Application to discover, search and bookmark movies.
It's iOS application working with The Movie DB API.
- Discover: get familiar with movies of 4 categories in horizontal or vertical scrolling list views; navigate to movie details.
- Search: search movie by keyword, keep search history; navigate to movie details.
- My Lists: observe movies of 3 lists – Watched, Favorite and Watch Later – which you fill during discovering and searching; navigate to movie details.
- Movie Detail: check out extended information about specific movie; add movie to specific list.
- MVVM as the main design pattern
- RxSwift & RxCocoa for binding between View and ViewModel layers
- Coordinators to separate navigation logic from View and ViewModel layers
- CoreData and UserDefaults for data caching and persistence
- Network layer with the ability to flexibly change implementations
- RxSwift — Reactive Programming in Swift.
- RxCocoa — Reactive Programming in Swift.
- Kingfisher — A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.