse)

handleQuery (PleaseDoFFI [] _) = error "Malformed FFI call"

:: (MonadIO m, MonadState (VM Concrete RealWorld) m, MonadReader Env m, MonadThrow m)
=> VMResult Concrete RealWorld
-> VM Concrete RealWorld
-> m ()

-- | Handles reverts, failures and contract creations that might be the result
-- (`vmResult`) of executing transaction `tx`.
handleErrors vmResult@Reversion vmBeforeTx = do
tracesBeforeVMReset <- gets (.traces)
codeContractBeforeVMReset <- gets (.state.codeContract)
calldataBeforeVMReset <- gets (.state.calldata)
callvalueBeforeVMReset <- gets (.state.callvalue)
-- If a transaction reverts reset VM to state before the transaction.
put vmBeforeTx
-- Undo reset of some of the VM state.
-- Otherwise we'd loose all information about the reverted transaction like
-- contract address, calldata, result and traces.
#result ?= vmResult
#state % #calldata .= calldataBeforeVMReset
#state % #callvalue .= callvalueBeforeVMReset
#traces .= tracesBeforeVMReset
#state % #codeContract .= codeContractBeforeVMReset
handleErrors (VMFailure x) _ = vmExcept x
handleErrors _ _ = pure ()

:: (MonadIO m, MonadState (VM Concrete RealWorld) m, MonadReader Env m, MonadThrow m)
=> VMResult Concrete s
-> Addr
-> m ()

-- | Handles reverts, failures and contract creations that might be the result
-- (`vmResult`) of executing transaction `tx`.
handleConstruction (VMSuccess (ConcreteBuf bytecode')) dst = do
-- Handle contract creation.
#env % #contracts % at (LitAddr dst) % _Just % #code .= InitCode mempty mempty
fromEVM $ replaceCodeOfSelf (RuntimeCode (ConcreteRuntimeCode bytecode'))
modify' $ execState $ loadContract (LitAddr dst)
handleConstruction _ _ = pure ()

logMsg :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Env m) => String -> m ()
logMsg msg = do
Expand Down

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