Author: Deepak Kumar Ray
For any technical questions, please contact me on Twitter or Linkedln.
This Playbook is created to automatically fetch IP from the threat Intel sites mentioned here and Update Into the Sentinel Watchlist. Please note that there is a watchlist limitation of 10 million active Items so you need to delete Old IOC when it crosses the limit.
The following items are required under the template settings during deployment:
- Create a watchlist and Provide an Alias/Description for the same.
- Upload a CSV file with one dummy IP (later remove It), Make sure the field Name is "IP" In the CSV File because the same field is hardcoded in the KQL.
- Run the Playbook to upload the IOC (IP) to the watchlist.
Use the below KQL Query to fetch details, This will get updated with new TI Feeds.
let MISPFeed1 = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let MISPFeed2 = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let MISPFeed3 = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let MiraiFeed = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let ProofPointFeed = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let FeodoFeed = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let DiamondFoxFeed = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let CINFeed = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let blocklistdeFeed = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let C2IntelFeeds = externaldata(DestIP: string, ioc: string)[@""] with (format="csv", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let DigitalsideFeed = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let MontySecurityFeed = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let threatintelconzraw = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let ThreatIntelFeed = externaldata(DestIP: string)[@""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let IPRegex = '[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}';
let MaliciousIP1 = materialize (
| where DestIP matches regex IPRegex
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP2 = materialize (
| where DestIP matches regex IPRegex
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP3 = materialize (
| where DestIP matches regex IPRegex
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP4 = materialize (
| where DestIP matches regex IPRegex
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP5 = materialize (
| where DestIP matches regex IPRegex
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP6 = materialize (
| extend DestIP = extract(IPRegex, 0, DestIP)
| where isnotempty(DestIP)
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP7 = materialize (
| extend DestIP = extract(@'//(.*?)/', 1, DestIP)
| extend DestIPToLower = tolower(DestIP)
| where DestIPToLower matches regex IPRegex
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP8 = materialize (
| where DestIP matches regex IPRegex
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP9 = materialize (
| where DestIP matches regex IPRegex
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP10 = C2IntelFeeds
| project DestIP;
let MaliciousIP11 = materialize (
| where DestIP matches regex IPRegex
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP12 = materialize (
| where DestIP matches regex IPRegex
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP13 = materialize (
| where DestIP matches regex IPRegex
| distinct DestIP
let MaliciousIP14 = threatintelconzraw
| extend DestIP = extract_all(@"((?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})", IPaddr)[0]
| distinct DestIP;
union MaliciousIP1, MaliciousIP2, MaliciousIP3, MaliciousIP4, MaliciousIP5, MaliciousIP6, MaliciousIP7, MaliciousIP8, MaliciousIP9, MaliciousIP10, MaliciousIP11, MaliciousIP12, MaliciousIP13, MaliciousIP14
| where not(ipv4_is_private( DestIP))
| extend IP = DestIP
| project IP
Once the Playbook starts running, It will automatically add the IOC to the watchlist. This watchlist can be used to correlate against RAW logs of different log sources to generate alerts.
Utilize It with different Sentinel Tables which consist of Fieldname as IP address. Use the below query to check if there are any Intel IP matches In the CommonSecurityLog Table.
let TI_IP = _GetWatchlist('External_IOC')
| project IP;
| where SourceIP in (TI_IP)