diff --git a/episodes/01-r-basics.Rmd b/episodes/01-r-basics.Rmd
index 816c9878..3e4660a5 100644
--- a/episodes/01-r-basics.Rmd
+++ b/episodes/01-r-basics.Rmd
@@ -143,6 +143,27 @@ In the 'Environment' window you will also get a table:
The 'Environment' window allows you to keep track of the objects you have
created in R.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## Tip: Use of white space for readability
+The white spaces surrounding the assignment operator `<-` in the example
+above (`first_value <- 1`) are unnecessary. However, including them does make your code
+easier to read. There are several style guides you can follow, and choosing
+one is up to you, but consistency is key!
+A style guide we recommend is the Tidyverse [style guide](https://style.tidyverse.org/).
+As they say:
+"Good coding style is like correct punctuation: you can manage without it, butitsuremakesthingseasiertoread."
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
## Exercise: Create some objects in R
@@ -191,8 +212,9 @@ Here are some important details about naming objects in R.
a colored highlight or RStudio gives you a suggested autocompletion you have
chosen a name that has a reserved meaning.
- **Use the recommended assignment operator**: In R, we use '\<- ' as the
- preferred assignment operator. '=' works too, but is most commonly used in
- passing arguments to functions (more on functions later). There is a shortcut
+ preferred assignment operator, which is recommended by the Tidyverse
+ [style guide](https://style.tidyverse.org/) discussed above. '=' works too, but is most
+ commonly used in passing arguments to functions (more on functions later). There is a shortcut
for the R assignment operator:
- Windows execution shortcut: Alt\+\-
- Mac execution shortcut: Option\+\-
@@ -730,12 +752,15 @@ the vector you are searching:
# current value of 'snp_genes':
# chr [1:7] "OXTR" "ACTN3" "AR" "OPRM1" "CYP1A1" NA "APOA5"
-# test to see if "ACTN3" or "APO5A" is in the snp_genes vector
+# test to see if "ACTN3", "APO5A", or "actn3" is in the snp_genes vector
# if you are looking for more than one value, you must pass this as a vector
-c("ACTN3","APOA5") %in% snp_genes
+c("ACTN3","APOA5", "actn3") %in% snp_genes
+Notice that the gene "actn3" is FALSE? This is because character vectors are case sensitive, so
+keep this in mind when subsetting and selecting values from a character vector.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
## Tip: What's the difference between the `%in% and the `==` operators?