Releases: daostack/infra
- emit state change event at shifting to quiteendingperiod #66
- update executeboosted reward function #65 :
- P = t/150, where t is the number of seconds passed since the the proposal's timeout.
- P is capped by 10%.
- fix a bug at redeem function
the bug manifest itself when a dao/scheme will try to redeem its downstakes winning from a failed proposals and only if there is already a reward payout for executeboosted call. in some cases it might cause the redeem call to revert so the dao/scheme could not redeem its winning.
This release include a fix #58 :
A preBoosted proposal will to get back to Q if the preBoosted time has passed and the proposal confidence score is not greater than the dao threshold
Use real math for threshold and score calculation #51
GenesisProtocol :
- ApproveAndStake track nonce to prevent double staking #49
- Emit state change event
- daoBountyConst is now divided by 100 to enable fraction values.
more safeMath
remove redundant realMath
Use openzeppelin-solidity version 2.1.1 #40
This release candidate for v 0.0.1 include :
GenesisProtocol version 2 see for more details
VoteInterfaceUpdates :
- Remove voteWithSpecificAmount
- Remove ownerVote
- Remove cancelProposal
use solc v 0.5.2
use truffle 5.0
use solidity-openzepplin branch for version 2.1 which support solc 5.0
solium currently ignore GenesisProtocol.sol till it will support solc 0.5 . watch duaraghav8/Ethlint#246