You can rebrand Rocket.Chat Mobile Apps to suit your style guide. You can customize the App Icons, Splash Screens, App Name, and Colors for your mobile app. This guide provides a step-by-step overview of how to white label the Rocket.Chat mobile app for both Android and iOS platforms.
To customize your mobile apps, here are some essential requirements:
- Intermediate knowledge of Android/iOS development and basic Javascript knowledge.
- The repo contains targets/build flavors to build our experimental and official apps. Both apps are equal but released at a different paces in the stores.
- The experimental folder contains the assets for the non-official app. If you see it, avoid worrying about breaking anything.
- Ensure you have both iOS and Google developer accounts and the respective development environments working.
- Follow the Getting Started with ReactNative guide to set up your enviroment.
- Clone the Rocket.Chat ReactNative GitHub Repo with this command:
git clone
- Checkout to the
{% hint style="info" %} You can clone the single-server branch directly by running this command:
git clone -b single-server
{% endhint %}
{% hint style="warning" %}
must be the same App Group created for the iOS app
{% endhint %}
- Change app colors in the colors.ts file.
Creating a project Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- Sign in to Google Console.
- Navigate to New Project.
- Fill in the required project details and click Create. You are redirected to the newly created project page.
Creating a new Firebase project
- Sign in to Firebase.
- Click Create a Project.
- Select the project you created in GCP.
- Follow the setup prompts and click "Create".
Continue with the steps in . and depending on your device.