In some cases you need to add some content or keywords to improve the search accuracy.
But it's not meant for the public crawlers like Google. LuceneSearch is using a custom meta property called lucene-search:meta
This Element should be visible while crawling only.
{% if lucene_search_crawler_active() %}
<meta name="lucene-search:meta" content="meta data for lucene search">
{% endif %}
It's also possible to add the custom meta property in backend.
Open Document => Settings go to Meta Data and add a new field:
<meta name="lucene-search:meta" content="your content">
Note: Currently it's not possible to hide this meta tag if you're adding it via backend since pimcore provides no way to add/remove/modify those elements programmatically.
Because Object may have some front-end capability (a news detail page for example), you have to integrate the custom meta field by yourself (see example above).