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Working with Cloud 9

Review the Video walkthrough here: Office Mix

Logon to Cloud 8

Go to and logon with GitHub or whatever credentials you choose

Create your Workspace

Call it whatever you like, but choose "Custom".

Clone the Repository

git clone

cd tomcat-mysql-c9

Setting up MySQL

MySQL is already installed.

Run the following from your ~/workspace/tomcat-mysql-c9 directory.


Setting up Tomcat

The following will download V8 of Tomcat and unpack it to ./tomcat

Run the following from your ~/workspace/tomcat-mysql-c9 directory.


Building Java classes

Once the Tomcat script is run, the survey.war file is deployed to ./tomcat/webapps and as the Survey site is requested, Tomcat extracts the WAR file.

Make sure you "Run" the site so it expands..

  1. Choose "preview" from interface
  2. Preview Running application
  3. Popout in New window
  4. Change the URL - appending /survey to the Server Name





once the site is run, Tomcat 'expands' the survey.war file

This WAR file contains all the content, JSP, Class - and the Java source files.

A helper script allows you build *.java source files, then build, then restart tomcat.

./tomcat/bin/ stop
./tomcat/bin/ start

Important - Update the UserName Password

Go into the ./tomcat/webapps/survey/WEB-INF/classes/survey/ file

Edit the lines to change the user from root to cs612

Should look like this:

  String jdbcDriver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
  String dbURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test";
  String user = "cs612";
  String password = "123456";

Recompile, then restart Tomcat...

./tomcat/bin/ stop
./tomcat/bin/ start

Note: JSP files if changes are immediately reprocessed and reflected within Tomcat. Class files, sourced from Java files, requires a "restart" of Tomcat - that is what the ./tomcat/bin/cataling stop/start provides.