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Releases: dedis/cothority

Cothority v3.0.7

22 May 12:14
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This is a maintenance release, picking up the most important stability and security changes from our current ongoing work on the master branch.

  • Fixed a serious e-voting vulnerability - authentication token replay could allow attackers to close an election too early, or to change a voter's ballow. The change would be logged, but the voter would need to detect it and re-vote correctly before the election was closed.
  • Fixed various stability problems with ByzCoin chain and leader evolution

Cothority v3.0.6

15 May 14:46
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This release includes some fixes for e-voting, including usability of the tools, and it solves an incorrect ByzCoin catch up attempt on non-ByzCoin chains (i.e. e-voting chains).

There is also a fix to the skipchain service, to correctly handle roster evolution while adding forward links.

There is preliminary work on the deferred contract, which will be completed in an upcoming v3.1.x.

Cothority v3.0.5

02 May 08:49
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This release fixes a bad behavior when the processing of a new block is taking more time than the protocol to collect transactions.

The conde-tools file contains binaries compiled for 64-bit Linux servers. If you need these tools for other architectures, you can build them using "go build" in the corresponding directory.

Cothority v3.0.4

10 Apr 15:39
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This release fixes potential crashes during leader changes. It also includes better catch-up behavior on server start.

The conde-tools file contains binaries compiled for 64-bit Linux servers. If you need these tools for other architectures, you can build them using "go build" in the corresponding directory.

Cothority v3.0.2

15 Mar 13:02
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This release corrects a potential server crash (see dedis/onet#524).

Cothority v3.0.0

05 Mar 14:06
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The DEDIS group is happy to announce new versions of kyber, onet and cothority. This new major release will be used by our students as a stable base to build new projects on for the next two semesters, and gives our industrial partners a predictable version train to build on as well.

More information about what is new is on our blog.

SHA256(conode-v3.0.0.tar.gz)= ba86b2213ae244a294cffda700c761ea9fe332eb98cca6aac27e7088e3a2adac

EPFL Evoting release 6

20 Jun 15:24
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This release fixes a potential crash in the server in the face of data that cannot be verified correctly.

EPFL Evoting release 5

20 Jun 08:30
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(Note that evoting-4 was never released in binary form, it was a fix to the build system.)

This release includes a feature to repair the database on startup, so that we can overcome a problem with counting the votes.

It will make a backup file like this before it writes the fixed blocks to the database:

$ ls -l
total 30440
-rw-------@ 1 jallen  staff  8388608 Jun 20 10:07 b74b3f1dce2ff0b8f9d6755b9d11c6d06192c9a73532c64075bc332c5141e0c5.db
-r--------  1 jallen  staff  7196672 Jun 20 09:52 b74b3f1dce2ff0b8f9d6755b9d11c6d06192c9a73532c64075bc332c5141e0c5.db.before-evoting-5

You are requested to monitor the output of the server during the first startup after installing this version. You should see lines like this:

W : (                    service.raiseFdLimit:  28) - File descriptor limit is: 24576
1!: (                    848) -   block a3004388a5acdcc708b31115568853acfe43f4eb85e0c5f102cf05eedc305a52: forward link to fdd40bb4dc7ad131950b6f57774d24bc97c0f1b5ab830f5d313d46ac8f25627f at level 1 invalid, fixing it.
1!: (         skipchain.(*SkipBlockDB).Backup: 923) - Backing up DB to /Users/jallen/Library/Application Support/conode/data/b74b3f1dce2ff0b8f9d6755b9d11c6d06192c9a73532c64075bc332c5141e0c5.db.before-evoting-5
1!: (                    864) -   writing block a3004388a5acdcc708b31115568853acfe43f4eb85e0c5f102cf05eedc305a52
1!: (                    848) -   block 653951e092a562c578e7e9a81e6fd09bc6f2e7837986407d2be7a9d6b208d43a: forward link to fdd40bb4dc7ad131950b6f57774d24bc97c0f1b5ab830f5d313d46ac8f25627f at level 0 invalid, fixing it.
1!: (                    864) -   writing block 653951e092a562c578e7e9a81e6fd09bc6f2e7837986407d2be7a9d6b208d43a
1!: (                    875) - chain 19069a0fb17ce4b020102ee5dba2d32053044fa27ca0245720c8f45187feb22d had invalid forward links

Copy and paste them and share them with mailing list for the e-voting conode admins.

Thank you for your help.

EPFL Evoting release 3

24 May 12:15
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This is the third and hopefully final update to the e-voting conode server software.

In this release:

  • A fix to protect against panics from not finding enough ballots.
  • Updated vgo config files so it can build from current vgo binaries
  • Removed the StackImpact agent, which was enabled in evoting-2 for testing, but is not needed/wanted for production
  • Improved timeouts to be shared correctly across the different steps
  • Added a cache to reduce load in
  • Handle propagation timeout more gracefully (and faster)

The binaries were built using vgo version b39cea3cb5353f4fc7f08919d32a0006ea3ed62a.

EPFL Evoting release 2

01 May 13:16
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This release has:

  • robustness improvements
  • last 100 lines of the logs available via status
  • a binary distribution of the admin tools