This repository contains the necessary packages to run experiments with the SOLO12 robot. The main packages and their purposes are:
: Publish the feed-forward commands from a bag file to the PD controller or visualize the trajectory in RViz.bag_analyzer
: Inspect the bag file before using them. Many assumptions regarding the topics present are made. If you do different experiments, you'll need to modify the code.robot_gazebo
: Launch the SOLO12 robot in Gazebo and exectute the feed-forward commands.
This repository also contains packages for using the Qualysis motion capture system with ROS 2.
To change the PD values of the controller of the real robot, modify solo_12_gazebo.xacro
in the solo_description
To change the PD values of the controller in the Gazebo simulation, modify the solo12_controller_effort.yaml
file in the robot_control
Either use Docker or copy the src
directory in your ROS 2 workspace. The repo has been tested in ROS 2 Humble.
To use the Docker installation, follow the Preliminaries instructions here. Afterward, build the image (once) and run the Docker image with the following commands:
- Build:
./build.bash [-r]
- Run:
After having entered the workspace, you need to build the packages. The following command is recommended:
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON && source install/setup.bash
Verify that in src/solo12_interface/solo12_interface/src/wb_interface.cpp
, the defined CONNECTION_MODE
is the same as the output of the ip a
(the ethernet one) command executed in the shell. Otherwise, change it and rebuild the package.
To launch the SOLO12 interface:
- Connect the robot to the computer (either via Ethernet or Wireless).
- Enter superuser mode:
sudo su
- Afterward, source the ROS 2 workspace and launch the interface:
source install/setup.bash ros2 launch solo12_sim
- To launch the interface and the controllers together, use
ros2 launch solo12_sim
Check the mocap4ros2_qualisys README for the Qualysis setup.
This package publishes the robot's commands as a feed-forward control signal.
To use it, record your bag files and put them in src/ff_commands_publisher/bags/
More detailed instructions are in the package's README.
The bags should be recorded with
ros2 bag record --use_sim_time /joint_states
The syntax [parameter_name:=parameter_value]
means that the parameter is optional. If you don't provide it, the default value will be used.
- Inspect the bag file (plots the joint positions, velocities, and efforts):
ros2 run ff_commands_publisher bag_inspector
- Publish and visualize in RViz SOLO12 motion:
The outer "" in
ros2 launch ff_commands_publisher ["bag_filename:='<filename>'"] [rate:=<float>] [topic_name:='</topic_name>'] [use_sim_time:=<true|false>]
are required only when the given filename is a number (e.g. 020), since we want it to be treated as a string."bag_filename:='<filename>'"
: select the bag to reproduce.rate
: increase or reduce the execution speed.topic_name
: remap/joint_states
topic into another topic.
- Publish the bag JointState messages in the topic
(for using the controller on the real robot):ros2 launch ff_commands_publisher ["bag_filename:='<filename>'"] [rate:=<float>]
Simulate the feed-forward trajectory in Gazebo with
ros2 launch robot_gazebo ["bag_filename:='<filename>'"]