Releasing http-streaming is partially automated through various scripts. To do a release, you need a couple of things: npm access, GitHub personal access token.
Releases are done on npm and GitHub and eventually posted on the CDN. These are the instructions for the npm/GitHub releases.
To see who currently has access run this:
npm owner ls @videojs/http-streaming
If you are a core committer, you can request access to npm from one of the current owners. Access is managed via an npm organization for Video.js.
Since we follow the conventional changelog conventions, all commits are prepended with a type, most commonly feat
and fix
If all the commits are fix or other types such as test
or chore
, then the release will be a patch
If there's even one feat
, the release will be a minor
If any commit has a BREAKING CHANGE
footer, then the release will be a major
Most common releases will be either patch
or minor
To make the release process easier, and in case you have a dirty repo from development, it is recommended that you checkout a clean clone of http-streaming.
git clone vhs-release
cd vhs-release
Install the latest compatible version of node for the project. By not specifying a version, nvm will default to the .nvmrc file if available.
nvm install
Install dependencies for the project.
npm install
Update version.
npm version {major|minor|patch}
Depending on the commits that have been merged, you can choose from major
, minor
, or patch
as the versioning values.
See deciding what type of version release section.
Optionally, you can run git show
now to verify that the version update and CHANGELOG automation worked as expected.
Afterwards, you want to push the commit and the tag to the repo.
git push --follow-tags origin main
After the tag was pushed, GitHub actions will trigger the release
workflow, which will do the following:
- Publish to npm with
depending on your current major version. - Create GitHub release with changelog and Netlify preview.
- Create a GitHub
discussion linked to the GitHub release.
If it's a large enough release, consider writing a blog post as well.
This collaborator guide was heavily inspired by node.js's guide and video.js's guide