This project provides the data based on classification to check if the patient is covid +ve or -ve.
- Importing Necessary Libraries
- Data Pre-Processing and Data Cleaning
- Label Encoder (For Converting Categorical Data into Numerical)
- Creating X and Y for Training Data
- Performed Standard Scalar (To bring the data in the unifrom range)
- Splitting the data into Training and Validation Testing
- Building Logistic Regression Model
- Generate Classifcation report (Accuracy -> 0.66)
- Tuned Logistic regresison Model (Adjustment of Threshold - 0.456, Accuarcy - 0.72, Recall for class 0 - 0.70, Recall for class 1 - 0.74)
- Building Decision Tree Model (Accuracy - 0.80, Recall for class 0 - 0.82, Recall for class 1 - 0.79)
Logistic Regression, Decision Tree is performed much better as we can see that the Recall & f1-score is Higher than Logistic Regression