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File metadata and controls

315 lines (227 loc) · 15.8 KB


Table of Contents

dCache has built-in monitoring capabilities which provide an overview of the activity and performance of the installation’s doors and pools. There are two options for how this data can be represented and stored:

  • a set of log files written to a known location
  • a database (the billing database).

These options can be enabled simultaneously. If the database option is selected, the data in those tables will also be displayed as a set of histogram plots on the installation's web page.


If you installed dCache following the instructions in the Chapter Installing dCache you enabled the BILLING in the domain where the HTTPD service is running (see the extract of the layout file).


Use the property billing.text.dir to set the location of the log files and the property billing.enable.text to control whether the plain-text log files are generated.

By default the log files are located in the directory /var/lib/dcache/billing. Under this directory the log files are organized in a tree data structure based on date (YYYY/MM). A separate file is generated for errors. The log file and the error file are tagged with the date.


    log file: /var/lib/dcache/billing/2012/09/billing-2012.09.25
    error file: /var/lib/dcache/billing/2012/09/billing-error-2012.09.25

The log files may contain information about the time, the pool, the pnfsID and size of the transferred file, the storage class, the actual number of bytes transferred, the number of milliseconds the transfer took, the protocol, the subject (identity of the user given as a collection of principals), the data transfer listen port, the return status and a possible error message. The logged information depends on the protocol.

A log entry for a write operation has the default format:

<MM.dd> <HH:mm:ss> [pool:<pool-name>:transfer]  
[<pnfsId>,<filesize>] [<path>]  
<transferred-bytes>  <connectionTime> <true/false> {<protocol>}  
<initiator>  {<return-status>:"<error-message>"}  

A typical logging entry would look like this for writing. In the log file each entry is in one line. For readability we split it into separate lines in this documentation.:

12.10 14:19:42 [pool:pool2@poolDomain-1:transfer]  
[0000062774D07847475BA78AC99C60F2C2FC,10475] [Unknown]  
<Unknown>:<Unknown>@osm 10475 40 true {GFtp-1.0 37850}  
[] {0:""}  

The formatting of the log messages can be customized by redefining the
<billing.format.someInfoMessage> properties in the layout configuration, where
<billing.format.someInfoMessage> can be replaced by

  • billing.text.format.mover-info-message
  • billing.text.format.remove-file-info-message
  • billing.text.format.door-request-info-message

A full explanation of the formatting is given in the /usr/share/dcache/defaults/ file. For syntax questions please consult StringTemplate v3 documentation or the cheat sheet.

On the web page generated by the httpd service (default port 2288), there is a link to Action Log. The table which appears there gives a summary overview extracted from the data contained in the billing log files.


In order to enable the database, the following steps must be taken.

  1. If the billing database does not already exist (see further below on migrating from an existing one), create it (we assume PSQL here):

    [root] # createdb -O dcache -U postgres billing

    If you are using a version of PostgreSQL prior to 8.4, you will also need to do:

    [root] # createlang -U dcache plpgsql billing

    No further manual preparation is needed, as the necessary tables, indices, functions and triggers will automatically be generated when you (re)start the domain with the billing database logging turned on (see below).

  2. The property billing.enable.db controls whether the billing cell sends billing messages to the database. By default the option is disabled. To activate, set the value to true and restart the domain in which the HTTPD service is running. CUSTOMIZING THE DATABASE


    Please take care to define the billing service before the httpdservice in your layout file. If the billing service is defined in a separate domain, this domain should be defined before the domain in which the httpd service is running.

Extract from the layout file:


    [root] # dcache restart httpdDomain
    Stopping httpdDomain 0 1 done
    Starting httpdDomain done


In most cases, the billing service will be run out-of-the-box; nevertheless, the administrator does have control, if this is desired, over the database configuration.

  • Database name, host, user, and password can be easily modified using the properties:

    • billing.db.user
    • billing.db.password

    The current database values can be checked with the dcache database ls command.

    # dcache database ls
    namespaceDomain PnfsManager chimera  localhost dcache    Yes        Yes  
    namespaceDomain cleaner     chimera  localhost dcache    No         No  
    httpdDomain     billing     billing  localhost dcache   Yes        Yes  
  • Database inserts are batched for performance. Since 2.8, improvements have been made to the way the billing service handles these inserts. As a consequence, the older in-memory caching threshold properties are now obsolete:

    • billing.db.inserts.max-before-commit (defaults to 10000 )
    • billing.db.inserts.timeout-before-commit (defaults to 5 )

    Inserts can now be tuned by adjusting the queue sizes (there are four of them, each mapped to the four main tables: billinginfo, storageinfo, doorinfo, hitinfo), and the maximum database batch size.

    • billing.db.inserts.max-queue-size (defaults to 100000 )
    • billing.db.inserts.max-batch-size (defaults to 1000 )

    There is further the option as to whether to drop messages (default is true) or block when the queue maximum is exceeded.

    • billing.db.inserts.drop-messages-at-limit (defaults to true )

    The property which sets the delegate class is merely there for potentially future use; currently there is only one option.

    • billing.db.inserts.queue-delegate.type (defaults to )

    The default settings should usually be sufficient.

    You can now obtain statistics (printed to the billing log and pinboard) via the dcache admin command: display insert statistics <on/off> command. Activating this command logs the following once a minute:

                insert queue (last 0, current 0, change 0/minute)
                commits (last 0, current 0, change 0/minute)
                dropped (last 0, current 0, change 0/minute)
                total memory 505282560; free memory 482253512

    "insert queue" refers to how many messages actually were put on the queue; "commits" are the number of messages committed to the database; "dropped" are the number of lost messages. "last" refers to the figures at the last iteration. For insert queue, this is the actual size of the queue; for commits and dropped, these are cumulative totals.

    You can also generate a Java thread dump by issuing the "dump threads" command.

  • Should finer control over the DataNucleus layer (which talks to the database) be needed, then a new file must be provided. The path to this file, which will override the internal settings, should be indicated using:

    • billing.db.config.path (defaults to "" )

    Changing this configuration requires an understanding of DataNucleus, and we expect it will be rather uncommon to utilize this option (it is suggested that the administrator in this case consult with a member of the dCache team).

  • Changing the database type (which defaults to PSQL) to something else would entail the above-mentioned necessary modification of the as well as changing the billing.db.driver and billing.db.url properties appropriately. This is not a recommended procedure, though in certain exceptional circumstances, it may be desirable or necessary. Once again, consultation with the dCache team is suggested in this case.


If you have selected to store billing messages to the database, it is also possible to generate and display a set of histograms from the data in these tables. To turn on plot generation, set the property httpd.enable.plots.billing to true and restart the domain in which the HTTPD is running.

Extract from the layout file:


The frequency of plot refreshing and the type of plot produced can be controlled by:

  • billingPlotsTimeoutInMins (defaults to 30 )
  • httpd.plots.billing.type (defaults to png and can be set to gif )

The plots provide aggregate views of the data for 24-hour, 7-day, 30-day and 365-day periods.

The plot types are:

  • (Giga)bytes read and written for both dCache and HSM backend (if any)

  • Number of transactions/transfers for both dCache and HSM backend (if any)

  • Maximum, minimum and average connection time

  • Cache hits and misses


    The data for this last histogram is not automatically sent, since it contributes significantly to message traffic between the pool manager and the billing service. To store this data (and thus generate the relevant plots), the poolmanager.enable.cache-hit-message property must be set either in dcache.conf or in the layout file for the domain where the poolmanager runs:


Each individual plot can be magnified by clicking on it.


Because it is possible that the newer version may be deployed over an existing installation which already uses the billing database, the Liquibase change-set has been written in such a way as to look for existing tables and to modify them only as necessary.

If you start the domain containing the billing service over a pre-existing installation of the billing database, depending on what was already there, you may observe some messages like the following in the domain log having to do with the logic governing table initialization.


   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: Reading from databasechangelog  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: Reading from databasechangelog  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: Successfully acquired change log lock  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: Reading from databasechangelog  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: Reading from databasechangelog  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: ChangeSet org/dcache/services/billing/  
   db/sql/billing.changelog-1.9.13.xml::4.1.7::arossi ran successfully in 264ms  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: Marking ChangeSet: org/dcache/services/  
   3:faff07731c4ac867864824ca31e8ae81) ran despite precondition failure due  
   to onFail='MARK_RAN': classpath:org/dcache/services/billing/db/sql/  
   billing.changelog-master.xml : SQL Precondition failed. Expected '0' got '1'  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: ChangeSet org/dcache/services/billing/db/sql/  
   billing.changelog-1.9.13.xml::4.1.9::arossi ran successfully in 14ms  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock  
   INFO 8/23/12 10:35 AM:liquibase: Successfully released change log lock  

Anything logged at a level lower than ERROR is usually entirely normal. Liquibase regularly reports when the preconditions determining whether it needs to do something are not met. All this means is that the update step was not necessary and it will be skipped in the future.

If, on the other hand, there is an ERROR logged by Liquibase, it is possible there may be some other conflict resulting from the upgrade (this should be rare). Such an error will block the domain from starting. One remedy which often works in this case is to do a clean re-initialization by dropping the Liquibase tables from the database:

[root] # psql -U dcache billing  

billing=> drop table databasechangelog  
billing=> drop table databasechangeloglock  
billing-> \q  
[root] #

and then restarting the domain.


If the billing database already exists, but contains tables other than the following:

[root] # psql -U dcache billing  
billing=> \dt  
                     List of relations  
 Schema	|         Name          | Type  |   Owner  
 public	| billinginfo           | table | dcache
 public	| billinginfo_rd_daily  | table | dcache
 public	| billinginfo_tm_daily  | table | dcache
 public	| billinginfo_wr_daily  | table | dcache
 public	| databasechangelog     | table | dcache
 public	| databasechangeloglock | table | dcache
 public	| doorinfo              | table | dcache
 public	| hitinfo               | table | dcache
 public	| hitinfo_daily         | table | dcache
 public	| storageinfo           | table | dcache
 public	| storageinfo_rd_daily  | table | dcache
 public	| storageinfo_wr_daily  | table | dcache

billing-> \q  

that is, if it has been previously modified by hand or out-of-band to include custom tables not used directly by dCache, the existence of such extraneous tables should not impede dCache from working correctly, provided those other tables are READ-accessible by the database user for billing, which by default is dcache. This is a requirement imposed by the use of Liquibase. You thus may need explicitly to grant READ privileges to the billing database user on any such tables if they are owned by another database user.