On this page, we will see how to use the UIKit components to create a contextual bar.
A contextual bar is a sidebar displayed on the screen. You need to pass a BlockBuilder
object containing the content you want to display and call the following methods:
// to create a new contextual bar
await modify.getUiController().openContextualBarView(blocks, { triggerId }, user);
// to update an existing contextual bar
await modify.getUiController().updateContextualBarView(blocks, { triggerId }, user);
Let's look at a sample app to open the contextual bar. This app consists of two main parts:
- A slash command from where we can get a valid
- The function that opens the contextual bar using the
{% hint style="info" %}
You can clone the app and test it in your own Rocker.Chat server:
{% endhint %}
- We are importing the following files:
{% code overflow="wrap" fullWidth="false" %}
import {
} from '@rocket.chat/apps-engine/definition/accessors';
import { App } from '@rocket.chat/apps-engine/definition/App';
import { IAppInfo } from '@rocket.chat/apps-engine/definition/metadata';
import { ISlashCommand, SlashCommandContext } from '@rocket.chat/apps-engine/definition/slashcommands';
import { BlockElementType, ISectionBlock, IUIKitResponse, UIKitBlockInteractionContext, UIKitViewSubmitInteractionContext } from '@rocket.chat/apps-engine/definition/uikit';
import { IUIKitContextualBarViewParam } from '@rocket.chat/apps-engine/definition/uikit/UIKitInteractionResponder';
{% endcode %}
- Now we will add a class
that implementsISlashCommand
. In this class, we are doing the following:- Define the slash command to get the trigger ID. Without the trigger ID, it is not possible to open the contextual bar.
- Call the function to create the blocks that we will render inside the contextual bar.
- Call the method that opens the contextual bar.
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
class OpenCtxBarCommand implements ISlashCommand {
// this is what we will type when calling the slashcommand: /contextualbar
public command = 'contextualbar';
public i18nParamsExample = 'slashcommand_params';
public i18nDescription = 'slashcommand_description';
public providesPreview = false;
constructor(private readonly app: App) {}
public async executor(context: SlashCommandContext, _read: IRead, modify: IModify): Promise<void> {
const triggerId = context.getTriggerId() as string; // [1]
const user = context.getSender();
const contextualbarBlocks = createContextualBarBlocks(modify); // [2]
await modify.getUiController().openContextualBarView(contextualbarBlocks, { triggerId }, user); // [3]
// [1] - first we get the triggerId to open the surface (without this it would not be possible to open the contextual bar)
// [2] - then we create the blocks we will render inside the contextual bar.
// [3] - then call the method that opens the contextual bar.
{% endcode %}
- After creating the class, we will define a method called
to implement the following:- Create the blocks that will be rendered inside the contextual bar.
- Add a section block that consists of a message that shows the current date-time and a button that refreshes the date-time shown in the message.
- Return the contextual bar structure containing its title and a submit button.
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
function createContextualBarBlocks(modify: IModify, viewId?: string): IUIKitContextualBarViewParam {
const blocks = modify.getCreator().getBlockBuilder();
const date = new Date().toISOString();
text: blocks.newMarkdownTextObject(`The current date-time is\n${date}`), // [4]
accessory: { // [5]
type: BlockElementType.BUTTON,
actionId: 'date',
text: blocks.newPlainTextObject('Refresh'),
value: date,
return { // [6]
id: viewId || 'contextualbarId',
title: blocks.newPlainTextObject('Contextual Bar'),
submit: blocks.newButtonElement({
text: blocks.newPlainTextObject('Submit'),
blocks: blocks.getBlocks(),
// This method creates the blocks that will be rendered inside the contextual bar.
// It consists of:
// [4] - a message that presents the current date-time.
// [5] - a button that updates the date-time shown in the message.
// [6] - the contextual bar structure containing its title and a submit button.
{% endcode %}
- Finally, we will modify the main app class as follows:
- Provide the slash command that we will use.
- Listen for the date-time button to be clicked.
- Update the contextual bar's content.
- Listen for the user to click the
button. - Get the date-time data from the contextual bar.
- Log the data to the console.
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
export class CtxbarExampleApp extends App {
constructor(info: IAppInfo, logger: ILogger, accessors: IAppAccessors) {
super(info, logger, accessors);
// [7]
protected async extendConfiguration(configuration: IConfigurationExtend): Promise<void> {
await configuration.slashCommands.provideSlashCommand(
new OpenCtxBarCommand(this),
// [8]
public async executeBlockActionHandler(context: UIKitBlockInteractionContext, _read: IRead, _http: IHttp, _persistence: IPersistence, modify: IModify) {
const data = context.getInteractionData();
const contextualbarBlocks = createContextualBarBlocks(modify, data.container.id);
// [9]
await modify.getUiController().updateContextualBarView(contextualbarBlocks, { triggerId: data.triggerId }, data.user);
return {
success: true,
// [10]
public async executeViewSubmitHandler(context: UIKitViewSubmitInteractionContext): Promise<IUIKitResponse> {
const data = context.getInteractionData()
// [11]
const text = (data.view.blocks[0] as ISectionBlock).text.text;
// [12]
return {
success: true,
// Here in the main class, we setup the whole app:
// [7] first we provide the slash command we will use.
// [8] then we listen to when the button on [5] is pressed.
// [9] we update the contextual bar's content.
// [10] listen for when the user presses the 'submit' button.
// [11] get the content (date-time) from the contextual bar.
// [12] logs the data to the console.
{% endcode %}
- Deploy and test this app by sending
"/contextualbar <text>"
to any channel. As soon as you send this message, the contextual bar opens on the right-side of the UI. The contextual bar displays the current date-time, the refresh button, and the submit button. - Click Refresh to update the current date-time. Clicking Submit logs the date-time to the app logs and closes the contextual bar.
- Go to the Logs section of your app to view the details.
Great work! With this example, you have learned to create user interactions for your apps! While we have only used a contextual bar and buttons here, you can learn about all the building blocks that are available in the UIKit in the next section.