In certain cases you may have a reference to the specification object already. For example if you wished to apply pre-processing or dynamically generate it. To load this spec in:
const apiSpecificationObject = { /*... The load the spec into an object here */ };
const apiExplorer = document.getElementsByTagName('openapi-explorer')[0];
await apiExplorer.loadSpec(apiSpecificationObject);
(Note: Make sure to set the server-url="ServerUrl"
attribute because without the spec-url
set, the server url cannot be defaulted.)
(For example Nextjs, Nuxtjs)
In certain cases your app might be completely dynamic and you serve it from a web server and do SSR. In these cases, most SSR libraries don't well support polyfilling the necessary browser APIs and so the easiest thing to do is delay rendering until it is on the client side:
<openapi-explorer spec-url=""></openapi-explorer>
export default {
created () {
if (process.client) {
There is a pre-bundled version of the library deployed in the npm package which can be pulled in via require('openapi-explorer/dist/browser/openapi-explorer.min.js')
The version built and deployed as the entry point is a minified version at dist/browser/openapi-explorer.min.js
. When using import openapi-explorer
source version (import openapi-explorer/src/openapi-explorer
), you might see this issue depending on your babel configuration or want a more optimized version. In this case, add openapi-explorer
to your transpiled packages:
in webpack.config
transpileDependencies: ['openapi-explorer']
Module Error (from ./node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js):
0:0 error Parsing error: Cannot find module './.babelrc.json'
Require stack:
- /home/warren/git/authress/openapi-explorer/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/configuration.js
- /home/warren/git/authress/openapi-explorer/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/index.js
- /home/warren/git/authress/openapi-explorer/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/index.js
- /home/warren/git/authress/openapi-explorer/node_modules/@babel/eslint-parser/lib/index.js
Every browser should support the compiled library available here, in the rare case that it doesn't adding the following babel plugins will help:
npm install babel-config-transform-custom-element-classes @babel/plugin-transform-classes
And then include them in your babel.config.js
(this a vue example):
module.exports = {
presets: [
['@vue/app', { useBuiltIns: 'entry', polyfills: [] }]
plugins: [