Select publications from our research group
Bain, Jennifer, Inga Behrendt, and Katherine Helsen. 2014. “Linienlose Neumen, Neumentrennung und Repräsentation von Neumen mit MEI Schema–Herausforderungen in der Arbeit im Optical Neume Recognition Project (ONRP).” In Digitale Rekonstruktionen mittelalterlicher Bibliotheken, edited by Sabine Philippi and Philipp Vanscheidt, 119–32. Trierer Beiträge zu den historischen Kulturwissenschaften 12. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert.
Behrendt, Inga, Jennifer Bain, and Kate Helsen. 2017. “MEI Kodierung Der Frühesten Notation in Linienlosen Neumen.” Edited by Hannah Busch, Franz Fischer, and Patrick Sahle. Kodikologie Und Paläographie Im Digitalen Zeitalter / Codicology and Paleography in the Digital Age 4:281–96.
Burlet, Gregory, Alastair Porter, Andrew Hankinson, and Ichiro Fujinaga. 2012. “Neon.Js: Neume Editor Online.” In Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 121–26. Porto, Portugal.
Haggh-Huglo, Barbara, and Debra Lacoste, eds. 2013. Papers Read at the 15th Meeting of the IMS Study Group ‘Cantus Planus’’, DobogókÅ, Hungary, 2009. Aug. 23-9. 3 vols. Lions Bay, BC, Canada: The Institute of Medieval Music.
Helsen, Kate, Jennifer Bain, Ichiro Fujinaga, Andrew Hankinson, and Debra Lacoste. 2014. “Optical Music Recognition and Manuscript Chant Sources.” Early Music 42:555–58.
Helsen, Kate, and Debra Lacoste. 2011. “A Report on the Encoding of Melodic Incipits in the Cantus Database with the Music Font ‘'Volpiano.’” Plainsong & Medieval Music 20 (1):51–65.
Lacoste, Debra. 2011. “The Cantus Database: Mining for Medieval Chant Traditions.” In Digital Medievalist. Vol. 7. Barnard College.
Lacoste, Debra. 2013. “CANTUS: A Database for Latin Ecclesiastical Chant - Progress Report (2009).” In Papers Read at the 15th Meeting of the IMS Study Group “Cantus Planus”, DobogókÅ/Hungary, 2009. Aug. 23-29, 939–43. Lions Bay, BC, Canada: The Institute of Medieval Music.
Lacoste, Debra, and Jan Koláček. 2012. “Renewal, Revival, Rejuvenation: A New Vision for the Cantus Database.” In Cantus Planus: Study Group of the International Musicological Society - Papers Read at the 16th Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2011, 202–9. Vienna: Verlag Brüder Hollinek.
Lacoste, Debra, and Jan Koláček. 2014. “CANTUS for Office and Mass: Building an Online Network of Chant Databases.” In Cantus Planus: Study Group of the International Musicological Society -- Papers Read at the 18th Meeting, Venice, Italy, 2014. Venice, Italy.
Vigliensoni, Gabriel, John Ashley Burgoyne, Andrew Hankinson, and Ichiro Fujinaga. 2011. “Automatic Pitch Detection in Printed Square Notation.” In Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 423–28. Miami, FL.
Bain, Jennifer. 2014. “Medieval Musicology in a Digital World: The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Presented at the SSHRC-sponsored Connecting Cultures: Imagining Canada’s Future, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, March.
Bain, Jennifer. 2016. “Cantus Ultimus Project.” Presented at the Workshop on SIMSSA XI, AMS/SMT, Vancouver, BC, November 3.
Bain, Jennifer. 2017a. “The Digital Legacy of Andrew Hughes.” Presented at the Gregorian Institute of Canada, Toronto, ON, August 11.
Bain, Jennifer. 2017b. “Cantus Ultimus Report.” Presented at the Workshop on SIMSSA XIII, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS, September 22.
Bain, Jennifer. 2017c. “Future of Cantus Ultimus and Cantus Ultimus Interface.” Presented at the Workshop on SIMSSA XIII, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS, September 22.
Bain, Jennifer. 2017d. “Optical Music Recognition: Correcting Machine-Reading Outputs.” Presented at the Symposium: Machine-Reading and Crowdsourcing Medieval Music Manuscripts, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY, October 26.
Bain, Jennifer, and Inga Behrendt. 2015. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project (ONRP) — the Development of a Search Tool for Neume Notation in Digital Images.” Poster presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Opportunities for the Automatic Pattern Recognition and Analysis of Historical Documents, “Machines and Manuscripts 2015,” Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Institute for Data Processing and Electronics, Karlsruhe, Germany, February 19.
Bain, Jennifer, Julie Cumming, Andrew Hankinson, Kate Helsen, Debra Lacoste, Barbara Swanson, and Ichiro Fujinaga. 2015. “The Making of the Digital Salzinnes.” Presented at the Annual Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Brussels, Belgium, July 7.
Bain, William. 2015. “Designing for Usability in the Cantus Ultimus Project.” Presented at the CIRMMT Workshop on usability and user experience for music information systems, McGill University, Montreal, QC, September 25.
Behrendt, Inga. 2011a. “Die älteste Notenschrift trifft auf modernste Technik: Vorstellung des „Automatic Neume Recognition Program” zur computergestützten Analyse der St. Galler Neumenotation.” Presented at the Music Room at the Abby of St. Gall, St. Gall, Switzerland, May.
Behrendt, Inga. 2011b. “Automatic Neume Recognition Program — Computergestützte Analyse der St. Galler Neumenotation.” Presented at the Internationaler Sommerkurs Gregorianik 2011, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen, Germany, July.
Behrendt, Inga. 2012. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Presented at the Digital Humanities Workshop, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium, September.
Behrendt, Inga. 2013. “Neumen und Neumentrennung – Herausforderungen in der Arbeit im Optical Neume Recognition Project (ONRP).” Presented at the Digitale Rekonstruktionen mittelalterlicher Bibliotheken Universität, Trier, Germany, January.
Behrendt, Inga. 2014. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Poster presented at the Mitgliedertreffen der deutschsprachigen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Studien des Gregorianischen Chorals (AISCGre), Tettenweis, Germany, October.
Behrendt, Inga. 2017. “Report on MEI Meeting in Graz.” Presented at the Workshop on SIMSSA XIII, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS, September 22.
De Luca, Elsa. 2016. “Encoding Old Hispanic Neumes.” Presented at the Music Encoding Conference, McGill University, Montreal, QC, May 18.
De Luca, Elsa. 2017. “MEI -- Old Hispanic Notation.” Presented at the Workshop on SIMSSA XIII, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS, September 22.
Hankinson, Andrew, Jennifer Bain, Julie Cumming, Ichiro Fujinaga, Kate Helsen, and Debra Lacoste. 2017. “The Single Interface for Music Score Searching and Analysis Project.” Presented at the 20th Congress of the International Musicological Society, Tokyo, Japan, March 19.
Helsen, Kate. 2011a. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Poster presented at the Digital Medievalist Poster Session at the 46th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May.
Helsen, Kate. 2011b. “Venite et Videte: The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Presented at the 46th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May.
Helsen, Kate. 2011c. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project: First Steps.” Presented at the Cantus Planus Conference, Vienna, August.
Helsen, Kate. 2014a. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Poster presented at the Big Data Days @ Western Conference, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, March.
Helsen, Kate. 2014b. “A New Way to See Neumes: The Optical Neume Recognition Project in Action.” Presented at the Meeting of IMS Study Group Cantus Planus, Venice, Italy, July.
Helsen, Kate. 2014c. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Poster presented at the Don Wright Faculty of Music Research Showcase, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, September.
Helsen, Kate. 2014d. “Optical Neume Recognition Project.” TED-Style Talk, Medieval Day at Western, London, ON, November.
Helsen, Kate. 2017. “Gregorian Analytics: Teaching the Electric Monk to Chant.” Presented at the Symposium: Machine-Reading and Crowdsourcing Medieval Music Manuscripts, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY, October 26.
Helsen, Kate, Jennifer Bain, Inga Behrendt, and Andrew Hankinson. 2016. “Hartker and the Musical Encoding Initiative (MEI).” Presented at the Cantus planus, Dublin, Ireland, August.
Helsen, Kate, Jennifer Bain, Andrew Hankinson, Inga Behrendt, and Ichiro Fujinaga. 2016. “Hartker’s XML: The Optical Neume Recognition Project and MEI.” Presented at the Music Encoding Conference, McGill University, Montreal, QC, May 18.
Helsen, Kate, Inga Behrendt, and Jennifer Bain. 2015a. “Neume Search.” Presented at the Annual Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Brussels, Belgium, July 6.
Helsen, Kate, Inga Behrendt, and Jennifer Bain. 2015b. “Neume Search.” Presented at the Annual Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Brussels, Belgium, July 8.
Helsen, Kate, Inga Behrendt, Jennifer Bain, and Anton Stingl. 2015. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Presented at the Annual Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Brussels, Belgium, July 7.
Koláček, Jan. 2013. “CANTUS Index: Building an Online Network of Chant Databases for Mass and Office.” Poster presented at the Medieval and Renaissance International Music Conference, Certaldo, Italy, July.
Koláček, Jan, and Debra Lacoste. 2011. “A New Research Interface for the Cantus Database.” Presented at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 12.
Lacoste, Debra. 2011a. “Elastic Melodies: Variants in Responsory Verses.” Presented at the IMS Study Group Cantus Planus, Vienna, August 26.
Lacoste, Debra. 2011b. “Tracking Hymns Through the Cantus Database.” Presented at the Medieval Day, Wilfrid Laurier University, October 26.
Lacoste, Debra. 2012. “Tracking the Chants of the Laurier Manuscript in the Cantus Database.” Presented at the Meeting of the Canadian Society of Medievalists, Waterloo, ON, May 27.
Lacoste, Debra. 2014. “Old, New, and Newer Chant Databases: The CANTUS Database and CANTUS Index.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Medievalists (part of the 2014 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences), St. Catharines, ON, May 24.
Lacoste, Debra. 2017a. “Mysterious Melodies? Searching for Chant Melodies in the Cantus Database.” Presented at the “New Technologies and Renaissance Studies II: Emerging, Continuing Directions” session at the meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, IL, April 1.
Lacoste, Debra. 2017b. “A Live Tour of the Cantus Database.” Presented at the Sectional IV/23 at the meeting of The Hymn Society of America, Conrad Grebel University College, The University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, July 18.
Lacoste, Debra. 2017c. “Introduction -- Crowdsourcing and the Cantus Database.” Presented at the Symposium: Machine-Reading and Crowdsourcing Medieval Music Manuscripts, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY, October 26.
Lacoste, Debra, and a panel of experts. 2014. “So You Think You Can Chant: Gregorian or Old-Roman?” Demonstration and panel discussion presented at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 10.
Lacoste, Debra, and Alison Altstatt. 2014. “An EnCHANTed Evening: Singing Vespers with CANTUS (A Workshop).” Presented at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 8.
Lacoste, Debra, Jennifer Bain, and Kate Helsen. 2016. “Working ‘Live’ with Cantus Ultimus.” Presented at the Cantus Planus (IMS Study Group), Dublin, Ireland, August.
Lacoste, Debra, and Kate Helsen. 2017. “Cantus Hackathon: Create an Inventory with the Cantus Database in Real Time.” Presented at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 11.
Lacoste, Debra, Kate Helsen, and a panel of experts. 2015. “CANTUS Antique Fragments Roadshow, or, ‘What’s My Fragment?’.” Workshop and panel discussion presented at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 14.
Lacoste, Debra (Session organizer). 2017. “Virginity in Song: Digital Tools for the Liturgy.” Presented at the Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, IL, March 30.
Lacoste, Debra, and Barbara Swanson. 2016. “Chants That Defy Classification: The Implications of Categorization in the Cantus Database.” Presented at the Music Encoding Conference, Montreal, QC.
Long, Sarah. 2017a. “Graduals on the Cantus Database.” Presented at the Workshop on SIMSSA XIII, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS, September 22.
Long, Sarah. 2017b. “Crowdsource and Establishing Database Priorities.” Presented at the Symposium: Machine-Reading and Crowdsourcing Medieval Music Manuscripts, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY, October 26.
Sexton, Alan. 2014. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Presented at the The Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS), Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, April.
Swanson, Barbara. 2014. “Optical Neume Recognition: Teaching Computers to Think Like Medieval Singers.” Presented at the Dalhousie Postdoctoral Research Day, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, October.
Swanson, Barbara. 2015. “Working with Technologies in Development: Mediating Sources, Research Needs, and Technological Capacity in Cantus Ultimus.” Presented at the Digital Humanities Forum, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, October 22.
Swanson, Barbara. 2017. “Protocol Documents for Crowdsourcing.” Presented at the Symposium: Machine-Reading and Crowdsourcing Medieval Music Manuscripts, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY, October 26.
Bain, Jennifer. 2014a. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Global News, March.
Bain, Jennifer. 2014b. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Main Street. CBC Radio One, March.
Bain, Jennifer. 2017. “Interview with Alexa MacLean about the Salzinnes Exhibit.” Global Television News, May 4.
Helsen, Kate. 2016a. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Interview with Bob Steele. Afternoon Drive. CBC Radio One, May 24.
Helsen, Kate. 2016b. “The Optical Neume Recognition Project.” Interview. Up All Night. BBC 5, June 1.
More activities from our research group can be found at
Eastman School of Music, Hatch Recital Hall
Thursday, October 26, 2017
- Michael Alan Anderson, Eastman School of Music
- Jennifer Bain, Dalhousie University
- Kate Helsen, University of Western Ontario
- Debra Lacoste, University of Waterloo
- Sarah Long, Michigan State University
- Tamsyn Rose-Steel, Johns Hopkins University
- Rebecca Shaw, Dalhousie University
- Barbara Swanson, York University
CIRMMT Research workshop held at CIRMMT on September 29, 2014
This workshop highlighted recent development in the SIMSSA project and the ELVIS (Electronic Locator of Vertical Interval Successions) project. Included presentations by guests from two other SSHRC projects: Optical Neume Recognition project and Cantus Ultimus project. Guests included:
- Christopher Antila, CIRMMT, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Jennifer Bain, Dalhousie University
- Ryan Bannon, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Inga Behrendt, University of Tübingen
- Ruth Berkow, Faculty of Engineering, McGill University
- Julie Cumming, CIRMMT, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Douglas Eck, Google, USA
- Andrew Fogarty, Faculty of Science, McGill University
- Ichiro Fujinaga, CIRMMT, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Andrew Hankinson, CIRMMT, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Kate Helsen, Western University
- Andrew Horwitz, CIRMMT, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Debra Lacoste, University of Waterloo
- Evan Magoni Faculty of Arts, McGill University
- Lillio Mok, Faculty of Science, McGill University
- Alexander Morgan, CIRMMT, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Alan Sexton, University of Birmingham
- Andie Sigler, CIRMMT, School of Computer Science,, McGill University
- Barbara Swanson, Dalhousie University
- Jon Wild, CIRMMT, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Timothy Wilfong, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
CIRMMT Research Workshop held at CIRMMT on September 8, 2012
This workshop highlighted the applications of SIMSSA (Single Interface for Music Score Searching and Analysis) technologies developed at CIRMMT for enhancing the Cantus database, especially towards implementing full-music search of plainchant manuscripts. Guests and speakers included:
- Jennifer Bain, Dalhousie University
- Gregory Burlet, CIRMMT, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Julie Cumming, CIRMMT, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Ichiro Fujinaga, CIRMMT, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Andrew Hankinson, CIRMMT, Schulich School of Music, McGill University
- Kate Helsen, Independent scholar
- Debra Lacoste, University of Waterloo
- Saining Li, School of Computer Science, McGill University
- Wendy Liu, School of Computer Science, McGill University