Some components of the dbt Semantic Layer are open source like dbt-core, the dbt_metrics package, and the BSL licensed dbt-server. The dbt Proxy Server (what is actually compiling the dbt code) and the Discovery API are not open source.
-During Public Preview, the dbt Semantic Layer is open to all dbt Cloud tiers (Developer, Team, and Enterprise).
-- dbt Core users can define metrics in their dbt Core projects and calculate them using macros from the metrics package. To use the dbt Semantic Layer integrations, users will need to have a dbt Cloud account.
-- Developer accounts will be able to query the Proxy Server using SQL, but will not be able to browse pre-populated dbt metrics in external tools, which requires access to the Discovery API.
-- Team and Enterprise accounts will be able to set up the Semantic Layer and Discovery API in the integrated partner tool to import metric definition.