You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
This shouldn't be possible. The team was marked inactive over two weeks ago, but somehow continued to have games? When did it get active=false flag? Race condition?
I, [2020-01-05T21:16:41.708413 #226] INFO -- : Successfully connected team team_name (ID) to
I, [2020-01-05T21:21:07.978696 #226] INFO -- : Team game=pong, name=team_name, id=ID has 0 trial days left.
I, [2020-01-07T22:52:58.446563 #226] INFO -- : Successfully connected team team_name (ID) to
W, [2020-01-08T07:04:30.892578 #226] WARN -- id=ID, name=team_name, domain=team_name: is offline
I, [2020-01-08T07:04:31.037238 #226] INFO -- : Successfully connected team team_name (ID) to
W, [2020-01-08T15:30:49.594941 #226] WARN -- id=ID, name=team_name, domain=team_name: is offline
I, [2020-01-08T15:30:49.744918 #226] INFO -- : Successfully connected team team_name (ID) to
I, [2020-01-08T22:42:17.626978 #226] INFO -- : team_name: joined #pingpong.
I, [2020-01-08T22:42:25.161774 #226] INFO -- : game=pong, name=team_name, id=ID, user=ADMIN_ID, text=<@USER_ID> register, subscribed feature required
I, [2020-01-08T22:46:16.063990 #226] INFO -- : Creating a subscription for team game=pong, name=team_name, id=ID,, coupon=.
I, [2020-01-08T22:46:19.908108 #226] INFO -- : Subscription for team game=pong, name=team_name, id=ID created, stripe_customer_id=cus_ID.
' to game=pong, name=team_name, id=ID on #pingpong.
lots of games
I, [2020-01-17T22:19:14.543806 #226] INFO -- : LOST: game=pong, name=team_name, id=ID - a challenge between user and person
I, [2020-01-17T22:34:31.136477 #226] INFO -- : LOST TO: game=pong, name=team_name, id=ID - solomon defeated slater with the score of 21:16
I, [2020-01-19T03:41:00.697715 #226] INFO -- : Successfully connected team team_name (ID) to
W, [2020-01-19T12:03:19.392001 #226] WARN -- id=ID, name=team_name, domain=team_name: is offline
I, [2020-01-19T12:03:19.532628 #226] INFO -- : Successfully connected team team_name (ID) to
W, [2020-01-19T20:13:37.125133 #226] WARN -- id=ID, name=team_name, domain=team_name: is offline
I, [2020-01-19T20:13:37.270890 #226] INFO -- : Successfully connected team team_name (ID) to
... team gets deactivated (probably server-side)
I, [2020-01-22T22:46:18.610534 #225] INFO -- : Checking game=pong, name=team_name, id=ID subscription to Slack (Yearly) ($29.99), active.
... cleanup, should not happen
I, [2020-01-23T10:33:49.381447 #226] INFO -- : Destroying game=pong, name=team_name, id=ID, inactive since 2020-01-08 22:46:19 UTC, over two weeks ago.
W, [2020-01-23T10:34:46.470389 #226] WARN -- : Customer, team team_name is active, but customer no longer exists.
I, [2020-01-23T12:09:00.340955 #226] INFO -- : Starting team game=pong, name=team_name, id=ID.
I, [2020-01-23T12:09:00.477879 #226] INFO -- : Successfully connected team team_name (ID) to
I, [2020-01-23T12:09:22.420576 #226] INFO -- : Checking game=pong, name=team_name, id=ID subscription to Slack (Yearly) ($29.99), active.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
This shouldn't be possible. The team was marked inactive over two weeks ago, but somehow continued to have games? When did it get
flag? Race condition?The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: