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File metadata and controls

156 lines (126 loc) · 6 KB


This manual page relates to how to configure the Proffer behaviour, what the configuration options do, their defaults and how to change them.

Configuring the behaviour in your table

You will need to add a few things to your Table class.

Below is an example setup, which also includes some of the defaults so you can see what they look like. You can check the options below to see which ones you must define and which ones can be ignored to use the defaults.

// Add the behaviour and configure any options you want
$this->addBehavior('Proffer.Proffer', [
	'photo' => [	// The name of your upload field
		'root' => WWW_ROOT . 'files', // Customise the root upload folder here, or omit to use the default
		'dir' => 'photo_dir',	// The name of the field to store the folder
		'thumbnailSizes' => [ // Declare your thumbnails
			'square' => [	// Define the prefix of your thumbnail
				'w' => 200,	// Width
				'h' => 200,	// Height
				'jpeg_quality'	=> 100
			'portrait' => [		// Define a second thumbnail
				'w' => 100,
				'h' => 300
		'thumbnailMethod' => 'gd'	// Options are Imagick or Gd

Each upload field should have an array of settings which control the options for that upload field. In the example above my upload field is called photo and I pass an array of options, namely the name of the field to store the directory in.

  • By default generated thumbnail images will be set to the highest image quality in the ImageTransform class.
  • By default files will be uploaded to /webroot/files/<table alias>/<uuid>/<filename>.

Thumbnail methods

Additional thumbnail generation types are available using the crop and fit options, in the thumbnail configuration.

'square' => [
    'w' => 200,
    'h' => 200,
    'fit' => true
'portrait' => [
    'w' => 150,
    'h' => 300,
    'crop' => true,
    'orientate' => true


Combine cropping and resizing to format image in a smart way. The method will find the best fitting aspect ratio of your given width and height on the current image automatically, cut it out and resize it to the given dimension. See Intervention Fit method


Cut out a rectangular part of the current image with given width and height. By default, will be the centre of the image. See Intervention Crop method


Reads the EXIF image profile setting 'Orientation' and performs a rotation on the image to display the image correctly. See Intervention Orientate method for PHP installation requirements.


In order to upload a file to your application you will need to add the form fields to your view.

echo $this->Form->create($entity, ['type' => 'file']); // Dont miss this out or no files will upload
echo $this->Form->input('photo', ['type' => 'file']);
echo $this->Form->button(__('Submit'));
echo $this->Form->end();

This will turn your form into a multipart form and add the relevant fields.

Configuration options

There are a number of configuration options you can pass into the behaviour when you attach it to your table. These options are passed as an array value of the upload field.


required string The database field which will store the name of the folder in which the files are uploaded.


optional array An array of sizes to create thumbnails of an uploaded image. The format is that the image prefix will be the array key and the sizes are the value as an array. Eg, 'square' => ['w' => 200, 'h' => 200] would create a thumbnail prefixed with square_ and would be 100px x 100px. If you do not specify the thumbnailSizes configuration option, no thumbnails will be created.


optional: defaults to, WWW_DIR . 'files' Allows you to customise the root folder in which all the file upload folders and files will be created.


optional: defaults to, gd Which Intervention engine to use to convert the images. Defaults to PHP's GD library. Can also be imagick.


optional If you want to inject your own class for dealing with paths you can specify it here as a fully qualified namespace. Eg, 'pathClass' => App\Lib\Proffer\AvatarPath::class


optional If you want to replace the creation of thumbnails you can specify your own class here, it must be a fully qualified namespace. EG, 'transformClass' => App\Lib\Proffer\WatermarkThumbnail::class.

Associating many uploads to a parent

If you need to associate many uploads to a single parent entity, the same process as above applies, but you should attach and configure the behaviour on the association.

Let's look at an example.

// Posts hasMany Uploads
// ! Remember to add a `post_id` field to your associated `uploads` database table.

// App\Model\Table\PostsTable::initialize

// App\Model\Table\UploadsTable::initialize
$this->addBehavior('Proffer.Proffer', [
    'photo' => [
        'dir' => 'photo_dir'

Now, when you save a post, with associated Uploads data, each upload will be converted to an entity, and saved.

Uploading multiple files

So now you've configured the behaviour and created the table associations, you'll need to get the request data. If you're using HTML5, then you can use the file input, with the multiple flag, to allow for multiple file upload fields. Older browsers will see this as a single file upload field instead of multiple.

⚠️ Note that the field name is an array!

// Template/Posts/add.ctp
echo $this->Form->input('filename[]', ['type' => 'file', 'multiple' => true, 'label' => 'Files to upload']);

Configuring your templates

You will need to make sure that your forms are using the file type so that the files can be uploaded.

echo $this->Form->create($entity, ['type' => 'file']);
echo $this->Form->input('photo', ['type' => 'file']);
// etc

< Installation | Validation >