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Test Pattern Rule Utility

This simple utility written in literate CoffeeScript is used validate that the test pattern code blocks are properly following the conventions defined in the pattern rules. The convention I use when writting literate CoffeeScript is that code colorized as CoffeeScript is the actual code used to implement this feature, while example code does not have syntax highlighting.

Get Block Code

The getCode function is used to load the test fixtures when unit testing the pattern rules or the current code block when unit testing pattern code blocks.

    parse = require './parse.util'
    jasmine = require 'jasmine-node'

    getFixture = (path) ->
      parse.parse("./spec/fixtures/#{path}.txt")[0] #return the first block

    exports.getCode = (path) ->
      block = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.codeBlock
      if block then block else getFixture path

Block Language is Supported

The isSupported function validates that a given string is in the list of supported code languages. Note that the test is case-sensitive.

    config = require '../config.json'

    exports.isSupported = isSupported = (lang) ->
      config.languages.indexOf(lang) isnt -1

Block Code is Valid

The isCodeValid function uses language specific validation to verify the code syntax is valid.

    coffeescript = require 'coffee-script'
    esprima = require 'esprima'

    isValid =
      CoffeeScript: (code) ->
        coffeescript.compile code
      JavaScript: (code) ->
        esprima.parse code,
          tolerant: yes

    exports.isCodeValid = (block) ->
      throw new Error("Unknown language: #{block.lang}") unless isSupported block.lang
        isValid[block.lang] block.contents
        return yes
      catch e
        console.log "#{block.lang} Error: #{e}"
        return no

Block Code Lint-Free

The isCodeLintFree function uses language specific validation to verify the code is following general best practices as well as our conventions specified for CoffeeScript and JavaScript.

    coffeelint = require 'coffeelint'
    jshint = require('jshint').JSHINT

    coffeeLintOpts = config.coffeelint
    jsHintOpts = JSON.parse parse.getFile('.jshintrc')

    isLintFree =
      CoffeeScript: (code) ->
        coffeelint.lint code, coffeeLintOpts
      JavaScript: (code) ->
        jshint code, jsHintOpts

    exports.isCodeLintFree = (block) ->
      throw new Error('Unknown language: ' + block.lang) unless isSupported(block.lang)
      errors = isLintFree[block.lang] block.contents
      errors.forEach (e) ->
        console.log [
          block.title, ' ', 
          block.desc, ' (', 
          block.lang, ')\nline ', 
          e.lineNumber or e.line, ': ',
          e.message or e.reason
      errors.length is 0