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add JoinAndQuit scheme (#723)
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* add JoinAndQuit scheme

* fix isFundedBeforeDeadLine

* add donation event

* fix

* adding a db to avatar

* fix

* test and fix

* lint

* setDBValue

* more tests

* comment

* naming

* naming

* naming

* naming

* - remove the donatoin
- fund via erc20 OR eth
- param to allocate rep according to the donation or a fixedamount
- prevent proposing twice

* add fund with eth tests
  • Loading branch information
orenyodfat authored Mar 25, 2020
1 parent 31f4882 commit 557b8d7
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Showing 8 changed files with 854 additions and 0 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions contracts/controller/Avatar.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ contract Avatar is Initializable, Ownable {
DAOToken public nativeToken;
Reputation public nativeReputation;
Vault public vault;
mapping(string=>string) public db;

event GenericCall(address indexed _contract, bytes _data, uint _value, bool _success);
event SendEther(uint256 _amountInWei, address indexed _to);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,5 +170,16 @@ contract Avatar is Initializable, Ownable {
return true;

* @dev setDBValue set a key value in the dao db
* @param _key a string
* @param _value a string
* @return true if successful
function setDBValue(string calldata _key, string calldata _value) external onlyOwner returns(bool) {
db[_key] = _value;
return true;

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions contracts/controller/Controller.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -425,6 +425,18 @@ contract Controller is Initializable {
return avatar.externalTokenApproval(_externalToken, _spender, _value);

* @dev setDBValue set a key value in the dao db
* @param _key a string
* @param _value a string
* @return bool success
function setDBValue(string calldata _key, string calldata _value)
onlyRegisteredScheme returns(bool) {
return avatar.setDBValue(_key, _value);

* @dev metaData emits an event with a string, should contain the hash of some meta data.
* @param _metaData a string representing a hash of the meta data
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions contracts/libs/StringUtil.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.16;

library StringUtil {

function hashCompareWithLengthCheck(string memory _a, string memory _b) internal returns (bool) {

if (bytes(_a).length != bytes(_b).length) {
return false;
} else {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_a)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_b));
275 changes: 275 additions & 0 deletions contracts/schemes/JoinAndQuit.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.16;

import "../votingMachines/VotingMachineCallbacks.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/upgrades/contracts/Initializable.sol";
import "../libs/StringUtil.sol";

* @title A scheme for join in a dao.
* - A member can be proposed to join in by sending a min amount of fee.
* - A member can ask to quite (RageQuit) a dao on any time.
* - A member can donate to a dao.
contract JoinAndQuit is
Initializable {
using SafeMath for uint;
using SafeERC20 for address;
using StringUtil for string;

event JoinInProposal(
address indexed _avatar,
bytes32 indexed _proposalId,
string _descriptionHash,
address _proposedMember,
uint256 _feeAmount

event FundedBeforeDeadline(
address indexed _avatar

event Donation(
address indexed _avatar,
uint256 indexed _donation

event RageQuit(
address indexed _avatar,
uint256 indexed _refund

event RedeemReputation(
address indexed _avatar,
bytes32 indexed _proposalId,
address indexed _beneficiary,
uint256 _amount);

event ProposalExecuted(address indexed _avatar, bytes32 indexed _proposalId, int256 _decision);

struct Proposal {
bool accepted;
address proposedMember;
address funder;
uint256 funding;

mapping(bytes32=>Proposal) public proposals;
mapping(address=>uint256) public fundings;

IntVoteInterface public votingMachine;
bytes32 public voteParams;
Avatar public avatar;
IERC20 public fundingToken;
uint256 public minFeeToJoin;
uint256 public memberReputation;
uint256 public fundingGoal;
uint256 public fundingGoalDeadLine;
uint256 public totalDonation;
string public constant FUNDED_BEFORE_DEADLINE_VALUE = "TRUE";

* @dev initialize
* @param _avatar the avatar this scheme referring to.
* @param _votingMachine the voting machines address to
* @param _voteParams voting machine parameters.
* @param _fundingToken the funding token - if this is zero the donation will be in native token ETH
* @param _minFeeToJoin minimum fee required to join
* @param _memberReputation the repution which will be allocated for members
if this param is zero so the repution will be allocated proportional to the fee paid
* @param _fundingGoal the funding goal
* @param _fundingGoalDeadLine the funding goal deadline
function initialize(
Avatar _avatar,
IntVoteInterface _votingMachine,
bytes32 _voteParams,
IERC20 _fundingToken,
uint256 _minFeeToJoin,
uint256 _memberReputation,
uint256 _fundingGoal,
uint256 _fundingGoalDeadLine
require(_avatar != Avatar(0), "avatar cannot be zero");
avatar = _avatar;
votingMachine = _votingMachine;
voteParams = _voteParams;
fundingToken = _fundingToken;
minFeeToJoin = _minFeeToJoin;
memberReputation = _memberReputation;
fundingGoal = _fundingGoal;
fundingGoalDeadLine = _fundingGoalDeadLine;

* @dev execution of proposals, can only be called by the voting machine in which the vote is held.
* @param _proposalId the ID of the voting in the voting machine
* @param _decision a parameter of the voting result, 1 yes and 2 is no.
function executeProposal(bytes32 _proposalId, int256 _decision)
returns(bool) {
require(proposals[_proposalId].accepted == false);
require(proposals[_proposalId].proposedMember != address(0));
Proposal memory proposal = proposals[_proposalId];
bool success;
// Check if vote was successful:
if ((_decision == 1) && (avatar.nativeReputation().balanceOf(proposal.proposedMember) == 0)) {
proposals[_proposalId].accepted = true;
if (fundingToken == IERC20(0)) {
// solhint-disable-next-line avoid-call-value
(success, ) = address(avatar).call.value(proposal.funding)("");
require(success, "sendEther to avatar failed");
} else {
address(fundingToken).safeTransfer(address(avatar), proposal.funding);
fundings[proposal.funder] = proposal.funding;
totalDonation = totalDonation.add(proposal.funding);
} else {
if (fundingToken == IERC20(0)) {
// solhint-disable-next-line avoid-call-value
(success, ) ="");
require(success, "sendEther to avatar failed");
} else {
address(fundingToken).safeTransfer(proposal.funder, proposal.funding);
emit ProposalExecuted(address(avatar), _proposalId, _decision);
return true;

* @dev Submit a proposal for to join in a dao
* @param _descriptionHash A hash of the proposal's description
* @param _feeAmount - the amount to fund the dao with. should be >= the minimum fee to join
* @param _proposedMember the proposed member join in -
* if this address is zero the msg.sender will be set as the member
* @return proposalId the proposal id
function proposeToJoin(
string memory _descriptionHash,
uint256 _feeAmount,
address _proposedMember
require(_feeAmount >= minFeeToJoin, "_feeAmount should be >= then the minFeeToJoin");
if (fundingToken == IERC20(0)) {
require(_feeAmount == msg.value, "ETH received shoul match the _feeAmount");
} else {
address(fundingToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _feeAmount);
bytes32 proposalId = votingMachine.propose(2, voteParams, msg.sender, address(avatar));
address proposedMember;
if (_proposedMember == address(0)) {
proposedMember = msg.sender;
} else {
proposedMember = _proposedMember;
require(avatar.nativeReputation().balanceOf(proposedMember) == 0, "already a member");
Proposal memory proposal = Proposal({
accepted: false,
proposedMember: proposedMember,
funding : _feeAmount,
funder : msg.sender
proposals[proposalId] = proposal;

emit JoinInProposal(

proposalsInfo[address(votingMachine)][proposalId] = ProposalInfo({
return proposalId;

* @dev RedeemReputation reward for proposal
* @param _proposalId the ID of the voting in the voting machine
* @return reputation the redeemed reputation.
function redeemReputation(bytes32 _proposalId) public returns(uint256 reputation) {

Proposal memory _proposal = proposals[_proposalId];
Proposal storage proposal = proposals[_proposalId];
//set proposal proposedMember to zero to prevent reentrancy attack.
proposal.proposedMember = address(0);
require(proposal.accepted == true, " proposal not accepted");
uint256 reputationToMint;
if (memberReputation == 0) {
reputationToMint = _proposal.funding;
} else {
reputationToMint = memberReputation;
avatar.owner()).mintReputation(reputationToMint, _proposal.proposedMember));
proposal.proposedMember = _proposal.proposedMember;
emit RedeemReputation(address(avatar), _proposalId, _proposal.proposedMember, reputationToMint);

* @dev rageQuit quit from the dao.
* can be done on any time
* @return refund the refund amount
function rageQuit() public returns(uint256 refund) {
require(fundings[msg.sender] > 0, "no fund to RageQuit");
uint256 userDonation = fundings[msg.sender];
fundings[msg.sender] = 0;
if (fundingToken == IERC20(0)) {

refund = userDonation.mul(address(avatar.vault()).balance).div(totalDonation);
avatar.owner()).sendEther(refund, msg.sender), "send ether failed");
} else {
refund = userDonation.mul(fundingToken.balanceOf(address(avatar))).div(totalDonation);
avatar.owner()).externalTokenTransfer(fundingToken, msg.sender, refund), "send token failed");
totalDonation = totalDonation.sub(userDonation);
emit RageQuit(address(avatar), refund);

* @dev setFundingGoalReachedFlag check if funding goal reached.
function setFundingGoalReachedFlag() private {
uint256 avatarBalance;
if (fundingToken == IERC20(0)) {
avatarBalance = (address(avatar.vault())).balance;
} else {
avatarBalance = fundingToken.balanceOf(address(avatar));
if ((avatar.db(FUNDED_BEFORE_DEADLINE_KEY).hashCompareWithLengthCheck(FUNDED_BEFORE_DEADLINE_VALUE) == false) &&
(avatarBalance >= fundingGoal) &&
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
(now < fundingGoalDeadLine)) {
emit FundedBeforeDeadline(address(avatar));

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions test/avatar.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,4 +120,10 @@ contract('Avatar', accounts => {
assert.equal(tx.logs[0].event, "MetaData");
assert.equal(tx.logs[0].args["_metaData"], helpers.SOME_HASH);

it("setDBValue", async () => {
avatar = await setup(accounts);
await avatar.setDBValue("KEY","VALUE");
assert.equal(await avatar.db("KEY"),"VALUE");
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions test/controller.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -616,5 +616,14 @@ contract('Controller', accounts => {

it("setDBValue", async () => {

controller = await setup(accounts);
await avatar.transferOwnership(controller.address);
await controller.setDBValue("KEY","VALUE");
assert.equal(await avatar.db("KEY"),"VALUE");


6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions test/helpers.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ const SignalScheme = artifacts.require("./SignalScheme.sol");
const ReputationFromToken = artifacts.require("./ReputationFromToken.sol");
const VoteInOrganization = artifacts.require("./VoteInOrganizationScheme.sol");
const ARCVotingMachineCallbacksMock = artifacts.require("./ARCVotingMachineCallbacksMock.sol");
const JoinAndQuit = artifacts.require("./JoinAndQuit.sol");

export const MAX_UINT_256 = '0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,6 +184,8 @@ export const registrationAddVersionToPackege = async function (registration,vers
registration.reputationFromToken = await;
registration.voteInOrganization = await;
registration.arcVotingMachineCallbacksMock = await;
registration.joinAndQuit = await;

await implementationDirectory.setImplementation("DAOToken",registration.daoToken.address);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,6 +213,8 @@ export const registrationAddVersionToPackege = async function (registration,vers
await implementationDirectory.setImplementation("ReputationFromToken",registration.reputationFromToken.address);
await implementationDirectory.setImplementation("VoteInOrganization",registration.voteInOrganization.address);
await implementationDirectory.setImplementation("ARCVotingMachineCallbacksMock",registration.arcVotingMachineCallbacksMock.address);
await implementationDirectory.setImplementation("JoinAndQuit",registration.joinAndQuit.address);

return registration;
Expand Down

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