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Enabling MySQL Storage

d8ahazard edited this page Oct 14, 2018 · 2 revisions

By default, Flex TV uses a file-based storage method.

However, because it shares the same codebase as the web-only version, enabling MySQL Storage support is trivial, especially if you've already installed MySQL as part of XAMPP's LAMP stack (The "M" is for MySQL).

If you'd like to tell Flex TV to use a database, simply open the file named "db.conf.sample.php" within the /php directory of Flex TV. Fill our the username and password you set for MySQL, and choose a DB name.

Finally, rename the file to "db.conf.php". Reload the web page for Phlex, and as long as the credentials you've provided are correct, Flex TV will automatically create the database you filled in for 'dbname', as well as the necessary tables and default values.