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120 lines (94 loc) · 5.73 KB

File metadata and controls

120 lines (94 loc) · 5.73 KB


Web Scraper

This module implements a web scraper that recursively searches for a specified string within the content of a given base URL and all reachable links from that URL. The script utilizes the requests library to fetch web pages and BeautifulSoup from the bs4 library to parse HTML content.

Key Features:

  • Recursive Scraping: The scraper navigates through all links found on the base URL and continues to scrape linked pages unless restricted by the user.
  • Search Functionality: It checks for the presence of a user-defined search string in the text of each page, with an option for case-insensitive searching.
  • Visited URL Tracking: The script maintains a list of visited URLs to avoid processing the same page multiple times.
  • Skip Limit: Users can set a limit on the number of skipped links (either due to already visited pages or bad links) before the scraper terminates.
  • Command-Line Interface: The script accepts command-line arguments for the base URL, search string, case sensitivity, single-page mode, and skip limit.


// Display help
python -h

positional arguments:
  link                  the name of the base URL to access
  search_string         the string to search

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --case-insensitive
                        Enable case-insensitive mode
  -s, --single-page     Enable single page search mode
  -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        Number of already visiited/bad links that are allowed
                        before we terminate the search

// Run with case insensitive and single page mode
python <base_URL> <search_string> -i -l <skip_limit> -s


This module implements a web image scraper that recursively searches for images on a specified base URL and downloads them to a designated folder.

Key Features:

  • Image downloading: The scraper identifies and downloads images from the base URL and any linked pages, saving them to a specified local directory. If no directory is specified, it defaults to ./data/.
  • Search functionality: Users can specify a search string to filter images based on their alt text. The scraper supports both case-sensitive and case-insensitive modes.
  • Recursive scraping: The script can perform recursive scraping through all links found on the base URL, with an option to set a maximum depth level for the recursion (default is 5).
  • Visited URL tracking: It maintains a list of visited URLs to avoid processing the same page multiple times, with a configurable limit on the number of already visited or bad links allowed before termination (KO limit).
  • Open image folder option: Users have the option to automatically open the image folder at the end of the program for easy access to downloaded images.
  • Memory limit: Set a memory limit for downloaded images to a specified value in MB, with a default of 1000MB.


// Display help
python -h

usage: [-h] [-s SEARCH_STRING] [-p IMAGE_PATH] [-i] [-r]
                 [-l RECURSE_DEPTH] [-k KO_LIMIT] [-o]

This program will search the given string on the provided link and on every link
that can be reached from that link, recursively.

positional arguments:
  link                  the name of the base URL to access

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEARCH_STRING, --search-string SEARCH_STRING
                        If not empty enables the string search mode: only images
                        which 'alt' attribute contains the search string are
  -p IMAGE_PATH, --image-path IMAGE_PATH
                        indicates the path where the downloaded files will be
                        saved. If not specified, ./data/ will be used.
  -i, --case-insensitive
                        Enable case-insensitive mode
  -r, --recursive       Enable recursive search mode
  -l RECURSE_DEPTH, --recurse-depth RECURSE_DEPTH
                        indicates the maximum depth level of the recursive
                        download. If not indicated, it will be 5.
  -k KO_LIMIT, --ko-limit KO_LIMIT
                        Number of already visited/bad links that are allowed
                        before we terminate the search. This is to ensure that we
                        don't get stuck into a loop.
  -o, --open            Open the image folder at the end of the program.
  -m MEMORY, --memory MEMORY
                        Set a limit to the memory occupied by the dowloaded
                        images 'in MB). Default is set to 1000MB.

// Ex. to scrap with a depth of 1 with a search string "42" with the open folder option on :
python3 "" -r -l 1 -s "42" -o



This program receive image files as parameters and parse them for EXIF and other metadata, displaying them on the screen.
It displays basic attributes such as the creation date, as well as EXIF data.


usage: [-h] [-d [DIR ...]] [FILE ...]

Extract EXIF data and other data from image files.

positional arguments:
  FILE                  one or more image files to process

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d [DIR ...], --directory [DIR ...]
                        one or more folders containing image files to process

Exif labels

We got the Exif Tags from:

// Make a dictionary from the data on the website
echo "exif_labels_dict = {" && cat|awk '{split($4, a, "."); print "\t" $2 ": \"" a[2] "." a[3] "\","}' && echo "}"