ONLY FOR EXPERTS - this is only forcopying across large numbers of commits, scattered throughout history.
For individual commits, git cherry-pick -x
is easier!
Ideally, we want to not only copy the XML files, but their history as well. To get commits from UHH2, use the excellent git-filter-repo tool: https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo
For a given UHH2 branch & XML directory, we can get only the relevant commits in UHH2, and merge them into here.
We create a copy of UHH2 on the relevant branch, then rewrite history to only get the relevant commits.
- Clone new copy of UHH2, since this is destructive, e.g.
git clone -b RunII_102X_v2 https://github.com/UHH2/UHH2.git UHH2-2
- Get commits that apply to directories, and rename the directory structure (since we don't want
git filter-repo --path common/datasets/RunII_102X_v2/2016v3/ --path common/datasets/RunII_102X_v2/2017/ --path-rename 'common/datasets/RunII_102X_v2':'RunII_102X_v2'
note that we do all the individual subdirs, otherwise we also end up with common/datasets/RunII_102X_v1 for some reason
- Note that you may have to tidy up if commits modified other dirs, e.g.
git filter-repo --path core/ --invert-paths
- You should check git log/hist to make sure history doesn't include other commits
Now in UHH2-datasets:
- Add the UHH2 clone as a remote:
git remote add git remote add repo-A-branch <path>/<to>/UHH2-2
- Then pull the rewritten branch:
git pull repo-A-branch RunII_102X_v2 --allow-unrelated-histories
- Then tag the merge:
git tag -a "RunII_102X_v2" -m "Import RunII_102X_v2"