This project is just my pet-project and I provide no guarantee about it reliability and support in the future. It's pretty easy to customize, so feel free to fork it, tune and maintain for you needs.
This projects helps to use Dramatiq in production. It includes:
- REST API for execution and scheduling tasks
- Monitoring of dramatiq worker in Grafana dashboard
- Logging errors of dramatiq worker to Sentry
You can just launch this project without any preparing to check its functionality (goto: Launch). If you want to use dramatiq in your own project, you have to do some preparing steps:
- Rename project folder and app folder as you needs (myproject, mytasks)
- Don't forget about setting in yourproject/settings/*. Tune it by youself
- Write some actors and add it to youapp/tasks or create new app. Dramatiq worker will search actors in in all applications included in INSTALLED_APPS (See django-dramatiq docs)
That's all! Lets launch containers.
There are two ways:
- Launch only dramatiq-worker and dramatiq-api without support of Sentry and monitoring
- Launch dramatiq with support of Sentry and monitoring
You just need to run:
docker-compose -f wo-monitoring up -d
It will start postgresql, redis, rabbitmq, dramatiq_tasks_worker and dramatiq_tasks_api containers
To run it you should setup Sentry and check integrations. Lets do it in next 9 steps (It's pretty easy):
Launch containers
docker-compose up -d
Setup Sentry environment
docker-compose exec sentry sentry upgrade --noinput
Restart Sentry after setup
docker-compose restart sentry cron worker
Create Sentry user
docker-compose exec sentry sentry createuser --email sentry@sentry.sentry --password sentry --superuser --no-input
Create new project in Sentry http://localhost:9000 and copy DSN
Put DSN into /compose/common/django-dramatiq.env. Double check hostname of Sentry in DSN. It should be available from dramatiq_tasks_worker container
Restart dramatiq_worker and dramatiq_tasks_api
docker-compose up -d
To check integration with Sentry:
1. $ docker-compose exec dramatiq_tasks_api bash 2. /code# ./ shell 3. >>> 3/0 4. Chech new alert of ZeroDivisionError exception in Sentry dashboard
To check monitoring in Prometheus and Grafana, you can run
tasks which available в mytasks/ To do it you have to create test user, which has permissions to execute tasks. Than you can execute tasks several times and check data in Grafana dashboard from last 15 minutes:1. docker-compose exec -T dramatiq_tasks_api bash -c './ createtestuser' 2. curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/execute -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"actor_name": "print_result", "kwargs": {"message_data": {"message_id": "123456789"},"result": "This actor is almost useless for direct calling. Use it as success-callback for other actors."}}' 3. http://localhost:3000/d/BYP7Moriz/dramatiq?orgId=1&from=now-15m&to=now
This project based on:
Sentry: http://localhost:9000
RabbitMQ: http://localhost:15672
Grafana: http://localhost:3000
Check API Schema http://localhost:8000/schema or dramatiq-tasks-manager documentation
This project includes simple GitLab pipeline configuration in .gitlab-ci.yml. You can check it here. Tune it for yourself.
This project includes simple pre-commit hooks config. To use it just install it:
- pip install pre-commit
- pre-commit install