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Coverage Threshold Enforcement for AngularJS

If you want more than just insight into code coverage, but a way to enforce threshold limits as well, this page is for you.


Install Dependencies

First configure karma to create coverage files (full example).

####Configure Karma Coverage Example

// JavaScript
  // ...
  // test results reporters to use
  reporters: ['dots', 'coverage'],

  // configure which files should be tested for coverage
  preprocessors: {
    '*.js': 'coverage'

  // configure coverage reporter
  coverageReporter: {
    // change to html if you need details
    //type: 'html',
    type: 'text-summary',
    dir: 'coverage'
  // ...

Next add a few lines to your grunt file to configure your thresholds (full example).

####Configure Coverage Thresholds Example

// JavaScript
  // ...
  coverage: {
    options: {
      thresholds: {
        statements: 100,
        branches: 100,
        functions: 100,
        lines: 100
      dir: 'coverage',
      root: 'javascript'
  // ...

TIP: Use grunt-contrib-clean to clean the coverage folder each time to speed up the checks and so you're only validating the most recent coverage levels generated from karma (full example).

####Configure Grunt Clean Example

// JavaScript
  // ...
  clean: {
    coverage: 'coverage/*'
  // ...

Order matters!

  1. First clean the coverage folder to remove any previous coverage files.
  2. Then run karma to execute your unit tests and generate a new coverage file.
  3. Run the coverage task to analyze and enforce your threshold limits.

####Task Order Example

// JavaScript
grunt.registerTask('test', [


pattern(coverage): update for CoffeeScript

karma-coverage now fully supports CoffeeScript.

// JavaScript
  files: [
  // coverage reporter generates the coverage
  reporters: ['progress', 'coverage'],
  preprocessors: {
    // source files, that you wanna generate coverage for
    // do not include tests or libraries
    // (these files will be instrumented by Istanbul via Ibrik unless
    // specified otherwise in coverageReporter.instrumenter)
    'src/*.coffee': ['coverage'],
    // note: project files will already be converted to
    // JavaScript via coverage preprocessor.
    // Thus, you'll have to limit the CoffeeScript preprocessor
    // to uncovered files.
    'test/**/*.coffee': ['coffee']
  // configure coverage reporter
  coverageReporter: {
    // change to html if you need details
    //type: 'html',
    type: 'text-summary',
    dir: 'coverage/'