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File metadata and controls

202 lines (123 loc) · 8.45 KB


Notes: all the functions return JSON and in case there are HTTP body arguments, we mean a JSON object with respective attributes.


🟠 GET /corpora/[corpus ID] (GET /corpora/[sub dir.]/[corpus ID])

Get information about corpus files.


🟠 POST /corpora/[corpus ID]/_syncData POST /corpora/[sub dir.]/[corpus ID]/_syncData

Synchronize data (/cnc/run/manatee/data vs /cnk/local/ssd/run/manatee/data) for a corpus. Please note that this applies only for corpora configured in corporaSetup.syncAllowedCorpora. In our case, this mostly applies for the online* corpora. The method is able to determine which location (ssd vs distributed fs) has newer data and configure a respective rsync call accordingly.


🟠 POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/data

Extract "live attributes" data based on provided arguments and corpus registry files. The function is asynchronous and returns an information about a respective job.

URL Arguments:

  • noCache - if 1 then MASM will generate a new version of data extraction configuration. Otherwise, the currently stored config will be used. In case there no configuration yet, a new one will be created automatically even if noCache is not specified.
  • atomStructure specifies the "minimal" structure we want to register. This is needed only if SUBCORPATTRS mention more than one structure.
  • bibIdAttr (optional) - specifies a structural attribute uniquely identifying each live attributes entry (typically, something like In case this is defined, MASM can provide a "bibliographical" entry overview (e.g. individual book, article etc.)
  • mergeAttr (optional) a structural attribute specifying a "join" attribute used for registering aligned structures (typically - sentences).
  • mergeFn (required if mergeAttr is used) - in some cases, there is no attribute value across multiple aligned items which can be used without modification, it is obligatory to specify a transformation function for such values. This is mostly an issue in case of InterCorp where we have a good "join" candidate but the values looks like this: cs:foo vs. en:foo. Specifying mergeFn=intercorp will automatically strip the language code prefix and leave us with a usable "join" attribute. There is also mergeFn=identity for case where the attribute can be used without a change.
  • append (optional) - normally, calling POST data will drop a respective database table. To be able to generate data for InterCorp and other aligned corpora where all the corpora are in a single table, append=1 must be specified for 2nd and further processed corpora.
  • noCorpusUpdate (optional) - by default, generating new live attributes also performs two addtional actions to make sure KonText knows about new/updated liveattrs. The actions are: 1. update of text_types_db column in the corpora table of CNC's database, 2. triggering cache reset on the KonText side. To disable this step, just set noCorpusUpdate=1.
  • skipNgrams - if 1 then n-grams won't be generated even if they are (pre)configured (either via previous PUT /liveAttributes/{corpusId}/conf or by passing JSON args with n-gram configuration). In case the setting cannot have an effect (= n-grams are not configured), the setting is silently ignored.

BODY arguments (JSON):

  • verticalFiles Array<string> - ad-hoc paths to vertical files to be processed. This supresses any other vertical file specification (registry, masm vertical file search). But the value is not written to a respective data extraction config. This is used e.g. for CNC's online* corpora where in some cases, each day a set of (sub)vertical files is different.
  • ngrams
    • ngrams.vertColumns - defines a list of columns to extract from vertical file
      • ngrams.vertColumns[i].idx - column index (starting from zero)
      • ngrams.vertColumns[i].transformFn - a function name (from a predefined list of items) to transform value (e.g. toLower, firstChar)
    • ngrams.ngramSize (1 = unigram, 2 = bigram, ...)
    • ngrams.calcARF - boolean value; please note that calculating ARF requires two-pass processing of a respective vertical file

🟠 DELETE /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/data

This call deletes all the data and table for the corpus.

🟠 GET /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/conf

Returns an existing live attributes extraction config. In case nothing is defined (yet) it returns code 404.

🟠 PUT /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/conf

Create a new configuration (just like in case of POST data but without data processing).

URL arguments:

  • atomStructure (see POST data)
  • bibIdAttr (see POST data)
  • mergeAttr (see POST data)
  • mergeFn (see POST data)

🟠 POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/query

Search available values of a group of attributes based on provided values of a different group of attributes.

BODY arguments (JSON):

  • aligned Array<string>
  • attrs {[attr:string]:Array<string>}
  • autocompleteAttr string
  • maxAttrListSize number

🟠 POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/fillAttrs

For a structural attribute and its values, find values of different structural attributes specified in fill list (see BODY args).

BODY arguments (JSON):

  • search:string
  • values:Array<string>
  • fill:Array<string>

🟠 POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/selectionSubcSize

Return a size (in tokens) of a subcorpus defined by selected attributes.

BODY arguments (JSON):

  • see POST query

🟠 POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/attrValAutocomplete

BODY arguments (JSON):

The function is similar to the POST query but for one of provided attributes, it allows specifying an incomplete value. The function then returns all the matching values for the attribute (and also all the valid values for other attributes - just like POST query)

  • see POST query

🟠 POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/getBibliography

BODY arguments (JSON):

  • itemId:string - an unique identifier of the item (see bibIdAttr for more info)

🟠 POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/findBibTitles

BODY arguments (JSON):

  • itemIds:Array<string>

🟠 GET /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/stats

For a corpus, return a map of structural attributes and numbers of queries for each one.

🟠 POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/updateIndexes

URL arguments:

  • maxColumns - max. number of columns considered for creating indexes

🟠 POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/mixSubcorpus

Create a subcorpus matching provided text types and required ratios (0..1). Due to combinatorial nature of the problem, the ratios may be slightly off and for more complex text type specification the ratio error will probably increase.

BODY arguments (JSON):

* `corpora:Array<string>` (main corpus plus possible aligned corpora)
* `textTypes:Array<{attrName:string; attrValue:string; ratio:number}>`

Returned value (JSON):


🟠 POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/ngrams

Generate intermediate n-gram database for query suggestion engine.

Please note that to be able to run this function, core live attributes data must be extracted (see POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/data) with n-gram configuration (either with already pre-generated configuration or with adhoc configuration in JSON body).

URL arguments:

* `posColIdx` an index of vertical file column where Part of Speech can be obtained (it can

be either a direct pos attribute or e.g. a tag from which the PoS can be extracted - e.g. tag) * posTagset a tagset identifier (e.g. cs_cnc2020, cs_cnc2000_spk)

🟠 POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/querySuggestions

From n-gram intermediate data (see POST /liveAttributes/[corpus ID]/ngrams), export query suggestion data to a CouchDB database (masm will create the database, views and sets access to a globally server-defined user).


🟠 GET /jobs

Return list of recent jobs (even finished ones).

URL arguments:

  • compact - if 1 then the individual items are a bit pruned for better readability
  • unfinishedOnly - if 1 then only running jobs will be listed

🟠 GET /jobs/[job ID]

Return an information about a provided job.

🟠 DELETE /jobs/[job ID]

Delete a job. In case it is running, MASM will kill the actual processing.
