This page collects information around CTA WAVE Test Content.
CTA WAVE Test Content is hosted here:
How to add content:
This website is a SPA coded using Vue.js and PureCSS, it relies on a flat file json database you can find here
The database is an object containing attributes discribing each asset.
Each asset has its own idea, generated from the content matrix, and its main type, and the object contains the representations, and how the content was generated.
You can browse files directly, or just use the simple search syntax that is available in the search field on the top of the page.
For example, if you want to isolate files that have a 5 second segment duration just type segmentDuration==5
if you want to search files with segmentDuration at 5 and fragmentType at "duration", just type segmentDuration==5:fragmentType==duration
The :
character acts as a logical AND.