BattleShip is a turn-based two-player game that simulates a war between ships on an ocean.
Each player gets their own battle area with a certain number of ships placed in non-overlapping positions. The ships might be of different sizes.
Note, players cannot see each others ship's location. There are two types of ships - type P and type Q.
Type P ships can be destroyed by a single hit in each of their cells and type Q ships require 2 hits in each of their cells. A ship is considered destroyed when all of its cells are destroyed.
The player who destroys all the ships of the other player first wins the game. The game ends in a draw if none of the players can destroy all of the other’s ships using a finite number of missiles.
- 1 <= Width of Battle area (M’) <= 9,
- A <= Height of Battle area (N’) <= Z
- 1 <= Number of battleships <= M’ * N’
- Type of ship = {‘P’, ‘Q’}
- 1 <= Width of battleship <= M’
- A <= Height of battleship <= N’
- 1 <= X coordinate of ship <= M’
- A <= Y coordinate of ship <= N’
- The first line of the input contains the width and height of the battle area respectively.
- The second line of the input contains the number of battleships that each player gets.
- The third line of the input contains the type of the battleship, its dimensions (width and height) and coordinates for Player-1 and Player-2.
- The fourth line of the input contains the type of the battleship, its dimensions (width and height) and coordinates for Player-1 and Player-2.
- The fifth line contains the sequence of the target locations of missiles fired by Player-1.
- The sixth line contains the sequence of the target locations of missiles fired by Player-2.
Sample Input:
- 5 E
- 2
- Q 1 1 A1 B2
- P 2 1 D4 C3
- A1 B2 B2 B3
- A1 B2 B3 A1 D1 E1 D4 D4 D5 D5
Player-1 fires a missile with target A1 which got miss
Player-2 fires a missile with target A1 which got hit
Player-2 fires a missile with target B2 which got miss
Player-1 fires a missile with target B2 which got hit
Player-1 fires a missile with target B2 which got hit
Player-1 fires a missile with target B3 which got miss
Player-2 fires a missile with target B3 which got miss
Player-1 has no more missiles left to launch
Player-2 fires a missile with target A1 which got hit
Player-2 fires a missile with target D1 which got miss
Player-1 has no more missiles left to launch
Player-2 fires a missile with target E1 which got miss
Player-1 has no more missiles left to launch
Player-2 fires a missile with target D4 which got hit
Player-2 fires a missile with target D4 which got miss
Player-1 has no more missiles left to launch
Player-2 fires a missile with target D5 which got hit
Player-2 won the battle
- Add Unit Test
- Improve code and implement new architecture to support different user interface application using same code